《Mlp X Reader (Shorts)》Scootaloo x princess reader


I was going to the cutiemark cursaders school to talk about magic and flying..scootaloo, Sweetie bell, and applebloom got there cutiemarks 2 weeks ago..i was so proud of them! I heard miss. Sugar she was

Saying "Ok class! I have a special pony to meet you!" She says i hear the fillys say


A little bit.."nope! Come on in!" She says i

Open the door and walk in..the fillys gasp

I smile and turn my attention to them

"Hello!" I say some one the colts faint..

I go wide eyed i hear dimand tiara say

"Its ok they awlays do that when somepony

Says your name..soo..its normal" she says

And trots to them and helps them up..

I fly over to help her pick them up i feel

Some filly and colts touch my tail..

I then feel one of them pull on my wing..

"Eek!" I praticly yell.."Children! Do not pull

On the princesses wings!" Suger yells..

School is over and everypony is happily

Running to there familys.."princess y/n!"

I hear somepony yell i turn my whole body around since i was flying i see scoots running to me..she flies up to me and says..

"I-i have no were to stay..c-can i stay with you?" She askes me.."of course!" Since RD

Was at the accadimy scoots cant go home..

It was night time and i was tuking scoots

In the cloud bed.."lulluby?" She askes me


Hush now quiet now,

Its time to lay your sleepy heads,

Hush now quiet now its time to lay your sleepyhead.

Hush now quiet now its time to go to bed..

The dark is welcoming you to a land of dreams..

Sleep now..nights now here to say hello..

Sleep, sleep tight tonight dreams of suger candy canes..

Sleep, sleep tight tonight..rest your mustles

From the stress..

Goodnight my little sweet..

Rest your eyes tonight..

Sleep well..no nightmares will harm you..now..

I finish singing to see scoots sleeping..

I kiss her forhead and walk to my room to


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