《shoot her | jjk》037



They all quickly rushed to the hospital when we heard that Jungkook was found unconscious in his house by Jin hyung who took care of Jungkook whenever he would starve himself or even worse, trying to commit suicide. Which proved that his love for Y/n was everlasting.

I arrived at the hospital first since I was also planning on going to visit Y/n today.

I quietly sighed as I glanced at Jungkook's hospital room, when will Y/n wake up? I thought to myself as I walked to her room.

As I was near her door, I heard a huge noise from the room and immediately opened the door.

My eyes widened as I looked at the sight in front of me. "Y-Y/n!?" I blurted out as my eyes started to tear up.

"Is that you..?" I blinked a couple of times, trying to see if my eyes were playing with me as I cautiously took small steps towards the figure, watching her every move.

I waved my hands in front of her face as she blinked, a gasps escapes my mouth as she wasn't disappearing.

"Y-Y/n?" I touched her shoulder as she nodded her head with tears slowly falling down her face.

My arms immediately went around her, sweeping her off of the ground. "You're awake!" I smiled happily, inhaling her scent.

"I m-missed you so much, I-I..." I shut up when she hugged me back, "Oppa.." she said in a horse voice.

"I-I have to tell the others!" I stood up with Y/n still in my arms. "Sit here," I gently placed her the bed behind us and ran out the door, rushing to the others that were in Jungkook's room.

I slammed the door opened, out of breath.


I took a deep breathe from all the exercise.

I am never running again, oh gosh I miss my bed.

I opened my mouth to speak, as they all stared at me, including Jungkook.

"She's awake." I smiled as their eyes widened.

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