《Mlp X Reader (Shorts)》Big Mac x Pegasus reader


For @CodilynLunn

"Why yes I do! I'm rich! Why wouldn't I?" Blue blood brags about his huge mansion in Equestria

It was really getting annoying having to deal with him all day until Celestia came back to come get him..

I feel she doesn't like him either.."Helloooo? Are you even listening to me!?" Blue blood shrieked.

"Of course!" I fake smiled "such a beautiful smile!" He complemented me "uh thanks?" 'Is this the real blue blood?'

"Your wel-" blue blood started but was cut off by a deep voice I turn and see Big Mac "Mac!" I say flying to him giving him a warm hug "*fake cough* I'm still here you know!"

"Celestia asked me to watch him for another day..this is the last day!"

"Hey! What crazy pony wouldn't want ME here!? These ponies are lucky their even laying their filthy eyes on ME!"

Mac points at me Mac yells at blue blood.

"Why you! You're lucky I'm a prince because if I wasn't I would have punched your teeth in!"

"Why yes it sure was! You and your family are filthy, disgusting, despicable, and the most nastiest please I've ever met my entire life! (Y/n) dosent need you in her precious life!"

"Ha! Don't pull my strings!"

"Ah! How rude! (Y/n)! Let's be off!" He say turning not without whipping his tail just to show how mad he is.

I just stand their "(y/n)? Well, come! Let's go!" He say looking back at me "no.."

"What did you just say to me? Did you to say..."no"? He says looking at me

"Yeah..I didn't say no! You need me to repeat it for you? Because your brains so small that you can't process a simple two letter word? Or just simply because you've never been told. "no"?

"Uh! SO RUDE!" he screams and trots away

He smiles at me

And I smile back "I know" I fly over to him and give him a quick kiss.

His face had shock written all over it.

"See you tomorrow?"


After that I flew back home. Happy.

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