《The Savior Of CHS》Chapter 5: A Friendship Mended


Morning had finally arrived as you and Twilight made your way to the school via your teleportation technique. Spike was hiding in Twilight's backpack like last time as you made your way inside as the morning announcements came on.

Principal Celestia(On P.A. System): Good morning students and happy Thursday. Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the time the dance starts tomorrow night so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice be heard.

(Y/N): Alright Twilight, today we need to figure out how we're gonna convince the students here to vote for you instead of Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight Sparkle: Right, but how are we gonna do that? Everybody here is too afraid to stand against Sunset Shimmer and I'm new here so no one really knows me.

(Y/N): Then we'll just have to introduce you to them. That way, it'll be easier to let them know that you're the type of princess that this school needs. I'll even vouch for you and tell everybody about you since I'm pretty well known here already.

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm, I like that plan. Hopefully it'll work because both of our worlds are counting on me winning this thing.

As you and Twilight began walking through the hallways, the other students took notice of the both of you before they began to murmur amongst themselves.

Tennis Match: Hey, isn't that (Y/N)?

Nolan North: It is.

Velvet Sky: Isn't that the new girl that he's with?

Blueberry Cake: Looks like it. I've heard of her actually. They're cousins apparently. Also, much like (Y/N), she stood up to Sunset Shimmer.

Watermelody: Really? She's gotta be really courageous if that's the case. We all know what Sunset does to people who so much as look at her funny.

Curly Winds: Let me tell you this though, if that girl is brave enough to back talk Sunset Shimmer, then that's the type of girl that I'd want for Princess of the Fall Formal.

Indigo Wreath: I agree. I'm voting for the new girl if you guys are.

They all nodded in agreement. You noticed this and you couldn't help but smile.

(Y/N): ** Look at that Twilight. You're already gaining support from your fellow students.

Twilight Sparkle: ** Really? That's amazing! Hopefully, this'll keep going.

(Y/N): ** I'm sure it will. Although, if Sunset Shimmer hears about this then she won't be happy. She'll most likely try any dirty trick to tilt the odds back in her favor. We've gotta be careful of both her and Snips and Snails.

Twilight Sparkle: ** Got it.

As the two of you were walking, someone quickly grabbed you both and pulled you into one of the classrooms.

Twilight Sparkle: Woah, what the?

She said while feeling rather confused at what just happened as you and her looked at whoever pulled you in here. They were soon revealed to be Rarity as she quickly closes the door.

(Y/N): Rarity?

You said which got Twilights attention as she looked at her. It was followed by Spike poking his head out to also look at her.

Rarity: Hello, (Y/N) darling. It's so wonderful to see you.

She then looked at Twilight.

Rarity: You must be the new girl that I've heard so much about.

Twilight Sparkle: You would be right. I'm Twilight Sparkle.

Rarity then notices Spike poking out of Twilight's backpack.

Rarity: Oh my goodness! You have a dog? He's so adorable!

She said while scratching Spike's chin who's pupils soon became heart-shaped as a result.

(Y/N): Why'd you suddenly pull us in here Rarity?


Rarity: Well, everyone's talking about a new girl who stood up to Sunset Shimmer and that she was usually seen with you (Y/N) and how they are both cousins apparently. They also discussed how she was running for Princess of the Fall Formal. Are these rumors correct?

Twilight Sparkle: They are.

Rarity: Oh my! You are quite brave for doing something so bold as to run against the bully queen of CHS. I must warn you though, that Sunset Shimmer will try anything devious, malicious, or something else along those lines in order to win. In other words, This won't be an easy task for you.

(Y/N): No it most certainly won't be easy Rarity. But we've been successful so far. I managed to scare Snips and Snails away before they could record Twilight doing something potentially embarrassing. Although, we still need to keep our eyes peeled for those two.

The classroom door suddenly opened as Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie enter.

Applejack: There ya are, you two! I've been lookin' everywhere for ya.

Fluttershy: Me too.

Pinkie Pie: Me three!

Rarity then noticed Pinkie before she frowned and looked away.

Rarity: Oh, it's you.

(Y/N): Why are you all looking for me and Twilight?

Applejack: Trixie told us that Twilight was runnin' for Princess of the Fall Formal.

Fluttershy: At first, I didn't believe that you actually wanted to run for princess. But after the rumors started going around, that's when I realized that you were serious.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, and a lot of people are already wanting to vote for you instead of that no good, meanie, bully queen Sunset Shimmer.

(Y/N): Well, I guess I gotta thank Trixie later for the help. Anyways, since my cousin here was running for princess, I decided to help her out by making sure that Sunset doesn't try anything as well as her lackeys.

Fluttershy: I'll be sure to vote for you Twilight. You were so nice to me the other day by standing up to Sunset Shimmer.

Pinkie Pie: If ya wanna run, maybe there's something I can do to help!

Fluttershy whispers to Twilight.

Fluttershy: ** Word of advice, don't accept her help. She doesn't take anything seriously.

Pinkie: Ugh! Why do you have to be so awful to me?!

Rarity grew unhappy from this and scoffed.

Rarity: Don't play innocent Pinkie Pie! You are no better than she is!

She pointed at Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie: And what is that supposed to mean?!

Rarity: I am happy to offer my assistance as well.

She said to Twilight before frowning at Pinkie.

Rarity: To someone who would appreciate what I have to offer!

This soon lead to a massive argument between the girls as Twilight and Spike didn't know what to do to stop it. The arguing continued until Applejack spoke up.

Applejack: Listen to y'all carryin' on! Get over it and move on!

She said while eating an apple before she disposed of the apple core in the trash.

Rarity: You mean like how you've gotten over what happened with Rainbow Dash?

Applejack: She said she'd get the softball team to make an appearance at mah bake sale. I tell everybody they're comin' and then not one of 'em shows up! She made a liar outta me! That's different!

Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy/Rarity: IS NOT!!

Applejack: IS TOO!!

This lead to all of them fighting with each other. You were slowly starting to get annoyed by this until it eventually lead to anger. You brought an aura covered hand to your throat and screamed a scream that was louder than the most powerful airhorn.



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This immediately quieted the girls as they stared at you in shock. You brought your hand away and yelled normally.


This shocked them.

Rarity: Immature brats!?

(Y/N): YES RARITY!! You along with the rest of you as well as Rainbow Dash have been acting like a bunch of entitled five-year-olds! I held this in for the longest time, but now I won't stand for it anymore! Twilight, do you still have that yearbook we found?

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah.

(Y/N): Can you please give it to me?

Twilight nodded before she reached into her backpack and pulled it out and handed it to you.

(Y/N): Thanks.

You flipped the pages before you came to the one with the picture of their younger selves and placed it down onto the desk.

(Y/N): Look! You were all friends once!

The girls huddled around and looked at the photo.

Applejack: Ah, the Freshman Fair. Y'all remember that?

She asked the girls to which they nodded while smiling fondly.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N) told me that you were all friends before, but then something happened between you all to make you split up. We believe that it had something to do with Sunset Shimmer.

Rarity: Well it's a nice theory darling, but Sunset Shimmer had nothing to do with it.

(Y/N): Listen girls. I've tried to deal with all of you bickering with each other because I wanted to respect your privacy but I seriously can't anymore. I'm going to give you girls a choice. Either you all mature up and tell me the reason why you're all not friends anymore or else I will never hang out with ANY of you or help any of you ever again.

They all gasped at that.

Rarity: D-Darling, s-surely you don't mean that!

Pinkie Pie: Y-Yeah (Y/N), y-you w-wouldn't do that, w-would you?

(Y/N): Do I look like I'm lying!?

You asked with an angry expression. The girls looked to Applejack for confirmation since she was an expert at lie detecting. She nodded her head to confirm that you were telling the truth which made the girls collectively sigh.

Applejack: Alright, you win (Y/N), we'll tell ya. Like I said before, Rainbow Dash was supposed to bring the softball team to mah bake sale, but she never showed up.

(Y/N): Applejack, did it ever occur to you that maybe someone else told Rainbow Dash that the bake sale was moved to a different location or maybe a different day?

Applejack thought for a moment.

Applejack: No... I never considered that.

(Y/N): Seriously? Did you not ever ask Rainbow Dash or even the softball team for that matter as to why they never showed up?

Applejack soon looked down with shame.

Applejack: No, she and I cut off all ties with each other after that and we never spoke to one another. I felt like she had made a liar outta me to everyone that was attendin' the bake sale.

(Y/N): And that's part of your problem Applejack. You could have easily talked it over with Rainbow Dash and everything would have been fine, but no. All because you couldn't let go of your pride for one measly moment.

Applejack looked extremely guilty over not talking to Rainbow Dash about what really happened. You then turned to the others.

(Y/N): And how about the rest of you? What are your personal gripes?

Fluttershy: I was holding a silent auction at the animal shelter but Pinkie Pie interrupted the whole thing by bringing fireworks and noisemakers. It was supposed to be a serious event... and Pinkie Pie ruined it.

Pinkie Pie: What are you talking about?! I got a text from you saying that you didn't want a silent auction. You wanted a big party!

This gained Fluttershy's attention.

Fluttershy: I never sent you any text.

This got everyone's attention.

Pinkie Pie: You didn't?

(Y/N): Can I see that text message Pinkie?

Pinkie handed you her phone and you looked closely at the message. You paid attention to the date and time when it was sent.

(Y/N): Fluttershy, can you tell me what you were doing at this specific time when it was sent to Pinkie?

Fluttershy nodded before looking at the text. Her eyes widened when she saw it.

Fluttershy: I was getting the silent auction at the animal shelter ready, but I was way too busy at the time so I couldn't have sent that text. You can ask the people who work at the shelter.

(Y/N): If your telling the truth Fluttershy, then someone else had to have sent Pinkie that text. I'm willing to bet that it was Sunset Shimmer.

Rarity: You don't think she's the only one who's been sending me those emails do you? Everytime I volunteer to help with the decorations at a school function, I get an email from Pinkie Pie saying she has plenty of volunteers! And then I find out she's done everything herself!

Pinkie Pie: I never sent you any emails!

Applejack: Maybe Sunset Shimmer is the reason why Rainbow Dash didn't show up to mah bake sale.

(Y/N): It's a definite possibility AJ. Now girls, let me ask you all a question. Applejack's bake sale, the silent auction, and the functions that Rarity and Pinkie were part of, were they all happening at the same time, or at the very least close to one another?

They all nodded to your question.

(Y/N): Was there anything else going on at the time?

Pinkie Pie: There was the Spring Fling dance.

Rarity: ** Please don't remind me of the humiliation I went through.

You were confused by this.

(Y/N): Wait, Rarity are... are you the girl who ran for Princess of the Spring Fling?

She sighed once more before answering.

Rarity: You may as well know since everyone else does. It's true (Y/N), I'm the girl who ran for Princess of the Spring Fling.

Applejack: Wait, you never knew that (Y/N)?

(Y/N): No, I didn't. I knew that some girl ran for Princess but I never knew that it was Rarity. Again, I wanted to respect their privacy and not get into their personal stuff. So... what happened Rarity?

Rarity: Well, it all started when I began to run for Princess of the Spring Fling. At first, my run was going rather smoothly... before one fateful day. It was after I had split up from the girls and I was at carousel boutique and I was... I was... I was making out with a mannequin whom I called my prince. The next day, everyone was either giggling at me, pointing at me, or making fun of me! Later that day, I found out that Snips and Snails had snuck into Carousel Boutique and recorded me! I became the laughing stock of CHS which lead to me having to quit my run as Princess.

You couldn't help but feel sorry for what Rarity went through.

(Y/N): Jeez, I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that Rarity.

Rarity: It wasn't your fault (Y/N) darling. Anyways, because of the fact that I had dropped out, Sunset Shimmer had won by default. If it weren't for my friendship with the girls ending and for me being humiliated like I was, I would have surely won.

(Y/N): Then I say that proves it. Sunset Shimmer was the one who sent you all of those emails and texts to mislead you into thinking they were coming from all of you so that your friendship would be broken and if she wasn't the one to do it then she most likely sent Snips and Snails to do it for her.

That's when the girls soon realized what had happened. They were all tricked by Sunset Shimmer!

Rarity: Why in the world would Sunset Shimmer want to end our friendship?!

She asked in an angry tone which also got the girls angry.

(Y/N): Simple, she didn't want any competition. Think about it girls, if one of you had run for princess at any of these events then you would have had support from the others and you would have likely won. Sunset Shimmer didn't want to take that risk so she sent you all of those messages and pretending to be your friends to get you to argue with each other and eventually end your friendship. It's the same reason why she sent Snips and Snails after you Rarity. She knew that you would have won at the Spring Fling with the help of the others so she sent those two to spy on you and record you kissing a mannequin and posted it online so that you would drop out and she would win. She must have done it with all of the other students as well so that absolutely no one would ever think to compete again and that she would win every single time.

Your explanation had finally made the girls snap.


Pinkie Pie: I knew that she was a meanie but I never thought that she would do something THIS mean!

Rarity: Oh, she is going to pay for it now!

Twilight Sparkle: Calm down girls! I know that you are all angry at Sunset for doing all of those things to you, but we need to be calm about this. Anger will only lead you to do something regretful.

(Y/N): She's right girls. We need to stay level headed through this. Now, I will say that although Sunset is the one who's mostly at fault here, you girls are just as responsible.

This confused the girls.

Rarity/Applejack/Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie: What?

(Y/N): While Sunset was the one who did all of those horrible things to you by lying and manipulating you all and splitting you all up, you are all still guilty here. Why? Because none of you, and I repeat, NONE OF YOU ever bothered to talk to each other about what was really going on and the same goes for Rainbow Dash. You all just blindly assumed that the emails and texts were coming from you all instead of being true and trusting friends and not believing them. Honestly, I'm sorry for saying this, but I'm disappointed in all of you for being so STUPID and believing in those lies.

This made the girls look down in shame and regret for being so idiotic as to not communicate and confirm what was happening.

Applejack: Yer right (Y/N). We shouldn't have believed all of that and actually talked about it. We let our own pride take control of us.

Rarity: Indeed. Pinkie Pie, I'm sorry for not helping you out at the functions and for also believing that you didn't need my help.

Pinkie Pie: It's alright Rarity. Fluttershy, I'm sorry for ruining your silent auction at the animal shelter.

Fluttershy: It's okay Pinkie. We were all deceived by Sunset Shimmer.

(Y/N): Seeing as how you now realize that you were fooled by Sunset and that the arguing between you all was unnecessary and that you also acknowledge that it was also your fault for not being good friends and talk it over, I now have to finally ask. Will you PLEASE just go back to being friends already!?

You asked in a slightly desperate tone. The girls looked at each other before Applejack started once more.

Applejack: Ahm willin' to if you girls are.

Rarity: I suppose I am as well.

Fluttershy: Me too.

Pinkie Pie: Me three.

The girls walked up and pulled themselves into a group hug. You smiled at their reconciliation as well as Twilight. They held it for a minute before they parted. You then walked between them and spoke.

(Y/N): Not to ruin a moment or anything, but we're not out of the woods yet girls. There's still one more individual missing from our party and that would be Rainbow Dash who's yet to know everything.

Applejack: I don't know if she's willin' to listen though.

She said before she held her hat in front of her chest. You walked up to her.

(Y/N): Then we'll just have to convince her to listen AJ.

You said before you placed her hat back on her head as she smiled warmly at you.


A few moments later at the soccer field, we see Rainbow Dash kicking some soccer balls into one of the goals. You walked up to where she was and called out to her.

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