《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》Time will Tell


She woke up feeling guilty. Fuck. She told Lorenzo she wants to have sex with him. Like the complete idiot, she was!

Clara decided she's too embarrassed to deal with Lorenzo right now so she quickly ran inside the bathroom.

She decided to just stay in the shower until she's ready to go out and face the world which might be never. She will just drown here.

She scrubbed herself thoroughly as if wanting to wash out the embarrassment. She used aloe-scented shampoo and coconut-scented body wash. Then she realized she doesn't have any clothes here except the dress from yesterday night.

She had to wake Lorenzo up. Shit.

After drying herself off with a black towel she wrapped it around her chest.

"Lorenzo," she said, touching his shoulder to wake him up gently "Lorenzo" she repeated in a little louder voice.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I don't have anything to wear" she complained.

"Later someone from the staff will go fetch your clothes for now just wear something from my wardrobe," he said in a sleepy voice. He must have really been tired after the whole night.

She blushed at his suggestion but she did as he asked. She picked a simple t-shirt she dug out of the closet; it would work as a tunic considering the length. It was falling off her but not as much as sweatpants.

When she turned away to quickly evacuate from the room Lorenzo was lying on his side, propped up on his elbow, hand supporting his head. He was watching her.

"I like you in my clothes"

"Thanks!" She said quickly not looking at him and then mumbled something about being hungry and she ran out of the room when she did she could hear him laughing loudly behind the closed door. Asshole.

She was hoping he would leave her alone but of course, he had to appear in the kitchen. Shirtless.


She put her hands on her hips "I have seen your closet you have things to wear why don't you use them?"

The corners of his lips lifted "What if I don't want to?"

"Lorenzo! We're not alone"

"I assure you, the only person here hungry for my body is you" he winked. "Besides kids are still asleep breakfast is in two hours

"Okay, okay do what you want," she said in a dismissive voice and she regretted it the moment he smiled.

"Anything I want?" He leaned over her.

"N-no. I misspoke"

"Oh, no. Poor Clara misspoke" he mocked quietly and then kissed her neck gently "You look so hot Ms. Castillo but I don't like your last name. It sounds wrong," he purred into her ear.

"It's way prettier than your last name if you must know. Go away," she said pushing him away. He didn't fight her, instead, he pulled away so Clara had enough space to move.

He was watching her while she found a loaf of bread inside of one of the shelves and started cutting it into slices.

"Do you want me to cut off my finger by accident?" She asked when she felt him breathing down her neck and playing with her hair.

"Give me that," he said, snatching the knife from her hand and shaking his head. Clara smiled triumphantly at winning this round and picked out tomatoes, cucumber and avocado from the fridge.

"How do you season guacamole?" Clara asked while mashing with the fork the green fruit. He was so fancy with his dishes she didn't want to offend him by dropping random spices into the bowl.

"Garlic powder, cayenne pepper, salt, black pepper" seeing that Clara was about to stop there he added "you should also add lime juice, garlic, fresh cilantro, jalapeño, and tomatoes"

"Maybe it's not meant to be a guacamole but mashed avocado" she proposed and he rolled his eyes.


"Why are you making guacamole in Sicily, Clara? Where's the Sicilian spirit?" He asked trying to stop himself from laughing.

Clara shook her head "Should I leave you to prepare the breakfast yourself, maestro?"

She took full offense.

"I would use some help, you can stay"

"But my guacamole is staying with me" Clara hugged her bowl of good food.

He rolled his eyes "So be it. So you like avocados?"

Clara nodded eagerly with the childlike joy.

This is when Lorenzo's phone started ringing "I understand. I will be there soon" he said with all seriousness.

The breakfast was almost ready: fresh bread, homemade orange jam, cantucci biscuits, Sicilian brioche, ricotta pancakes, and of course Clara's guacamole.

Lorenzo had to go change while Clara calmed the housekeeper that they're not putting her out of the job and they prepared breakfast because of boredom.

The next time Lorenzo entered the kitchen he was wearing his official black suit this time matched with a black shirt, he took his espresso shot „I need to go out for an hour see you later Clara" he said and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Bye" Clara responded.

Lorenzo quickly left the house while Clara sat at the table and started properly eating breakfast. She used a butter knife to spread black olives paste on her sandwich and she put some goat cheese on top. The moment she took a first bite Lorenzo's siblings appeared in the kitchen. Milo entered first he was looking fresh and ready to start a day, Remi on the other hand looked like he's about to murder someone. He was clearly not an early bird. Casey was somewhere in between. She was wearing day clothes instead of pajamas but she was also sleepy and not ready for human interaction. But her eyes shifted into childlike excitement when she saw the food. She threw herself to the table and started to add a little bit of everything on her plate.

„Is that guacamole?" Milo asked clearly baffled.

„That's on me. I prepared breakfast with Lorenzo" Clara explained.

„Lorenzo had time to prepare breakfast?!" Remi sounded shocked.

"Yes?" Clara blinked twice confused by Remi's reaction.

„Can you lower your voice, please" Casey complained, rubbing the temples on her head.

"You should've drunk more yesterday,'' Remi said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You were drinking yesterday?" Clara asked. They were underage, right? "How old are you guys?"

"Depends on whose age you're asking," Remi started. "For example, Casey is 5"

„Shut up asshole," Casey yelled and kicked the leg of his chair. „I am 16," she said in a calmer voice.

„16? And you were drinking yesterday?" Clara asked with confusion.

„She wasn't allowed to but she also wasn't very settled with pouring vodka into her orange juice," Milo said and shook his head. „Before we could stop her she was already pretty drunk"

„Stop selling me out!"

„Selling you out? If we wanted to sell you out we would bring you to Lorenzo and grandpa instead of dragging your drunk ass to your bedroom" Milo rolled his eyes and shook his head „How ungrateful"

„Casey, are you sure you're feeling okay? " Clara asked. She didn't want to play helicopter parent especially with a kid that she barely knew.

„I'm fine," Casey dismissed. „It's not my first hangover," she explained but no one seemed to calm down after this remark. Nevertheless, everyone decided to accept it for now.

"So what are you planning to do with Lorenzo today?" Casey asked curiously.

„I have no idea," Clara admitted, shrugging her shoulders. "Time will tell"

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