《shoot her | jjk》035


Jungkook quietly stared at the ground as tears relentlessly fell from his eyes, blaming himself for not being able to protect his precious noona. He cried, reminiscing all the moments they had together.

"Noona," Jungkook said quietly with the love of his life in arms. "Hmm?" She hummed as she hugged him tightly as if it was all a dream.

"Please don't ever leave me, I don't know how I'll live with you. You're like the sun in my world, you always light up my day. Every time I see you I feel myself smiling." He smiled to himself.

"We will get married soon and I don't care if you don't like it because I won't let you go." He pulled her closer into his chest.

"I would always be ready to marry you kookie-ah." She smiled at his sweet words.

"Really?!" He says excitedly, thinking of ways to propose to her. "Yeah, I love you so much that I'm willing to do whatever you'd like." He blushed at her words that melted his heart.

He opened his eyes from his flashback and smiled to himself.

"Kookie-ah!" She pouted as he purposely ignored her, "Fine then" she ran out of the house, leaving the boy stunned. "W-Wait!" Jungkook quickly ran after her.

"Noona," He grabbed her wrist, stopping her from running but she pulled her wrist back. "Y/n.." His eyes softened as her eyes were filled with tears.

She blinked as tears ran down her face, his heart clenched at the sight in front of him. "I-I'm sorry noona, I didn't mean to make you cry." The boy panicked at her current state.

"I'm sorry, you can hit me all you want. I deserve this for making you cry." He turned her so she faced him.


"Pabo!" She smiled at me, leaving him confused. "W-What?" The older girl quickly kissed him on the lips, leaving the younger boy flustered at her actions.

"Let's go back." Y/n intertwined their fingers, happily swinging their hands back and forth like a child.

Once they got into the dark house, the lights lit up, revealing rose petals and balloons.

"Happy one-month anniversary babe." She smiled at him as his eyes widened.

Jungkook's heart clenched as he couldn't stop remembering their happy times, he was happy and sad.

The boy sighed and stood up from the seat, leaving the older ones that sat beside him confused.

He walked around outside, exploring the night. He looked down at his hands, there were two rings. Jungkook planned on proposing to her today.

He clenched his fist as he missed her presence and hugs. He wished to be able to kiss and hug her right now, he couldn't bare to be without her. He wandered around Busan, and then to his mother's grave.

He fell onto his knees as he cried harder, feeling guilty. "E-Eomma..."He croaked, his hands around the picture frame on the ground beside his mother's tombstone.

"I w-wanted you to meet my love today, after I proposed but s-she..." Jungkook stopped speaking before taking a deep breath and starting over again.

"We've been together for about a couple of months, and I know it's too early to get married but I don't care as long as I can call her mine and have a ring around her finger." He looked at the rings in his hands.

"I feel very useless," the young boy sobbed. "Every time I'm with her she always gets hurt and I can't do anything about it."

"I want to take away all her pain and worries, is that too much to ask for?" He sniffed, "I love her soo much eomma..." he stood up and bowed down to the tombstone, before walking back to the hospital slowly.


His phone rang from his back pocket, he grabbed it and picked up.

"They finished operating on her." His hyung said as Jungkook ran inside, wishing to see her. He opened the door to her room and immediately started tearing up at the sight before his eyes.

"N-Noona.." he mumbled as he rushed to her, seeing tubes and lines connected throughout her body.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry noona." He cried as he tried to hug her fragile body.

The older boys in the room watched as their maknae cried, holding his noona. Yoongi couldn't bare to see the sight in front of him so he walked out to the hallway, falling onto his knees.

"W-Why? Why do you always get hurt?" He leaned against the door. "You promised me you wouldn't get hurt again." He softly cried.

"I'm sorry that oppa wasn't able to protect you either." He said, remembering the moments they had together.

"Wake up, so you can come back to scolding me hmm?" He glanced inside the room before walking out of the hospital, to Y/n's uncle's office.

"How is she?" Her uncle asks worriedly. "She's in a coma," Yoongi croaked out, in a hoarse voice. "They don't know how long for, she lost too much blood so Jin donated his blood for her," Yoongi said as his hands clenched, remembering when his hyung fainted.

"Are you sure hyung?" Yoongi asked the older, worried for the outcome as his hyung nodded. "I'm strong enough to handle this Yoongi-ah." Jin patted his shoulder and smiled.

"B-But it's dangerous, you're going to have to transfer a lot of blood for her," Yoongi exclaimed. "It's better than nothing, am I right? Besides I owe Y/n a lot, she's like a little sister to all of us." He stood up and went with the nurse.

Once they finished he came back pale and weak, Yoongi rushed towards the male as he fainted in his arms. "Hyung!" He softly slapped his cheeks. "Why are you so reckless?!" Yoongi cried with him in his arms.

Jin was admitted to the hospital, in the room besides Y/n's.

Yoongi felt nothing but sorrow and anger, and it was all that bastard's fault. He vowed to put him in jail and have the justice that Y/n deserved.

He stayed with Y/n's uncle for the night, trying to find evidence to lock him up for the rest of his entire life.

He smirked once he found the most crucial evidence, he started finding more and more. It was a dangerous thing to do but he didn't care. He would sacrifice himself for his family, he considered them all family. He loved them to death.

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