《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》Poison & Wine


Author's note: I appreciate your comments, thank you so much. ❤️


"They mentioned this morning that they're planning to go to the party. I'm sorry I should have told you" Clara admitted regretfully.

Lorenzo sighed. "It's not your fault. Remi and Milo should've been more responsible"

"So what exactly happened?" Clara asked. She didn't hear the full conversation Lorenzo had with his younger brother and she was trying to make sense out of all this.

"Casey convinced them to take her to the party, after few drinks she started feeling unwell. I have no idea what they were thinking," Lorenzo said in a grim voice.

"How sick is she?" Clara asked worriedly.

"She's throwing up and has a fever" Lorenzo responded.

"She was drinking yesterday at Vito's party" Clara decided to reveal this information because maybe Casey had a problem? Whatever was going on with that kid it could end badly.

Lorenzo cursed under his breath and looking resigned said "I need to call Rafael"

Conversation with Rafael was kept short, Lorenzo was speaking with Eliana too and promised to keep her updated about the situation.

They arrived home in record time.

„Casey, how are you feeling?" Lorenzo asked carefully kneeling next to the teenager who was currently leaning over the bathroom's wall. She didn't address Lorenzo directly instead her accusing glare rested on the twins.

„You told him? I said I'm going to be fine in a couple of hours" Casey clearly felt betrayed.

„Are you kidding me? You're looking like you're about to drop dead of course we called him!" Remi said sharply.

„That's not helpful," Milo scolded his hot-headed twin. Remi shrugged in response and started pacing around the room with his hands crossed.

"Get out. All of you" Casey managed to spit out and everyone complied. The moment she closed the door she started throwing up again. Oh, this was bad. Lorenzo cursed under his breath.


"Is it normal? She already threw up several times" Remi looked worried.

"No it isn't" Lorenzo responded. He knocked at the door and when she didn't answer he opened them. "Casey, how are you feeling?"

Casey moaned something in response. A mere glance at her pale face was enough for Lorenzo to make a final decision. "We're taking her to the hospital"

"Casey I need you to get up," Milo said gently, rubbing a circle on Casey's back. „Casey??" He started shaking the girl's shoulder more forcefully „Fuck" he muttered.

Lorenzo wordlessly came closer to her and carried her out of the house to his car. By that time she was already unconscious.

„What the hell is going on?" Remi muttered watching Casey with concern.

They were sitting in the back of the car. Milo was in the front seat next to Lorenzo while Remi was holding Casey in the back seat.

"I will call you when we know something" Lorenzo informed and Clara nodded. The car was already full and there was no need for her to go with them.

Clara sat down in the kitchen not knowing what to do with herself. Casey is going to be alright, right? She started checking her emails just to focus on something but she felt like she's going to throw up.

She almost jumped out of her chair when the phone called. Lorenzo was calling her "Yes?" she asked, she tried to make her voice steady. She needed to keep it together for him. "How is Casey? Is she okay?"

"She's getting worse," he said, his voice was distant it felt like he's experiencing shock and Clara couldn't blame him. "Doctors don't know what's going on yet, but it's not the alcohol poisoning"

"What does it mean?" Clara asked, confused.


"The most plausible theory, for now, is poisoning," Lorenzo responded.

"Poisoning? But who would do that?"'

"I don't know but if that's true I will find them and murder them with my bare hands. I am sorry Clara, I will keep you informed but I need to go now" he said and hung up.

A few minutes later another phone call. Unknown number? Normally she wouldn't pick up but maybe it was Remi or Milo.

"Yes?" Clara asked with anticipation.

"Hello, Clara. How are you doing?" an unknown voice appeared on the other side of the line.

"Who am I speaking to?" Clara said, now scared.

"Wrong question. You should be asking why am I calling you" it was a female voice. It sounded familiar. Who was this person?

"I'm hanging up," Clara warned. She didn't have time for stupid pranks.

"So you don't want to know how to save Casey?"

Clara froze, "What are you talking about? Who are you?" she asked.

It felt surreal.

"Casey is going to die if she doesn't get an antidote. In order for this to happen the doctors need to know what poison is flowing in her veins and they won't discover it in time"

Clara just realized that she's speaking with a person who was responsible for Casey's state.

"What do you want?" She asked quietly, her hands were shaking, she could feel pain in her chest from the nerves she was feeling.

"I want you to flight back home and never show up here again"

What? What the fuck was that. That person basically told her that this situation was caused because she was here. Clara needed answers.

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