《shoot her | jjk》013


C H O I Y / N

It's been a couple of weeks since I've been in the hospital, and I finally get discharged today. Ever since I've been admitted to the hospital, Jungkook has been sweeter than ever.

I mean who knew that that little fetus had a crush on me? I eventually grew feelings for him but we haven't made it official yet.

I don't really want to be in a relationship because my last one was so horrible that I don't want to think about it. It gives me shivers down my spine remembering it but I trust Jungkook, and that he won't hurt me.

The door opened, and Jungkook came in happily. I mean who knew this cute bunny was the same man who kidnapped me?

"Why are you so happy kookie?" I asked as he just smiled.

"I'm just happy that I get to see my beloved noona." He hugs me tightly as I chuckled before hugging him back.


"Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked while pouting, she gave me a worried look before answering. "Of course! I'm always happy when I see you." She says as I smiled.

I'm very playful around her because she makes me feel different, like she has a similar aura as eomma which I love very much. She makes me feel like I'm at home and that I belong with her.

I'd hate to admit it but I think I fell in love with her, I'm new to these things because I've never been in love before. The only people I've really ever loved was eomma and my hyung's. I usually don't care for love because I was always everywhere, doing jobs.


The jobs I do weren't really my choice, after my mother died I was forced my father to join his gang, and that was how I met my hyung's. My hyung's and I weren't really close with our parents, if we were then we probably wouldn't have been forced to join this gang. Am I right?

Eventually we ran away from our parent's gang and started our own since that was the only thing we know to do.

We never experience the thing that was so called 'childhood'. The gang we used to be in was very abusive and notorious, it was basically human trafficking and child labor.

Meanwhile our gang is just selling drugs and sometimes would do favors from other gangs for money, it might seem weird but it is what it is. Namjoon hyung's father was the mafia so that's why he's leading us because he has experience.

We really can't do anything else because we only have education up to high school but that doesn't make us stupid.

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