《13 and pregnant》13 & Pregnant {4}


Brook wake up"I heard someone say.I woke up and saw Ryan still in pj's.He spent the night and my mum is always cool with it.

"Whatttt!!!???"I asked as I stretched.

"Guess what day it is?"He asked while smiling like an idiot,but his my idiot.

"Ermm i dont know"I said dishonestly cause i knew exactly what day it is.

"Yes you forgot"He said smiling,"its out anniversary dummy"He said kissing my cheek.

"Babe i knew that"I said laughing and getting up to go take a shower.

"Whatever you say"Ryan said while getting up and looking out the window.

" So what we gonna do today"I yelled from the bathroom.

"Ive got something special planned be ready at 6" He said and then i heard my room door open and close.

I wonder what he has planned.


For the date I begged ryan to tell me where were going but ofcourse he refused the only hint I got was 'its some place classy'.

It was 5:30 and so I started getting ready.Vicky was over helping me get ready.

Vicky curled my hair and it looked so shiny.I wore a strapless silver dress with a dash of glitter and it fit me well hugging every curve it stopped just above my knees.I matched the dress with a pair of silver flats and a matching purse.

"Awwww you look so beautiful"Vicky said as she took out her phone and took a quick pic of me.

My mum walked in smiling and she hugged me."You look beautiful darling"My mum said and I saw a tear roll down her cheeks.

"Awww mum dont cry"I said smiling and hugging her.As i pulled away I heard the door bell ring.

"O wait put on some mascara gurlll"Vicky said sounding extra ghetto today.


"I'll do it vicky you go get the door"my mum said as she went into her room to grab some mascara.

After my mum finished I looked at my self in the mirror and I looked good.

I walked downstairs and as soon as Ryan layed his eyes on me his jaw dropped.

"Okay be safe kids"my mum said as we walked outside.

"Use protection"Vicky whispered to me and that just made me laugh.Typical vicky.


After a 30 minute drive from my house Ryan finally pulled up into a fancy looking italian resturant.O mer gerd how did he know I like italian food.

"Your mum suggested an italian resturant"He said as if reading my mind.

"That woman"I said which made ryan laugh.He grabbed my hand and gave it alittle squeeze while smiling at me.

"Reservation for Johnson"Ryan said to the guy who's names jake.

"Oky table for two?"jake asked

"Yeah"Ryan replied and he looked at me with this look in his eyes like he loves me.

"Okay a waiter will be with you shortly"The jake guy said as he walked away.

We talked,joked and laughed through out dinner and then ryan told me he has somewhere else to take me.O what other tricks does he have up his sleeve?


"Where are we going?"I asked ryan for like the 1000th time.

"Ugh finally were here"he said laughing and getting down.He opened my door and lead me out.He took off the blind fold he had tied around my eyes.

I was totally shocked and immobile when I saw the view.

We were at the egde of a cliff i think and from here I could see all the city lights and the stars.

"I've never seen so many stars and you know what makes it even better? I have my #1 star with me"I said as I put my head on Ryan's shoulder.It sounded really cliché but i didnt care.


"Brook"Ryan said softly as he put his arms around my waist."I know its abit too early for this but I couldnt help it im in love with you"He said looking straight in my eyes.

"I love you too ryan"I said and he crashed his lips onto mines.He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I gave it to him.

This night couldnt be more perfect.


"Hey you wanna spend the night"Ryan asked when we got close to home."My dad isnt home"He added.

"Sure babe but i'll have to tell my mum"I said as I kissed his cheek.

I called my mum and she was cool with it.

"My mum said yes"I said just as we pulled into his driveway.

We got in and I couldnt help but instantly start kissing him.

We kissed for awhile then he carried me bridal style up the stairs and towards his room not breaking the kiss once.

We layed down on the bed an I kicked off my flats and he kicked of his shoes.

I unbuttoned his shirt and he pulled my dress off and then I realized what was happening.

Ryan broke the kiss and looked straight into my eyes."D-do you want this?"He asked and I nodded in agreement.

"I love you babe"He said as he kissed my neck probably leaving a hickie.

"I love you too"I said breathing heavly.


I woke up in the morning and I felt...happy.

I got up and noticed Ryan wasnt beside me so I went to go look for him.

I walked out of the bedroom and the smell of bacon flooded my nose and so I followed the smell of food but just as I was about to walk down the stairs I noticed I was naked.I ran back to Ryans room and grabbed his t shirt and slipped it on.

"Morning Ry"I said as I walked over to him and kissed him.

"Morning bae I made you breakfast"He said as he set a plate with bacon,eggs and toast for me.

"Thanks"I said smiling and eating like a hungry beast.


"O mer gerddddd gurlllllll"Vicky screamed into the phone.Im currently in my room and I just told vicky about my date and that im not a virgin anymore.

"Well it looks like Miss innocent aint so innocent anymore"Vicky said and I could tell the bitch had a big ol' smirk on her face.

"You know your one if a kind right"I said while laughing.

"Ofcourse i know that im awesome"She said laughing.

"Talk to you later V im gonma rest"I said.

"Ayt B night"She said as we hung up the phone together.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

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