《shoot her | jjk》017




We took our time walking to our shared house, as we entered side by side, Hoseok and Jimin pushed me aside and attacked Y/n with hugs.

However, she wasn't responding to any of them, as soon as they noticed that, they started questioning her. The only response they got was tears running on her face. They all halted, glaring at me with vicious looks. I immediately raised my hands, 'I didn't do it' I mouthed.

I sighed and slowly grabbed noona by her shoulders, bringing her to my room since she's never been here before. I gently pushed her so she was sitting on the bed, I got on my knees in front of her and looked at her face.

I grabbed her hands that were placed on her lap and held it. "Are you okay noona?" I asked as she slightly nodded her head. "Do you need to talk about it?" I questioned her as she shook her head quickly.

"Do you mind telling me who the man from earlier was?" I asked as she looked at me with a frown. "H-He..." she started, "That was my ex-boyfriend." She said as I nodded, ignoring the tingling feeling in my stomach.

"Why are you so scared of him noona?"I looked at her, her grip on my hands getting tighter.

"B-Because he was.." she looked down scared before speaking up again. "Controlling and was abusive toward me." She said, my eyes flaring with anger.

"Did you tell anyone?" I asked with concerned eyes as she shooked her head. "Why?" I rubbed circles on her palm.

"H-He threatened me." She whispered as tears slowly went down her pale face.


"How long has this been going on?" I asked in a calming voice.

She looked at me and hesitated to speak. "It started in college, and it's been going on for a year, but then I came to Seoul with my father."

"A year!?" I raised my voice in anger as she looked at me with shame. I stood up with a clenched fist, "I'm going to kill that bastard!" I shouted as I walked to the door.

She quickly grabbed my wrist, stopping me. "Don't go, it's not worth it." She mumbled as she used her other hand to hold my hand.

"Of course it's worth it!" I shouted as she looked at me with wide eyes. "Anything that involves you is worth it," I said as I pulled away from her hold.

"Why?.." I looked at her, "Why do you care so much?" she looked up from her lap.

"Because I love you," I opened the door and walked out.

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