《Snow White & the Six Dwarfs | Kookv》다섯




worn with perplexity, and weak from the prolonged revelations which he had just undergone, jeongguk was beyond astonished when taehyung had bowed low immediately after calling the evil woman his own mother, whole body trembling with fear. the dark apparition of the queen had revealed itself fully and it added the eeriness which were amassed hidden under everyone's skins. bumptiously, the queen turned her stares onto her own son, supposedly the famous snow white, who seemed to be cowering smaller by seconds.

"taehyung, my son," she said, commiserating; stepping closer to the said son. "i am quite perplexed to see you here. hadn't you know that it's not safe to be out of the castle by now? i am very worried for i've come here to gather you." the words came out caring and soft, but jeongguk knew that it was nothing but a nebulous warning. and taehyung only trembled harder as his mother put a hand right on top of his white ashen hair, brushing until his delicate nape, in an assertive way. "it's dinner time already and you missed luncheon, sweetie."

"i-i'm so sorry, mother," taehyung said, almost in whimper. the distress was coming out from him in effusions. "you told me that you would be occupied for i needn't to make you lunch nor dinner s-so i left to accompany my f-friends that i forgot the time... i-i shall come back now, then! you must be hungry, so--"

"sweetheart, it's all right. we may discuss this later," the queen cut in. "so instead apologising ceaselessly, we can all go back to our castle for you can prepare your friends here a nice dinner before they leave. a lovely idea, indeed, snow white?" she added decisively, smiling a forgery bland smile.

taehyung then nodded vigorously in agreement. haltingly, he pulled jeongguk's hand who seemed to be suddenly awakened from a stupor, as well as the others, from seeing such an ineffable moment just now--had jeongguk finally realised how pale and agitated taehyung looked.

"prince jeongguk, prince yoongi, and prince namjoon," the queen cavalierly said, chin high on air as she gestured the young princes with a beckon from her black train to follow her. "you've heard; come follow us to our humbly abode." and she disappeared as fast as she appeared into the darkness of the forest.


the realisation came up abruptly for jeongguk was not ready to accept. his mind had been such a trainwreck with all the amassed of altered knowledges--the fact that his father was dying, his status of the-soon-to-be-king, his former "fiancee" that he despised so much before even meeting her was actually taehyung, and how evil and implacable taehyung's mother towards her son that was so cruel for jeongguk who couldn't do anything but clenching his fists in anger seeing how the queen treated taehyung.

right now they were sat on the long, luxurious dining table, awaiting for taehyung's arrival with their dinner, whilst the queen accompanied them by chattering on the end of the table. she didn't look fretful one bit that taehyung was working like a maid, bustling himself by cooking their dinner inside the kitchen. the queen had refused seokjin, hoseok, and jimin's offer to help taehyung. it was chimerical for jeongguk that he wanted to jump from his seat to help taehyung, yet he knew it was not the right time. the relationship between his kingdom and the queen's was not good currently, it was very much impolite and foolish to disregard the queen.


"i've heard what has been happening in your country. no wonder that prince yoongi is as thin as a lath and as pale as ghost--or he might have always been? alas, you poor lads, is there anything i can help you concerning your father's condition?" the queen asked in undisguised blatant made off sympathy.

"yoongi hyung has always been pale and thin, my dear queen," namjoon answered politely. "i thank you for your deep sympathy although no cures has succeeded to help father, i'm afraid the time has finally come for him."

"that is indeed so sad. i deign you my condolence," the queen said. "therefore, the king jeon had sent prince yoongi to inform prince jeongguk that he is to be coronated as the new king, i suppose?"

namjoon answered, as mannered as before, "that is true."

"but prince jeongguk is the youngest of you three; perhaps you would want to rule replacing your own father, prince namjoon or prince yoongi, for i see you both are very intelligent and prudentyourselves," the queen said.

"it is right that jeongguk is the youngest prince but he is the very man for it, my queen," namjoon said, decisively. yoongi and jeongguk still chose to be reticence. "he may come out a bit rebellious though he is the bravest of us all. he is very well capable for father has trusted him and so do we."

"i see..." the queen looked amused for some reasons, humming. "but i've been wondering, prince jeongguk," she turned to face jeongguk who had been quiet all along; "you seem to get along so well with my son, yet you broke the engagement your father and i set for both you and taehyung. pray to tell me why?"

that cunning woman, jeongguk cursed inwardly, for she was the one to hide snow white's real identity, deceiving his father and himself and treating snow white, her own son, like a low slave that jeongguk'd never thought was actually the prince and his fiance himself. he figured that the queen was full of malevolence; although, as lecherous as she treated taehyung, and as rotten as taehyung's clothes were given by her, he would still be the finest and most beautiful person for jeongguk that he felt in love to, prince or not. jeongguk had always wished to marry taehyung himself, not by the engagement that the queen set. whatever her inconceivable plan was futile for the young prince.

yet, before jeongguk could answer the queen, taehyung had appeared with trays of their food, looking disheveled but satisfied, a faint trace of smile on his plump lips. he carefully walked towards the dining table to put the plates in front of everyone, setting out the dinner. the food looked delicious and did taste as good as it looked when they gobbled down. taehyung had sat himself beside jeongguk on the furthest seat from his mother, in front of him a way too small portion of food that jeongguk noticed taehyung barely eating it.

"you've always been so thin and frail," said jeongguk; "no wonder with how little you eat. you shall eat more, tae."

taehyung was startled to be spoken to so suddenly that he whirled his head too fast it almost twisted. "a-ah, yes, gukki--p-prince jeongguk," he answered, stuttering.

jeongguk frowned upon the withdrawal of his nickname he loved so much to be used by taehyung but he chose to let it go as he saw how distressed taehyung was. he, then, pushed his plate closer to taehyung. "if sharing my food can lighten your spirit, then i would gladly do so," he said, heeding no attention to his surroundings who were watching him and taehyung. little did he know of the shoddy and covetous stare from the queen.


taehyung gaped, surprise unrestrained in the form of reddening cheeks. "i-it's okay! i don't really eat much, p-please do not worry yourself over something so inconsequential as such," he said, stuffing his mouth with his food and jeongguk smiled at that, satisfied.

the queen cleared her throat, demanding attention from the rest and jeongguk finally looked hard at her again. "as you are to go back to your country, my princes--this is the least thing i can do to help you--but i have prepared you a little provision." the queen brought out a huge glass of peculiar drink. "this cure can treat all diseases in existence. do not perceive this as trifle for you may need this in the midst of your journey. the forest that surrounds this country was not to take lightly, anything can happen to anyone that passes it; be aware. you may go in peace if you bring this gift of mine."

running out of time, the princes had no choice but to accept the drink from the queen. the dinner had been finished and taehyung went to collect the dishes as they prepared to leave again. jeongguk waited for taehyung to say his farewell despite the deliberate attempt taehyung made to stay longer in the kitchen. at last, finally, taehyung came out rather sheepishly when he found out jeongguk still waiting.

"taehyung-ah," jeongguk started, standing right in front of taehyung, noting how dirty and smelly his clothes had become now; "pardon me, i meant, prince taehyung." taehyung and jeongguk giggled at that. "i have not finished my explanation to you. i'm genuinely sorry, i did not mean to--"

"--it's all right, prince jeongguk," taehyung said, cutting jeongguk, smiling gently. "i shall trust you for you must have good reasons to do that. whoever you are, you're still my adorable gukkie, the brave, strong, and sturdy bunny boy who is capable of doing anything. this is a great responsibility but you needn't to be hesitant because i truly believe that you will be a good king yourself." taehyung cupped both jeongguk's cheeks. "you also have your brothers, jin hyung, jimin hyung, and hoseok hyung as your stalwarts that will always help you trough every hardships."

"but," jeongguk said, forlornly; "how would i rule wondrously knowing you're still here by yourself? i... i shall not feel settled knowing you are not yet by my side. i-i mean, you are my f-frie--" yet the ramble was cut in by a pair of lips in a second, before taehyung retreated to stare innocently at a redden jeongguk.

"oh, do not be so grievous, gukkie," taehyung said, genial and full with determination. "have more faith in yourself, your father needs you, and your people also need you. no matter how long it takes, i shall always be waiting for you; fear not, fate will bring us together if we are meant to be together."

and jeongguk really couldn't retort to it so he replied by winding his arms around taehyung's waist to pull him close then brushed his lips onto taehyung's in a soft, fleeting kiss for a while before he left taehyung for good. taehyung had made himself a place inside jeongguk's heart and jeongguk had promised himself to never let him leave just that. he may not know when would he come back but he knew that no matter what happened in the future, jeongguk would never give up to fight only to have them together.


"taehyung, sweetheart," the queen said, a forged puerile innocence was thick in the tone as she approached taehyung who were washing the dished by himself in the kitchen; "you do remember that we shall discuss the consequences of your disobedience now, don't you, my deary snow white?"

taehyung was stricken down by dread, once more, having reminded by his very cruel mother as he stumbled back upon seeing the horrific apparition of the queen. he knew his mother had never taken liking on him, always unsatisfied with his works, but she rarely got mad at him. and once she did, it was very much unpleasant that it brought taehyung nightmares once in a while. for anything he knew, he may have had some wild idea of running all the way to jeongguk's kingdom, yet the idea was as possible as flying to the moon. he knew that there was nothing he could do but face the rage of his mother, that he was trapped inside this castle until his mother let him go. though, he still had no where to go until jeongguk came here to bring him to his country. his fate was as cold as the fear that shrilled trough his veins.

"you have been a very bad boy lately, taehyung," the queen said, clearly indignant. "firstly, you neglected the works which i have given to you; secondly, you disregarded my order to always hide from our guests and to never talk to strangers; thirdly, you've been lying to me for so long, haven't you?" she stepped closer and closer to taehyung who was cowering in fear.

"b-but, mother--" taehyung's words were cut when he felt himself violently chucked under the chin by the queen. very much frightened, he burst into tears. his mother was not an ordinary woman, taehyung was so sure for he had seen a few glimpses of what the queen did unintentionally; thus, that was what taehyung feared the most: her dark magic.

"do not interrupt me, taehyung," the queen spat, she grabbed a handful of white ashen hair and pulled taehyung's face closer. "listen carefully, sweetie, so i shan't be very mad at you.

"what you did was unforgivable, taehyung, so cunning and mischievous. you had always been such a sweet and obedient child for i cannot believe what you have actually done to me. you want to know why i am so mad? now, now, we needn't to see you bawling out your eyes too fast before i decide your punishment, my dear." taehyung whimpered, gripping his mother's hand on his hair which was impossibly strong.

"your little secret, snow white, i know it all. two years ago, i saw you with little prince gukkie on you secret hideout..."

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