《Snow White & the Six Dwarfs | Kookv》


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Early in the morning, taehyung was awakened by loud chirps of birds. as he opened his eyes, a gleam of sunshine came through the little window on to his bed and shone on the bed drape so that everything was bathed in golden light. taehyung looked puzzled and tried to think where he was, a little disoriented from a restless sleep on the rigorous old bed was indeed unhealthy. then, from outside, he heard a man's deep, quiet voice and he remembered that The King of the Park Kingdom had sent his prince and their sergeants to court him. they stayed for the night that taeyung had to hide inside his bedroom from the prince who was 'stone deaf' and always wanted to see taehyung by his side. after several courting from other kingdoms, taehyung had felt like a prisoner and would have liked to run away. so he was very glad when he awoke and found the prince of the park kingdom was soon to leave. his step-mother was not that happy with all the courting as well with the forced hospitality and constant orders for taehyung to hide from the sight of the guests. problems aside, taehyung remembered all the exciting things he had seen the previous days and wondered what this new day had in store for him. above all, he looked forward to seeing the rabbits again. jeongguk, the strange boy, hadn't visited him for months yet he still couldn't stop to blabber to his pets how happy he had been ever since the bunny boy had come to his life. quickly, he jumped out of bed and in a few minutes had dressed himself. then he climbed down the steps and ran out to the backyard.

happily, the boy ran up the garden. the high winds during the night had blown away the last little cloud and now the sky was a vast expanse of deep blue out of which the sun shone and glittered on the green slopes. the little blue and yellow montain of flowers opened their cups and seemed to nod merrily at taehyung who romped everywhere. enchanted by the sparkling, waving sea of flowers, had he not forgotten about the rabbits who dawdled near by their homes. all along the way to the pets he picked flowers until he had a big bunch for she wanted to use them to make a flower crown that jeongguk had taught him how to make.


taehyung sat behind a little hillock, hidden from the view with rabbits surrounding him as he brought carrots to feed them. his mother had spared him from early tasks as hiding turned to be more important than showing up in front of princes who came to court him. taehyung had felt lucky so he tried to use as much of the spare time he had as possible.

"this is enough of flower-picking for now," he said as he arranged the lovely flowers in a bun. "i've remembered all the steps jeongguk taught me that day, it was so easy," he giggled joyfully. "But if you pick all the flowers today, there will be none left for tomorrow."

taehyung had undone his pinafore and rolled it neatly round the flower crown he'd just finished which he laid beside him and looked around. a great silence was around and only the delicate blue ceanothus and yellow cistus swayed softly in the gentle breeze, nodding joyfully on their slender little stems. taehyung had never been so happy. the golden sunlight, the fresh breezes, and the delicate perfume of the flowers filled his delight and he only wished that he could stay here for ever. it was so peaceful, without a distant step-mother, courting, and hard tasks.

taehyung was only fourteen yet the numbers of kingdoms who'd come to court him was overwhelming. it was not as if he would immediately get settled and marry the prince his step-mother would choose for him, but he still wanted his freedom even when he might never get that. however, none of the young princes who came had brought any sparks of interest inside his pure heart. they looked grey and dull in front of taehyung's eyes but a certain young boy whom taehyung had wished for their presence to be by his side again.

there were not many words to explain jeongguk for taehyung. there was a defiant manner about this young boy that taehyung had nothing but taken a liking to it. jeongguk was lively and funny and joyful and messy and full of riddles. he was a mystery that taehyung had never been able to solve and too intriguing to be missed. the strange boy was the complete opposite of what perfect child taehyung's step-mother liked. and taehyung shouln't like jeongguk, even though he slowly fell to the little paths jeongguk left for he to follow rebelliously.


as soon as taehyung felt his mind unendurable with mixed thoughts revolving a certain young boy, the source of his confusion had appeared to surprise him so suddenly, jolting the poor boy out of his mind.

"taehyung!" jeongguk shouted, trotting joyfully towards taehyung.

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"slave in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space, through wind and darkness I summon thee. speak! let me see thy face."

a beautiful woman with long dark hair which fell almost to her feet, her face was very pale painted with a very condescending expression, she wore a shining, black-coloured dress with a long train and one gold catherine-wheel fixed in her hair elegantly. indeed, the queen was quite a sight to behold. she stood in front of a large mirror, now fully waiting for what was ought to come after muttering a lingering question towards the said thing.

a swivel that rotates from the midst of the mirror might be the strangest thing for anyone to see. a face of man skilfully balanced itself on top of the black pirouette, high cheekbones, dark eyes, and cunning smile presented on the newly face. it spoke darkly, "what wouldst thou know, my queen?"

"magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" the queen asked conceitedly.

the magic mirror was silent for a little, then it said, "famed is thy beauty, majesty. but hold, a lovely maid I see. rags cannot hide their gentle grace. alas, they are more fair than thee."

the queen was mad upon hearing it, thrusting one arm to grip over the walls next to the mirror. "alas for them! reveal their name!"

"lips red as the rose. hair white as ashen snow."

the queen gasped, surprised. "snow white! "

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taehyung had never tasted such a drink as that before; for scarcely had it gone down, when he forgot all his troubles. jeongguk barely brought him anything from his land, yet once again, everything the latter had never ceased to amaze taehyung. the bunny boy was just as happy as him and played with the forest animals till the moon was low in the sky. then he took taehyung by the hand, and never stopped nor stayed till he was at his won bedroom, waving his goodbyes as jeongguk took his leave.

every visit had taehyung jumping joyfully and strange feelings glowing inside his stomach just with the touches of the other boy. today, jeongguk came and took him away to dance deep inside the garden, in the midst of the flowers, with the music of the water falls and insects inside the forest until the sun sets. the wonder was that both of them were never tired nor sleepy, too indulged with the happiness of just having the presence of each other. the fun was always high and they were in haste to continue the dance to the point where their feet couldn't stand their weights no more.

when the moon set high on the sky as the sad cue for jeongguk's leave and the welcome of taehyung's dull and unhappy life, jeongguk stopped the dance and looked at taehyung in the most forlorn expression the latter'd ever seen on him. neither lads wanted to let go yet sadly, happiness did last. as the silence ceased, taehyung thought it might be as well for him to stop pouting at jeongguk and maturely back off to his small, cold bedroom. it was a long torture somehow, but he went on until a hand stopped him to grip on his bony wrist. a kiss was delivered on top of his hand, making the blood rushed on to his cheeks despite the biting cold of the night breezes. as soon as the kiss came, jeongguk ducked down abashedly and ran as fast as his strong feet would allow into the forest and never stopped till he reached the lowest gate of the castle's walls.

even if the strange boy left, a blooming hope was present in the deepest of taehyung's heart as he watched the retreating back of the other boy until he disappeared with a soft, gentle smile plastered on his plump lips. never had he been this happy, but a little change wouldn't hurt for his dull and sad life, as taehyung dreamt for the next visit of jeongguk in the future.

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