《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》Marriage is lava


"Me and Remi are 17," Milo said.

"And what are your plans for today?"


"Does Lorenzo know?"

They looked at each other then at her but didn't give a proper response.


„We thought you're cool?" Casey asked.

„Casey, we weren't planning to take you with us anyway," Remi said and rolled his eyes.

„Burn in hell," Casey snarled feeling backstabbed.

"You're not going anywhere. Got it?" Clara asked surprised by her firm tone. Ok those weren't her kids but she was still the adult in the room and if Casey got drunk at Vito's party she sure as hell would at whatever they were planning to go with the boys. So Clara had no desire nor need to be a cool aunt.

"Fine, fine relax. Just don't tell Lorenzo we came up with this idea okay?" Remi said with his hand raised in the sign of defeat.

"Fine" Clara admit reluctantly because there was no need to get them in trouble for having a stupid idea.

„You can leave it, Valentina will clean it up," Milo said seeing Clara picking up the dirty dishes and taking them to the sink.

Of course, they had housekeepers to do all the chores for them. She was planning to clean after herself anyway, she would feel bad for leaving dirty plates to just lay around.

"It's okay I will do it"

"Okay, see you. Thank you for the food" Remi said easily and with Milo and Casey they left the kitchen.


When Clara finished cleaning she entered the living room to see all three kids playing PlayStation and her eyes started sparkling with interest.

"You're playing Shadows of the Damned?" Clara asked her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"You know it?"

Clara nodded eagerly. "Can I join?" She asked.

"Do you need a small tutorial?" Remi asked.

Clara's lips turned into a smirk. Oh, that kids had no idea what they were in for. "I think I'm going to be fine"

"Then by all means show us what you got" he invited and gave her a spare pad.

"Girls vs boys then?" Casey smiled diabolically. Remi and Milo quickly agreed, hopeful that Clara sucks.

Unfortunately, Clara was better than all of them.

"What the fuck?" Remi muttered after he was killed again. Milo threw his pad at the sofa behind him and picked up his book unwilling to speak with anyone. Casey on the other hand had the time of her life and she was just being taught by Clara how to be a pro and laughing every time Remi or Milo is sniped out of the game.

It was a time well spent and Clara enjoyed the company of Lorenzo's family.

Lorenzo came back home two hours later. He said goodbye to the kids, told them to behave, and took Clara to the guest house so she could change her clothes into something casual and then they were on the road again.

They were driving for a while but instead of demanding to know where they're going right away Clara relaxed and enjoyed the views. They were driving along the coast and deep blue sea color blended with clear blue sky. It was breathtaking.

Of course at some point, after two hours have passed she decided to ask "What's our destination? We've been driving for a while" Clara said.

"Etna," Lorenzo said shortly.

She really hoped he meant restaurant or something and not an active volcano!

"Etna? Are you trying to kill me?" Clara was a computer person, she didn't do sports especially something as tiring as hiking.


He started laughing loudly.

"Don't laugh" Another crazy Lorenzo's idea. Things never got boring with this man. "Tomorrow is our last day and we're going on a mountain trip" She commented shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yes, that's exactly what we do," Lorenzo said.

"I'm not exactly a mountain climbing person"

"We went on a walk yesterday it's the same just up and down" Lorenzo responded not seeing an issue.

"That walk was exhausting" Clara wasn't sure how many kilometers they did yesterday but she was sure it was a lot.

"But it was a good day wasn't it?" He asked.

Well. She couldn't deny that.


"I have bad feelings about this" that was the first thing she said when they arrived at the destination.

"It's going to be fine" Lorenzo assured. "I can always carry you when you get too tired" he winked.

"No thank you I'm not some damsel in distress" Clara responded.

"What a shame" Lorenzo pouted.

Clara rolled her eyes they were walking for around 15 minutes, her breath already quickened, her legs already started hurting. She decided she needs to leave her house more often from now on.

"Can we take a break?"

"We've been walking for like 5 minutes," Lorenzo said in disbelief, without a trace of tiredness.

"It's been at least half an hour" Clara exaggerated sitting on the rock that looked like the best seat she could find in these conditions.

"Such a liar" Lorenzo pouted but sat down next to her.

"Lorenzo I understand that you're doing gym but I don't and my legs are not good" she responded. "How long will it take to climb to the top?"

"It should take us 1,5 hours, but if we keep up with this speed it might take more. Like 3 to 7 hours. You should start going to the gym with me"

"No, thank you," Clara said stubbornly "Asshat" she muttered.

"What was that?" He said threateningly and Clara jumped to her feet.

"Nothing! I feel rested and ready" she said her pace quickened just to avoid any follow-up questions.

She tried to ignore Lorenzo's cackling but honestly, this man was frustrating!

Clara was determined to push forward without taking a break and go back home as soon as possible. But then she abruptly stopped. A devilish smile appeared on her lips and she slowly turned to face Lorenzo.

"What is it?" He asked raising his eyebrows. That was absolutely new Clara he saw right now. The one that felt at ease in his company.

She took a brave step forward and was now very closely watching into his eyes while she spoke "You know you had your fun this week, haven't you? So much power with me being unable to say no to your nonsense"

"-and?" Lorenzo asked fascinated.

"Tomorrow is my turn to control what happens" she smiled triumphantly. "Tomorrow I have power. Are you excited?"

"Ah it is indeed" he agreed easily "aren't you getting bolder and bolder little mouse?"

"I do and I enjoy it" she muttered and then she touched his cheek and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Good to know miss Castillo," He said and grabbed her hand and they started walking again. He was making sure he's right next to her in close proximity.

"Don't you need to take a break? We've been walking for a while" he asked after a while.

"So you can make fun of me? Never" she scoffed letting her pride get better of her.

"You're ready to exhaust yourself just to make a point" Lorenzo noted shaking his head.


"Absolutely," she said refusing to breathe heavily too.

Lorenzo sighed and suddenly Clara was lifted up. He was carrying her bridal style.

She would start wriggling if she wasn't afraid he would drop her.

"Are you insane? Put me down" Clara hissed.

"Relax princess. We don't need to stop but you do look like you would use some rest"

"I told you to put me down"

"I'm still calling the shots. Unless you want to break the deal now"

Clara sighed.

"Never mind"

"I will not drop you if that's what you're afraid of"

"That's not what I'm afraid of"

"What are you afraid of then?" He asked.

"Coming back home"

"What? Why?"

"Because it will be return to reality Lorenzo"

"And who says it has to be? You can stay here with me"

"What do you mean?"

"The wedding would take place in Palermo anyway if you don't want to go back home I can hire someone who will get the stuff you need from your house"

Clara seriously considered that. Her life in the US was bleak and lonely, consumed by the desire to make Desmond pay for his crimes. She didn't like her life, not at all. And then she met Lorenzo and at first, she didn't like him too. But now? Now she likes him. Really likes him.

But there was still something holding her back "but Desmond still-"

"I told you I will take care of him"

"Lorenzo you don't understand I've spent 7 years trying to figure out how to get him in jail!" Clara blew up. She didn't mean to sound rude or ungrateful but she needed him to understand.

He put her down and they were now watching each other intensively.

"What was the end goal?" He asked calmly.

"To make him pay for killing Sabrina"

"So I will. Whatever you need, love. You're not alone with this anymore" he hugged her tightly. She hugged him back and unwanted tears started flowing down her cheeks. Usually, she would be angry at herself for crying but when she was with Lorenzo she felt like it's okay. She wasn't afraid she will break down because he was right next to her.

This is when she realized they arrived at their destination. They were at the summit of Etna.

"It's beautiful here" she whispered.

"You're beautiful," He said quietly and seeing that she's still sad he lifted her chin to force her to look at him." What is it Clara? Talk to me" he sat down next to where she was sitting and watched her carefully with his warm brown eyes.

"It's just... listen. Aren't you going to ask me what my answer will be tomorrow?"

"That's what's bothering you so much?"

"Do you even care?" She asked exasperated by his calmness.

"Of course I do"

"Then why are we hiking instead of... I don't know... sitting somewhere at the table having a serious conversation?"

"We do have a serious conversation" he pointed out.

"But why here?" Clara wanted to understand him. Is he taking their relationship seriously? He didn't try once to convince her to say yes. He was just doing things with her like normal couples would, as if their deal didn't exist.

"Because I know it would pressure you more and I want you to relax and stop overthinking. You're doing too much of that, you know. I just want to enjoy my time with you"

"I see," Clara said quietly, her gaze cast down on the ground.

Seeing that she remains silent Lorenzo asked "Desmond is not the only thing that's stopping you from staying isn't it?"

"I- listen, Lorenzo. I never planned to say yes. Because if I say yes it means my father wins"

"Wins. What does he win exactly?" Lorenzo brows furrowed

"It means he was right all along! To abandon me and then just use me as his tool for making even more money! He gains from his deal. It was his idea! It was-"

"Clara, breathe. Calm down dolcezza He said wiping tears out of her cheeks

Fuck. She pulled away and started furiously wiping her eyes. She didn't even realize when she started crying again.

"Clara. If you let me take your hand I will not spend one minute thinking about any business deals with Sirio. For me this man can be as good as dead after what he did to you" Lorenzo said sternly. His eyes were cold and unforgiving.

"What are you... but isn't working with him the sole purpose you agreed for this wedding to happen?" Clara asked now feeling very confused.

Lorenzo snorted. "No. You just appeared in the right place and the right time"


"When my father traveled to study in the US he didn't plan to stay. Or establish a successful business. But he met my mother and fell in love with her. Grandfather was really pissed when he learned his heir settled in and didn't want to go back home. Father promised that he will go back when the time is right but then... then he died. After Rafael took over the company it became insanely profitable. There was no point of getting back here and leaving everything he build behind. This is why Vito had a decision to make. It's either one of my cousins becoming the heir or me. I expressed the desire to take over but then he gave me a condition. That condition was getting married first"

"So in order to be given the leadership role, you need to first have a wife? Why?" Clara was really baffled by Vito's weird request.

"It's important to have someone who will not betray you. Someone who's close to you. Rafael and my brothers are staying in the US. Here I have cousins, uncles, aunts but my ties with them will never be as strong as they are with Rafael, Milo, or Remi. It's a lonely life if you have absolute power over every person in near proximity to you"

"So what happens if I say no?"

"I will just take over without a wife"

"But you said Vito's condition was-"

"I said that my grandfather is stubborn but so am I. Things changed Clara, I like you. I don't want to marry another person and no one will force me. I played nicely in Vito's game because I enjoyed its rules so far"

Clara suddenly felt stupid. The deal between her and Lorenzo was not about her father. Or Lorenzo's grandfather. The moment Lorenzo said he doesn't want to force her to get married her fate was no longer in her father's hands. It was in her hands. The decision about marriage has been first taken away from her just to be returned to her by Lorenzo.

And she understood why he made a deal with her. He wanted to know her, he wanted to see if they can be together. And they could, couldn't they? It felt good. She felt good with him. Her initial distrust towards him was gone. It's been such a short period of time barely a few days but they have spent almost every minute of it together and she felt like she knew him.

She realized she's going to say yes tomorrow. Because she wants to.

That decision belonged to her. Only her. Clara liked that feeling.

"We should go back home" she decided, feeling at peace. Feeling happy.

"Let's go then"

Exactly when he said that he started raining.

Clara said felt her hair getting wet and surprisingly she didn't mind. After the conversation with Lorenzo, she felt like a heavy weight was being lifted from her chest.

It was an extremely hot day and walking in the rain made her happy, Lorenzo seemed pleased as well. They did not spend another minute talking about difficult subjects. They joked around, laughed, and just enjoyed each other's company. It felt good. It was around noon when they traveled to Catania. Lorenzo insisted to show her the city, they were drinking, eating good food, and enjoying themselves.

Then it was time to come back home.

It was already around 10 p.m. when they started driving back to Palermo. The wonderful views have been hidden by the darkness of the night.

Clara closed her eyes to rest it was quiet, music was playing in the background. She was enjoying her time.

"By the way why wasn't your grandfather at the breakfast?"

"He left the city early in the morning to the conference in Rome. He will be back in two days" Lorenzo explained.

One hour later Lorenzo's phone called.

"Yeah, what is it? What do you mean she's sick?"

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