《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》The Answer Is No


"What sort of demand is this?" Clara hissed. This was ridiculous. Has she done something to someone? "Why did you do this?"

"Why did you show up here to take Lorenzo away from me?"


That's what Clara heard when the stranger on the other side of the line responded. Unhealthy, ugly, and raw jealousy.

Suddenly she knew where did she hear that voice before... Giorgia. That woman... She wasn't normal.

"What exactly do you expect me to do?" Clara asked.

"Isn't it simple?" She asked sweetly "I want you gone from Lorenzo's life" her voice became far less sweet. It started to be cold, emotionless, scary. "I want you to leave the country and never come back"

"And you're risking a child's life to make sure it happens? Casey is Lorenzo's family" Clara asked, she was angry.

"She's not his family. It's just some random kid his brother took in" Giorgia said in a dismissive voice "Besides... Casey's life is in your hands, not mine. If it's anyone's fault this is happening it's yours. I wouldn't have to do all this if you never showed up here"

"You're wrong. Casey matters to him, to all of them. What could possibly give you an idea that he will marry you after he finds out what you did?"

Surely she didn't believe she's going to get away with this?

"He will never find out who poisoned her. You will keep your mouth shut" she said in a self-assured voice.

"And why is that?" Clara asked in a cold voice.

"Because if you don't I will have to notify the police that you have been stalking Desmond Laffan for several years"

Clara took a deep breath.

"How do you know about this?"

"Private detectives exist, you know. I had someone keeping an eye on you ever since I found out some bitch is trying to snatch my future husband"

Ok. That woman was mental. Mental. How desperate was she? There was no logic in her actions.

Horrified Clara didn't speak, she just let Giorgia continue her unhinged speech "You thought you can just come in here and steal him from me? I have worked too hard to earn my position as his wife, you, on the other hand, need to go"

"I will leave. Just let Casey's doctors know what poison you used" Clara said submissively, for now, she was forced to play along. "And tell me how am I supposed to leave. Should I book plane tickets?"


"Place for you is already booked. You have two hours to get on the flight to Seattle. If you won't get on that plane Casey dies. And don't try to fool me if you won't be there in time I will know"

"Two hours?! That's not enough time"

"Make it enough," the voice said and hung up.

Clara started pacing around the room while she tried to figure out the best possible way to solve the situation. Tell Lorenzo everything? And then what? What happens if Casey dies because of it? She couldn't take a gamble with that child's life.

Then she stopped because she realized something: she didn't have time to figure it out. She needed to get the tickets and drive to the airport right now otherwise she's not going to make it in time. She can't risk it.

With shaky hands, she made a call to Lorenzo.

"What is it, Clara?" Lorenzo asked. From his voice, Clara could tell he was very tired.

"How is Casey?" Clara asked with tension and sadness.

"Bad. Eliana and Rafael are on their way but I am not sure if they will show up in time," he said, his voice quiet.

This is when Clara knew what she had to do. Her chest was aching in unbearable pain.

"I'm sorry Lorenzo. I know it's a terrible time to say this but today but I've made my decision and I feel like it wouldn't be fair to keep you waiting... no. It's me. I don't want to wait anymore. I will not marry you. My answer is no so please don't contact me again"

"What are you talking about?" He asked, not knowing what's happening. Clara's heart was hurting, she felt like throwing up.

"I'm saying no. I won't marry you. I have my plane booked already. I hope you will respect my decision. I don't need you to take the blame on yourself. I will settle this breakup with my father on my own. I am sorry Lorenzo"

With that, she ended their conversion and understandably he did not call back. Because he had other shit to deal with right now and Clara? Clara had to save Casey's life. That was the most important thing right now.

She didn't even bother to change her clothes. In sweatpants and loose T-shirts, she ran out of the house. She took an Über. She was pissed off too. Giorgia played her as if she was a puppet and she's not the type of person who's gonna let other people push her around.


As could imagine the deep betrayal Lorenzo is feeling right now. But she knew her rejection would not be as painful as her death so she had to make this decision was a lesser but necessary evil.

"Ma'am are you okay?" the uber driver looked concerned at her tear-stained cheeks and she didn't blame him.

"Sir I am very worried I will be late for my flight," she said trying to sound like a scared, vulnerable woman "Could you please drive a little faster"

"Of course signora please don't worry I will get you to the airport in time" the driver smiled but she couldn't bring herself to return it.

But he was right. When they arrived there was still enough time for Clara to run through the gates. It happened just a second before they were closed.

The plane would be boarding soon.

"Please fasten your seatbelt," the cabin crew member directed. Clara followed the request. She was too tired to deal with anything else.

The plane took off and now was the time to act. Clara opened her laptop and started searching for answers, she hasn't spent the last few years of her life learning about hacking just to be useless right now. Somewhere along the lines, Clara realized that this situation can be solved by her ability to gather information. All she needed to do is to find out what poison was used on Casey. She wasn't about to wait for Giorgia to gracefully reveal it.

She started from Giorgia's social media and through that, she found her e-mail and that was just the beginning of invigilation. Giorgia used Lorenzo's birthday as a password for most of her accounts. Madness. Finally, after an hour a half Clara found what she was looking for.

Giorgia yesterday has purchased digoxin. It was a drug used to treat heart conditions. Clara wasn't sure if it was it. But it was her best bet. With shaky hands, she picked up her cellphone to call Lorenzo.

Pick up, pick up, pick up.

He didn't pick up.

Shit. Try again.

"What is it, Clara?" To her surprise, he didn't sound angry. He was tired.

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"I don't have time to be angry right now. Why are you on the plane to Seattle?"

He must've sent someone to follow her. Good.

"Have you received any information on what Casey might be poisoned with?"

"No, should I?" His voice hardened and became suspicious.

"It's Digoxin. Giorgia apparently never had the intention to inform you about it"

"Giorgia did this?" He asked darkly.

"She wanted to use Casey for making me leave the city and break the engagement without you knowing anything. Apparently, she wants to marry you" Clara responded dryly.

"I need to go," he said quietly but then paused "Thank you, Clara"

"You're welcome. Let me know if I'm right"

An hour later Clara received a picture of awakened Casey was sent to Clara in a few minutes. Clara stared at the picture and let the relief wash over her. She could see color was coming back to Casey's cheeks.

The picture was sent with a message attached to it: I will be back in Seattle as soon as possible. I need to deal with Giorgia.


It takes 17 hours to get to Palermo. So Rafael despite his ability to bend most things to his will couldn't bend time.

Within the timeframe of their arrival, the case has been partially solved. Casey received an antidote quickly enough, no lasting damage was caused, thank God.

"Casey, how are you feeling?" Eliana ran into her sister's room and hugged her, Casey in a rare instance of vulnerability returned the hug.

"I've been better" she muttered "But not as bad as before" she added seeing his sister's worried face.

"Thank God," Eliana said in relief.

"I'm sorry?"

"For what sweetie?" Eliana said gently.

"For drinking that night," Casey said, feeling ashamed.

"That's not important right now. Just rest and don't worry about anything, okay? I'm not mad at you Cas I just want you to be okay" Eliana pleased and Casey nodded with tears in her eyes, then sister hugged and they both burst into tears.

Meanwhile, Rafael instead of going in sat next to his brother who was just talking to someone over the phone. Both men watched the scene with a deep desire for retribution.

"Tell me about the woman who did it"

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