《shoot her | jjk》010




I stood next to her as she filled out some paperwork for her patients at the hospital's front desk.

"Doctor Choi?" I turned my head to the person who called Y/n.

"Yes?" She softly said as she greeted him.

"Can I talk to you privately?" He asked as he looked at me turning his head back to Y/n nervously.

"Of course," They walked side by side to the corner of the hospital lobby. They talked for a couple of minutes until he started shouting.

I raised my brows as I watched them closely.

He raised his hand to slap her, my eyes widened as his hand went across her face.

"This bastard," I said as I clenched my jaw with anger.

Who does he think he is?

He grabbed her by the arm with a knife against her neck. "Nobody move! Or else she dies!" He shouted with bloodshot eyes.

A crowd started forming around them, people crying for Y/n to be safe.

"Calm down Mr.Lee, I can help you." A male with a doctor's coat spoke up.

"W-Who are you?!" Mr. Lee shouted at the man.

"I'm Dr.Park, Park Jinyoung. Who worked alongside with Dr. Kwon." The male took small steps towards the frightened man.

"Stay back! I'll kill her if you don't!"

"W-Why are you doing this? Let's talk this out." The nurse beside me spoke up but he only laughed and smirked.

"Talk this out?! It's too late for that! My wife is gone! You guys could've saved her!" He shouted as tears ran down his face.

The knife pressed deeper against her neck, making her bleed a little. Her face scrunched up as she withstood the pain.


"You're hurting her Mr.Lee, we can solve this without violence. Just put the weapon down." Jinyoung spoke up with a soft voice but he only pressed the knife harder.

"Let her go! She didn't do anything." The nurse said again.

"She operated on my wife!" He pulled her hair as I stood their with clenched fist, slowly I walked behind them but he turned around and quickly stabbed her stomach before throwing her on the ground.

With no second thoughts, I grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back. I kicked his knees, making him fall foreword, dropping the knife beside me.

I shoved his face onto the ground until the authorities arrived. I glanced at Y/n and saw her losing consciousness while Jinyoung was holding her.

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