《13 and pregnant》Chapter 18
{A month later}
Nike's P.O.V
Me and Zoe was walking around the halls at school she was telling me bout some drama between her and some females,
"Are you listening?" Zoe asked catching an attitude, to be honest I wasn't even listening to shit she was saying, all she talk about is drama and Ion wanna hear that shit
Yea- I said breaking my train of thought
She rolled her eyes continuing with her conversation.
I spotted Anaya from the corner of my eye walking down the other hall, she was walking with some girl she be with all the time, I think they sisters or something. We glanced over at each other and I shot a dazzling smile at her, making her smile back hard. Me and Anaya were really getting to know each other, shes a really chill and caring person, shit I thought she wouldn't even wanna talk to me since that day at the movies but shit she really wanna get to know a nigga!..
Zoe must've noticed me glancing, she hit me in the back of my head crossing her arms catching an attitude "Your not even listen" she said rolling her eyes popping her gums
Huh..Yeah...I was listening- I said focusing my attention back on her
No you wasn't, you were to busy smiling at bitches- she said talking with her hands glancing over at Anaya with a mean look on her face
"Mane, Zoe you gotta chill, the fuck you so insecure for" I said getting mad walking off heading back to class,
"INSECURE! the fuck I gotta be insecure for, you ain't nothing worth me being insecure nigga"'she said getting loud trying to cause a scene
I just ignored her, we was not finna do this shit in a public place especially not at school, bitch might try to say a nigga hit her or sum, plus I'm not bout to argue with her bout sum so stupid.
She ran up to me shoving me hard, I ain't even budget I just kept walking, I wasn't finna feed into her shit
"Ight since you wanna act like this go be with them bitches then NIKE!" she yelled talking with her hands getting louder, I felt so embarrassed she had people poking they heads out the bathroom and office area thinking there was finna be a fight
Ight, shit I will- I said turning around shrugging my shoulder then continuing to walk off
Really NIKE!!- she screamed stomping her feet like a child
She really thought I was gon fall to my knees and ask for forgiveness for some shit she tryna accuse me for, I ain't one of her ex niggas!, Yea I loved Zoe but she was full of too much bad energy, she was always in drama and loud asf, we could never just have a normal ass conversation without her getting mad and yelling or posting shit on social media bringing people into the drama! She really pissed me the fuck off with this one!
I was making my way to my class when I spotted Anaya in the hallway again...
Anaya's P.O.V
Alright bye girl- I said to mesha as she made her way into her classroom
Me and mesha were walking around talking about the baby, she was mad about my decision about the baby that I decided to take but shit she gotta get over that because it ain't her choice to make!, we also talked about my mom and how everything was back at home, Mesha decided she was gonna talk to my mom and convince her to change her mind but honestly I didn't even care anymore, Ashley and my aunt (Ashley's mom) took me under their wing when times were hard and it hurts to say that my own mother couldn't even do that, she left me outside to fend for myself, anything could have happened!
After me and her were done talking I walked with her back to her classroom then made my way to mine
"Wassup ma" someone said walking up behind me, I jumped not expecting it, I turned around facing Nike, he was about to get dropped kicked! he think this sneaking up shit funny, but me him gon be fighting next time he do that goofy shit.
Nike was just laughing as if everything was so funny
Did I scare you- he said bursting into laughter
"It's not funny I'm tired of people scaring me" I said jokingly nudging him, he laughed pulling me into a hug, "I'm serious you was finna get chin checked" I said laughing
Damn ma it's like that now- he said looking at me lifting an eyebrow with a cute smirk on his face
Like that!- I said rolling my eyes trying to hold in laughter
Me and Nike was standing in the hallway talking for a while, we lost track of so much time that the bell rung, it didn't even feel like we were talking for that long, I don't know why but just talking to him even just for a few seconds always made my heart beat fast asf, Nike is that typa friend that you could talk to forever about anything and he's there to listen.
Oh shit- he said as the bell rung
Watch yo language- I said slightly nudging him
He laughed then looked at me smirking, gazing into my eyes,
"What class you got babygirl?" Nike asked looking at me with a charming smile
I got Lunch- I said placing my hand on my hip tilting my head
He smiled looking me up and down,
"Watch those eyes little boy" I said rolling my eyes laughing, he laughed finally taking his eyes off me glancing over at the hallway wall as he leaned against it.
"Let me walk you to lunch" he said getting up placing his arm around my shoulder, I quickly shoved his arm off me, I was not tryna have people thinking me and him were together or that we fucking or sum...y'all know how these bitches be
Ight let me get my stuff- I said beginning to walk towards my classroom
I walked in grabbing my stuff then heading back out meeting back up with Nike, me and Nike walked to his classroom next so he could get his things then made our way to the lunchroom, we sat at my table and I introduced him to everybody I knew
So what y'all a thing now- Tory said winking and popping a fry into her mouth
Girl mind yo business- I said rolling my eyes jokingly
You never said no- mesha said raising an eyebrow looking Nike up and down
No damn- I said rolling my eyes laughing
Watch yo language- Nike said tryna joke
Tory and mesha slow selfs gon laugh of course🙄
Oh you got jokes now- I said turning to him laughing
We were all talking and laughing, i wasn't really expecting this, usually Mesha and Tory would be asking whoever I brought over a million and one questions about what their intentions are with me..male or female🙄...,
Nike kept making jokes like he was a damn comedian..tryna he funny, I could tell Tory was feeling him by the way she kept glancing over at him with a flirtatious smirk on her face plus she was laughing at everything he said, even if it wasn't funny, shit I didn't give a fuck that's not my man and anyway me and him are just friends..., right!..
We were all chilling minding our business when all of a sudden I felt someone nudge be hard in my chair, I looked up to see three girls standing behind me with their arms crossed looking everybody at the table up and down,
"Hey bae" one of the girls said pooping her gums placing one of her hands on Nike's shoulder
Everybody was looking up at her with confused expression on their faces, I could tell Nike knew her because he kept looking at her mean mugging, his mood turned from happy to pissed!
Everybody kept quiet she looked over at me giving me a petty look
Mane what the fuck you want- Nike said looking irritated swatting her hand off his shoulder
I didn't come over here for you Nikeolas so don't feel special- she said looking up at him rolling her eyes
So what you want- mesha said quickly catching an attitude
She looked over at me starring with a petty look on her face
Your anaya right?- she said pulling out a chair sitting across from me with a evil smirk planted across her face
Bruh, Zoe don't come over here tryna start shit- Nike said getting up grabbing our bags
I don't know who she is and what she did but Nike looked feed up with her, shit I don't blame him this is my first time associating with her and she already getting on my damn nerves
Where you going all I wanna do is talk to the bitch- Zoe said standing up grabbing the carton of chocolate milk from off the table opening it
At this point everybody was standing up crowding around us with their phones out waiting for a fight, I was not even finna entertain these females that I never seen a day in my life before today, shit I didn't even know they asses existed
Girl what's yo problem, ion even know you- I said talking with my hands getting frustrated
I don't know you but I know about you- she said laughing trying to put on a show
She just came up here trying to start a fight for no damn reason, I have never spoke to this girl and I don't even know her!
At this point josh had to jump in trying to hold mesha back, she was ready to pounce on one of them
You better put yo pitbull on a leash, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want yo little boyfriend to know that you was fucking on his cousin at that party last month- one of Zoe's friends said laughing pointing at Nike
Everything got quite, the only sound that was made was laughter coming from Zoe and her little pets, I froze, all I could see was red, I quickly snatched my bag from Nikes hands speed walking towards the exit, I ain't wanna put my hands on one of them so I just decided to leave, I felt so embarrassed...it wasn't even true..., as I was leaving I could still hear that girl Zoe talking
"Nike I think your girlfriend is scared" She said bursting into laughter
I just kept walking, I wasn't finna entertain her, as soon as I reached the door of the exit I felt a liquid splash on the back of my head then my hair being pulled, I fell on the ground feeling multiple punches all over my body, mesha and Tory ran up grabbing Zoe's friends handling them, I snapped back into reality realizing what was going on
At this point Zoe was on top of me leaving punches all over my body, I pushed her off with my heavy bag that was still in my hand then climbing on top just letting punches fly, I blacked out for a minute, when I came back into consciousness I was in Nike's arms as he was trying to hold me back
I was so confused ion even know who tf that girl is and she decided to put her dirty ass hands on me!
The school sheriff officer came and took Zoe bringing her to the front office, her friends left her running off before anyone could come to take them.
I had a few scratches on my face and my hair was drenched with chocolate milk so the assistant principal decided to send me to the nurses office to calm down and get a ice pack, I tried to explain to him that I didn't need the nurse but Nike and him insisted for me to go, Nike decided to go with me to make sure everything was ok
You alright ma- Nike asked wiping my face with a wet cloth
Yea- I said still frustrated
I could tell Nike was still mad about it but he was tryna keep me calm.
"Who are those girls anyway?" I said swatting his hand away lookin up at him, he took a deep breath hesitating to answer the question
"Don't worry bout them babygirl
Imma handle that" he said lifting my face up gently patting my sore spot with the ice pack, soon the nurse walked into the room checking out my face and my arms, she lift up my shirt a little to see if I had any scratches on my body
Your pregnant- she said gasping widening her eyes looking shocked
I was so mad about the situation I totally forgot about the baby, My heart started racing, I wasn't really showing yet but if you payed attention to my stomach good enough you could tell, My face instantly turned bright red, she said that out loud and Nike was still sitting in the room...
I glanced over at Nike noticing him looking at me with a face full of confusing and rage, the nurse looked over realizing Nike was still sitting there, she asked Nike to stand in the hallway so she could talk to me for a minute.
When she returned she began asking me a few question like how far along I was and when my last doctors appointment was, but tbh I really didn't know anything, I just knew I was ready to get out this dumb ass clinic office
You know the school is going to have to call the hospital to make sure you and your baby is ok right- she said talking to me like a 2 year old
Why can't I just go back to class, I'm fine- I asked confused
Because a physical encounter like that can be very harmful for you and the baby- she said grabbing the phone lifting it up to her ear
I just sat back and laid there thinking about what just happened, I didn't have the energy to argue.
finally the ambulance came rolling in a long stretcher. I tried to explain to them that I didn't need it but they explained how it was hospital policy, I felt so embarrassed getting wheeled down the hall with thousands of people starring as if everything was a movie, the workers rolled the stretcher outside rolling me into the truck taking me to the hospital, when we got there they put me in a room with a lot of machines and ran a couple of test on me, it was frustrating I was just ready to go home!
when they were done running test they put me in a small room with a little tv in the corner, my mom was sitting in the room waiting, I was really shocked to see her, I miss my mom but right now is not the time to be having a family reunion, too much stuff is going on.
How do you feeling- she said putting her phone down focusing on me
Tired- I said in a shallow voice
One of the doctors who was running the test on me walked into the room with a stack of papers in his hand,
"How are you feeling" he said waking up to me feeling my forehead
Fine, I'm ready to go home- I said fidgeting with my finger nails
Well it just might be your lucky day, We've ran many test and everything came back normal, you and the baby are very healthy and your free to go home- the doctor said smiling handing my mom the paper work
Thank god- she said getting her things together
Just take it easy and stay off your feet- he said helping me up guiding us towards the exit
We made our way outside where Ashley was parked in front of the entrance waiting on us to come out
My mom kept glancing up at me with a concerned look in her eyes, I could tell she was regretting her decision but she can't take it back now, the deed was done
I'm sorry anaya I was just ang...- my mom began to say before getting cut off
It's fine mom....it's fine- I said softly waking up to the car door
I really didn't want to talk about what happened I just wanted to go home and take a nap, I had a long day
I'm gonna let you stay with Ashley and your aunt Vanessa for a while while we get stuff situated- my mom said hugging me and giving me a kiss on my forehead
Ashley got out walking over to my mom starting a conversation, they talked for about 20 minutes then Ashley walked back over to the car hopping in starting it making her was home, when we arrived I quickly hopped out making my way inside, I walked in to see Nike sitting on the couch with his head down
I wonder what was on is mind...
Hey Nike...what are you doing here?- I said softy as my heart began beating fast
He looked up with tears in his eyes, you could tell he's been crying because his eyes were blood shot red
Can...we talk- he said softly looking up at me
"Um...Yea, we can talk in my room" I said directing him up the stairs to my room, We made our way up the stairs entering my room, I closed the door behind us so we could have some privacy
So....Wassup- I said sitting on my bed across from him focusing on what he had to say
I was shocked he even wanted to communicate with me after what happened at school.
He sat there for a while starring at the ceiling, then finally spoke.
"I'm lucky to have a person like you in my life, but I feel like" he paused for a minute as a tear ran down his face, " I know telling you this is gon fuck our friendship up" he said doing everything he could to not make eye contact with me
Nike tell me- I said getting scared
The...the baby...might be mine- he said looking up at me with tears falling down his face
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