《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》Mr. Know it All


"I'm not going anywhere. Go back to bed and wait for a doctor"

"No," she said stubbornly and her lips shifted into a thin line. Lorenzo rolled his eyes.

"Fine, you can change but I will help you. I don't want you to fall down and crack your skull"

"It's already cracked" Oops. Don't make jokes like that. Noted.

Lorenzo's face hardened in anger. "Hey, don't be mad," she said, quickly taking his face into her hands. She made him look at her and they were staring at each other for the moment.

"I'm not mad. I'm worried Clara and I love you," Lorenzo said. "I want day seventh re-done after you're released from the hospital and you feel better"

"Really?" Clara whispered, her voice full of hope.

He nodded and he rested his forehead on hers. "Give me one more day Clara I don't want to lose you"

"O-okay," she said, and then she shivered. It was a little cold here.

"Let me get that clothes on you," he said instantly, noticing her discomfort.

After she got her clothes on she and Lorenzo waited for a doctor to come and received a discharge after she was lectured to take it easy and rest a lot. Lorenzo promised to ensure that this happens and Clara had no doubt he's going to keep his promise considering the visible determination that she noticed in his eyes.



"You realized my legs weren't injured? Put me down" she said grumpily as he carried her to his car.

"I don't feel like it"

"Oh with that attitude I already see myself falling in love with you," she said annoyedly but she put her head closer to his chest enjoying the closeness. Lorenzo noticed the small movement and a gentle smile appeared on his lips.

"Silly girl, you're already in love with me" he pointed out.

"Okay, Mr. Know it All"

"I like my new nickname because it's true. Don't roll your eyes at me"

"Or? She challenged with her chin raised up.


"Or you will get charred potatoes for your next meal and steak well done"

Clara gasped. "Really food blackmail? That's cruel even for you"

"What can I say I'm a cruel man" he said now sitting behind the wheel, Clara was right next to him already searching for the good music to play.

They were bantering for a while but at some point of the ride Clara fell asleep in the car. She was still tired after everything that happened and her body was recovering.

She woke up next day in her comfy bed. Lorenzo must have carry her to the apartment while she was sleeping and he didn't leave her place.

She could sense the delicious smell of Lorenzo's cooking.

"Wow," Clara said, her eyes sparkling with excitement when he served her a fresh omelet with vegetables. For some reason, she was in a good mood today so she asked. "Can you bring me a bottle of ketchup?"

Lorenzo froze "What did you say?" He asked with horror. Clara started laughing uncontrollably.

"You little shit how dare you to make fun of me?" It was a hilarious mix of emotions that played on his face but Clara forced herself to stop laughing.

"We're invited to my older brother's house for the evening by the way" he announced after the laughing fit ended.

"Okay," She was excited to see Casey.

„So" He started. "Who's Noah?"

"My friend"

"How did you meet? Why didn't you introduce him yet? What's your relationship? Have you ever had s-"

"Jeez! He's just a friend. He was Sabrina's older brother, there was never anything between us and won't be. Not that I have to explain myself to you"

"Yes you do, I'm an insanely jealous man" Lorenzo stated and kissed her neck. "Introduce me to him"

"Are you going to play dangerous mafioso?" Clara asked dryly and a mischievous smirk appeared on Lorenzo's face.

"Dolcezza I am dangerous mafioso you tend to forget that little fact with your bold attitude"

"I'm not afraid of you," she said and smiled while he rolled his eyes.


"Good" he responded gently also enjoying their moment "you don't have to be. On the other hand men around you..." he stopped in mid-sentence for dramatic effect. It was so on brand.


„So what do you want to do on our last day?" Lorenzo asked.

"You're letting me choose?" Clara asked surprised and Lorenzo made a "duh" face.

"Fine. Then make raspberry macarons for me" Clara decided.

"What?" Lorenzo blinked twice.

"You heard me. You can make them pink, right?" She asked excitedly.

"We can travel to any place in the world, try skydiving or do anything we have ever wanted to do but we will spend today's in the kitchen. Whatever" he pouted and turned his back on her. She hugged him resting her cheek on his shoulder.

"Thank you," she said. But she didn't just mean today or the fact that he was taking his time to make food for her. She was just thankful for him being here with her.


Clara sat on the kitchen counter in a strategic place where she could watch the show Lorenzo was making for free. His body was amazing and he wasn't wearing a shirt. It was really a treat to see his muscular, naked chest in the morning.

"Speaking of traveling. I have one big concern" Clara started speaking.

"What is it?" Lorenzo asked instantly, giving her his full attention. He was about to start the process of mincing almonds but he stopped.

"What's the point? I don't know the language. How am I supposed to move there?"

Lorenzo shrugged his shoulders "You work with computers so you don't really need the language. Besides, I will teach you, you know. We might hire someone as a tutor as well. Besides many of my friends speaks English you will get along with them well"

As they spoke Clara realized something. She no longer was forced to marry him. Her father said it's okay if she won't. But for some reason, she wanted to. She wanted to marry him and spend more days with him. Day after another. Even if it was a foreign palace, somewhere in another part of the world.

She watched with fascination how he was preparing the dessert. There was so much focus in his eyes, he cared about details, he was moving swiftly and confidently not only while he was baking. No matter what he was doing he had this aura of confidence surrounding him.

"I can't believe we're doing something so lame on our last day together" He muttered and stuck the thermometer aggressively into the pot with melting sugar.

"Who said it's our last day?"

Lorenzo froze in place and Clara quickly appeared next to the stove to turn it off.

"Great. Now you ruined it" he said quietly, hopefully referring to the pastries. Clara had to stop herself from laughing.

"Lorenzo. I don't want our deal to end, I don't want this relationship to end. We don't need to do anything special because I like to do normal things with you, you make it fun for me. So let's get married, or let's just date for another year or two. It doesn't matter to me what we do as long as we're together"

"Clara" Lorenzo was now looking at her in complete shock. He took a few steps closer and now they were facing each other. For the first time, Clara saw him looking vulnerable. "Thank you. I love you" he said quietly, the wave of relief washed over him.

"So do I"


Okay, that will be it folks! I hope you enjoyed this story. Tbh it's a big flop has very low ranking placing since the very beginning and I think it's my least popular story for now. It's sad because I really like it for some reason. Anyway to all my readers thank you for staying here with me I really appreciate it. Without your support I wouldn't be able to finish this story.

Ily ❤️

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