《The Savior Of CHS》Chapter 18: A Date With Your Six Beauties


It was a Sunday morning. It's been a day since your girlfriend count had gone up from one to six as you now had a harem filled with beautiful and amazing girls who you truly loved.

The morning sun slowly made its way over the horizon as its rays of light shined upon your home and through the windows of the living room. Your eyes fluttered open and squinted whilst trying to do their usual adjustments to seeing a bright light. As you took in your surroundings once more, you noticed that you were surrounded on all sides by something warm. You looked around yourself and saw that the girls had scooted so close to you that their bodies were touching different parts of yours. Sunset, Applejack, and Rarity were situated on your torso with their heads on your chest, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were wrapped around your legs, and Pinkie Pie was hugging your head like a teddy bear. Thankfully, she wasn't squeezing hard enough to cut off your breathing. You couldn't help but smile at this before having a personal thought.

(Y/N): ** Well Jiminy Jillikers Batman, it appears that I'm in a little bit of a cute predicament. How am I gonna be able to sit up and stretch without disturbing any of these six beauties before me?

You thought to yourself as the girls slept peacefully... well... all of them except for a certain pink haired party girl who instantly sprung up as soon as the rays of the sun touched her face.

Pinkie Pie: Morning everyone!

She shouted which snapped everyone else out of their restful sleep with some of them groaning.

(Y/N): ** Well... ask and you shall receive it seems.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh, Pinkie! Did you have to wake us up so loudly? I was having a really amazing dream.

She asked in a slightly annoyed voice while Pinkie only giggled in response. Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack sat up which finally allowed you to do so as well.

(Y/N): Morning girls.

You said with a smile. All of them turned to you at once and smiled upon seeing you.

(Hu)Mane 6: Morning Y/N.

They all said before taking turns giving you a morning kiss. You stood up and stretched each of your limbs trying to get the tired feelings out of your body. After you were done with your morning stretches, you turned back to your six new girlfriends.

(Y/N): So, how'd everybody sleep?

Sunset Shimmer: Well, besides Pinkie's rude awakening...

She said before slightly glaring at the poofy haired girl who only smiled widely in response.

Sunset Shimmer: ...I slept great.

Rarity: Wonderfully.

Rainbow Dash: Best sleep I've had in quite a while.

Fluttershy: Great.

Applejack: Mighty fine.

Pinkie Pie: Fantastic!

You nodded before you suddenly perked up upon having an idea.

(Y/N): Hey, if you're all up for it, maybe we can all go out for the day?

Rainbow Dash: You mean like a big date with all of us together?

She asked to which you nodded. One by one, they each smiled at your idea.

Sunset Shimmer: Sure.

Rainbow Dash: I'm up for it.

Rarity: So am I.

Applejack: Count me in.

Pinkie Pie: Sounds like fun!

Fluttershy: Okay.

(Y/N): Alright, it's settled. Let's ready ourselves for the day.


After spending a few minutes getting yourselves ready, you and the girls headed off to the Canterlot Mall.

(Y/N): Alright girls, let's have ourselves some fun!

(Hu)Mane 6: Yeah!

They all cheered as you began exploring the mall.

Pinkie Pie: Oooh! Why don't we stop there? It's one of my favorite stores ever!


She suggested while pointing at the joke store.

(Y/N): Heh, I had a feeling you wanted to go to a place like that, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Can we please check it out, Y/N Sweetie? Please, please, pleeeeease?

She asked while using the puppy dog eyes again.

(Y/N): ** Hgn! Too... cute... can't... resist! ** Oh, alright. I can't resist those cute eyes of yours, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: YAY!

She cheered before hugging you and thanking you over and over again. You all then headed inside and browsed for a bit. You then noticed someone behind the counter and you recognized them as Trixie.

(Y/N): Hey, Trixie!

You called out which got her attention as she smiled upon seeing you.

Trixie Lulamoon: Why, hello there, Y/N. What brings you here today?

(Y/N): I'm... uh... hanging out with friends! Heh, yeah! That's the reason. ** I'm totally not here because I'm doing something that would be considered questionable by many.

You said nervously.

Trixie Lulamoon: What was that last part?

(Y/N): Nothing!

You quickly said while sweat-dropping. Trixie raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior until she decided to brush it off.

Trixie Lulamoon: Alright then.

(Y/N): So... you work here?

Trixie nodded.

Trixie Lulamoon: Indeed. The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie makes her living in this shop of jokes and magic.

(Y/N): Heh, I can see why you chose to work here. I'm guessing you also get the employee discount?

Trixie Lulamoon: You would be correct. It helps whenever Trixie needs to get more smoke bombs or other things for her magic shows.

(Y/N): I actually saw one of your magic shows before when I first came to Canterlot. I have to say Trixie, you're rather talented.

You complimented which brought a blush to Trixie's face.

Trixie Lulamoon: You... you really think so, Y/N?

(Y/N): I sure do. Easily the most talented magician I've seen.

You said with a charming smile which only made Trixie blush even more.

Trixie Lulamoon: T-Thank you Y/N... I needed to hear that.

She muttered the last part.

(Y/N): You alright, Trix?

Trixie Lulamoon: I-I'm fine... it's just... it's just that you're the third person to ever say that I'm a talented magician.

She said which surprised you greatly.

(Y/N): ** W-Wait a minute. Did... did she just speak in the first person?! Are pigs learning how to fly now or am I a monkey's uncle?! Which is it?!

You thought to yourself.

(Y/N): What do you mean by that, Trixie?

Trixie Lulamoon: Y/N, are you familiar with the magician known as Jack Pot?

(Y/N): The famous magician of Las Pegasus? Yeah, I'm familiar with him. I've seen a lot of videos he stared in. But, why bring him up?

Trixie Lulamoon: Well... Jack Pot... is my father.

Your eyes widened after hearing that.

(Y/N): Wait, wait, wait! Hold the phone!

You pulled out your phone and held it in front of her. Trixie was confused by this as she glanced back at you.

(Y/N): No, seriously, hold the phone please.

You requested. She slowly and unsurely reached out and held your phone for you.

(Y/N): You're telling me that your dad is THE Jack Pot? Is he the reason that you're a magician?

Trixie Lulamoon: Yes, he is. When I was very young, I was always fascinated by his magic shows and watching him entertain countless people and bringing smiles to their faces. As a result, I wanted to be just like him, so I decided to follow in his footsteps by becoming a magician myself. I dedicated a large portion of my childhood to studying the ways of the magician.


She said while smiling before a frown overcame her features.

Trixie Lulamoon: But every time I tried to perform in front of an audience, they would always compare me to my father by saying that I would never be as successful or talented as him.

(Y/N): So, is that why you sometimes act like a show-off?

Trixie Lulamoon: ** Yes. I was sick and tired of them always comparing me to him as well as always being in his shadow, so I decided to act like a show-off and started bragging about my achievements and talents. I didn't want to be known as Jack Pot's second rate daughter, but as the Great and Powerful Trixie.

(Y/N): Do you wanna know what I think, Trixie?

She looked back up at you curiously.

(Y/N): I don't see you as just Jack Pot's daughter, I see you as Trixie Lulamoon. An incredibly talented and amazing magician who can amaze even the most stone-faced people. Someone who's... great and powerful.

You said while smiling charmingly. Trixie suddenly walked around the counter and straight towards you and quickly pulled you into a hug while smiling.

Trixie Lulamoon: Thank you... thank you for your such kind words, Y/N.

(Y/N): It's not a problem at all Trixie, everyone needs a good compliment every so often.

She nodded before you both ended the hug.

Trixie Lulamoon: Also, I don't know if I've already said it and I apologize if I haven't, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for acting selfishly during the Battle of the Bands and also for angering you.

You waved your hand dismissively.

(Y/N): Eh, don't worry about it Trixie. I'm over it already. Also, to be fair, I'm sorry too for threatening you during the semifinals.

Trixie nodded.

Trixie Lulamoon: It's quite alright Y/N. I'm sure we can both look past our mistakes.

You nodded in agreement as you both smiled at each other. Meanwhile, your girlfriends were watching the whole thing while grinning widely.

Rarity: There he goes again. Being supportive and helpful to whoever needs it.

Sunset Shimmer: What else did you expect? It's how he is and that's why we love him.

She said to which the others nodded in agreement. Pinkie then grabbed a pair of X-Ray goggles and put them on. She looked around for a second or two before she glanced over at you and her eyes widened as she began to salivate and pant at what she was seeing.

Rainbow Dash: Come on, Pinkie. Those things don't actually work... do they?

She asked curiously. In response, Pinkie quickly removed the goggles and put them back on the shelf before she smiled mischievously.

Pinkie Pie: Maybe... maybe not~.

She said in a singsong voice. After you and Trixie were finished with your conversation, you walked over to the girls to which Trixie noticed them.

Trixie Lulamoon: Oh, hello girls. Trixie assumes that you're all with Y/N today?

She asked while speaking in the third person once more.

(Y/N): ** So, now we're back to talking in the third person, huh Trix? Not that I'm complaining, of course.

You thought while playfully rolling your eyes and smiling to yourself.

Pinkie Pie: Yeppers! Y/N's taking us all on a date!

She said which made you freeze instantly as Trixie's eyes widened with shock before she looked back at you.

Trixie Lulamoon: Y/N, what exactly did she mean by "date?"

(Y/N): Well... it means exactly what it means, Trixie. The girls and I... are on a date.

You said while nervously scratching the back of your head.

Trixie Lulamoon: The way of how you put it makes it sound like they're all your girlfriends or something like that.

(Y/N): Well, that's because... they are. You see, they all have romantic feelings for me and they didn't want to argue and upset each other, so they decided to date me all at once making them my girlfriends.

For a few moments, all Trixie did was stare with complete and utter bafflement after receiving such news. The moment was soon ended as she finally found her voice.

Trixie Lulamoon: WHAT!?!?!?

She screamed in shock as a blush became apparent on her face.

Trixie Lulamoon: Y-You're... you're dating... six girls... at once?!

(Y/N): It sounds crazy I know, but it's the truth.

You said as your eyes darted left and right while you smiled nervously.

Trixie Lulamoon: B-But... but how?! How did this come about?!

(Y/N): It just... happened. Kind of like a shooting star. We weren't expecting it to happen and yet it did.

Trixie Lulamoon: With how your life has been Y/N, Trixie guesses that it shouldn't be a surprise.

Sunset Shimmer: Hey Y/N, I don't suppose you could give us a moment to have some girl talk with Trixie?

(Y/N): Umm... sure... I guess.

You responded unsurely before you walked far enough away to give them space to talk.

Sunset Shimmer: Trixie, correct me if I'm wrong, but do you also have romantic feelings for Y/N?

She asked which brought a blush to the magician's features.

Trixie Lulamoon: ** Yes, Trixie does. You can't blame her though, can you? Y/N's a sweet, funny, and handsome guy who knows how to make you feel better about yourself.

She said with a smile.

Applejack: Yeah, that's what Y/N's like alright.

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah. Listen Trixie, there's something you should know. When the girls and I agreed to share Y/N, we also came to another agreement.

Trixie Lulamoon: What would that be?

Sunset Shimmer: We agreed that if there was ever an instance where any more girls are in love with Y/N like us, that we would allow them to join our harem with Y/N and be one of his girlfriends.

Trixie's eyes widened.

Trixie Lulamoon: So, what you're saying is that you're fine with Y/n having more girlfriends?

She asked with hope in her voice.

Pinkie Pie: We sure are! Just as long as he dedicates enough time to all of us.

Sunset Shimmer: So Trixie, when you feel like you're ready, tell Y/N about your feelings for him so you can join our harem.

Trixie Lulamoon: You're all really fine with it?

Applejack: Of course. Just give it more thought before you make your final decision.

Trixie began to think about that while you were slowly backing up to the girls much to their confusion.

(Y/N): Girls... I think I might be coming down with something?

You said in a low voice. Concern spread across the faces of the girls.

Rarity: Oh dear, what is it, love?

(Y/N): I think... I'm coming down... with a case of...

You then quickly turned around to reveal that you were wearing a pair of googly eyes.




[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

All the girls did was stare at you with amused looks while Pinkie was trying her hardest to not laugh. However, she couldn't hold it anymore which resulted in her rolling on the floor cackling like a hyena.

Sunset Shimmer: ** Heh, nice one Y/N.

She joked before playfully punching your shoulder as you chuckled.

(Y/N): Anyways, you girls done with your talk?

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah, we are. Let's get going.

(Y/N): Alrighty then. See ya later, Trix.

Trixie Lulamoon: Wait, Y/N!

You turned back to her to see her with her arm outstretched and your phone still within her grasp as she looked at you with a smirk. Your eyes widened at that before you chuckled nervously.

(Y/N): Oh, heh heh, right.

You said before taking back your phone while your girlfriends gave you a look that screamed "seriously?"

(Y/N): I'll uh... I'll be seeing you, Trixie.

You bidded your farewell before you and the girls left the joke shop while Trixie was thinking to herself.

Trixie Lulamoon: ** Y/N and I... together. I MUST tell him when I have the chance if I ever hope to be one of his girlfriends!

She thought before imagining herself on a romantic date with you.


Later, you and the girls decided to visit a clothing shop of Rarity's choice as the girls were casually browsing while you were looking through the men's section. You then came across an outfit that was rather similar to your current one that piqued your interest.

(Y/N): ** Hmm, this looks nice. I think I'll try this one on.

You thought before taking the outfit to one of the changing rooms and putting it on. You walked out and went over to your girlfriends.

(Y/N): So, what do you girls think?

You asked them while doing a few poses.

Rarity: My, my. It looks quite handsome on you, dearest.

She complimented while the others nodded in agreement.

(Y/N): Well, in that case, I'll take it.

You went back and changed into your normal outfit before going over to the counter and paying for it. The girls had decided to get a few things as well to which they paid for it all before you walked out of the store.


The next place you decided to visit was a pet shop that Fluttershy often liked to visit. You and the girls looked around at the different animals that the shop had to offer. Fluttershy was fawning over the different little critters, Sunset was looking at a lizard, Rarity was cuddling with a kitten, Applejack was petting a dog, Pinkie was staring at a fish in a fish tank while mimicking it, and Rainbow Dash was checking out a turtle. You, meanwhile, were checking out some birds as a whole flock of them decided to land on your shoulders and head. Fluttershy came over to you and giggled at the sight of you being a post for the birds to sit on.

Fluttershy: ** I think they like you.

(Y/N): ** Heh heh, gee, ya think?

You responded sarcastically which made her giggle again.


After that little snafu, you and the girls decided to visit the karaoke cafe where you started having some fun by singing songs. You were enamored by the sounds of their voices since each of them sung like they were made for it.

Sunset Shimmer: Hey Y/N, you should totally sing.

Rarity: Oh absolutely, dear.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, Y/N sweetie! You should absolutely sing!

(Y/N): Oh, alright. But, I might need some help here, if you girls wouldn't mind?

You asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk as they grinned while nodding. You all went up to the stage, grabbed a microphone, and selected the song before you began singing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After you all finished, the rest of the patrons in the cafe clapped and cheered for you all as you went back to your table.

Applejack: I've gotta say Y/N, you got quite the voice on ya.

(Y/N): Heh, thanks AJ.

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