《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》Giorgia


This time they weren't driving but someone waited for them. As they went out of the house a man was standing in front of the white jeep in a typical "bodyguard pose".

When they arrived at the gate of the mansion Clara realized it was a garden party with a huge amount of guests. It was loud. People were dancing, laughing, and just overall having fun. Clara was more of an introvert so this amount of people in one place left her feeling dizzy but she wasn't complaining because she knew she looks damn good in the dress Lorenzo picked for her.

There was a long table with a lot of food, servers running around to make sure guests were pleased. Everyone looked very fancy here but there are two types of fancy: normal fancy and Lorenzo fancy, he was the league of his own.

The moment Lorenzo entered the gaze everyone swarmed him with greetings. Especially... women who seemed to be drawn to his person, suddenly Clara was reminded of something from The Godfather scene.

Lorenzo of course was the life of the party so he started conversing with everyone. Clara felt out of place but she also watched with fascination how people were laughing at Lorenzo's jokes, she assumed it's jokes but he used fluent Italian language, and how he would loudly start telling a quick anecdote and everyone would listen to him with attention.

"This is my fiancé, Clara," he said, again in Italian but Clara assumed he's introducing her hearing her name being used so she waved awkwardly.

Shit. Now everyone's attention was on her. She received some jealous glances but then she realized that Lorenzo's hand was wrapped around her waist in a possessive gesture.

Quickly attention shifted when another person an elderly man whose eyes were the same dark shade of brown as Lorenzo's.

"Welcome home Lorenzo," he said in Italian and welcomed his grandson by kissing him on both cheeks.


"Good to see you, Vito, how are you doing?" Lorenzo responded.

"Very well, very well indeed. I'm glad you decided to come early" Vito boomed in a pleased voice. Then the attention shifted towards Clara.

"And this lady is"

"My future wife," Lorenzo said with full certainty.

"Sirio Giordano's daughter, yes? Good to meet you, dear." Vito asked his English had a heavy Italian accent. "Good to meet you, dear"

Clara survived the same predicament of being kissed on both cheeks. She mumbled some greetings awkwardly.

"Ah, it's good to see both of you. Please have fun. I have excellent wine, prepared by a friend. Cigar?" He offered it to Lorenzo. Meanwhile, a server with a tray of red and white wine appeared in front of them.

"Introduce yourself to an old man, child" Vito commanded lazily, apparently he was used to giving people orders more than giving them respect.

"My name is Clara Castillo and I'm not a child," she said. Some people sent her scared glances but Vito chuckled. Boredom was replaced with interest.

"I knew Lorenzo was meant to be with someone who has a spunk. It's lovely to meet you, Clara" he said, sparks of amusement appearing in his eyes. "So, how many children do you plan to give to my grandson?"

Clara started choking on her wine the moment the word "child" left his mouth. Lorenzo started patting her on the back.

"Don't tease her," Lorenzo said in Italian and shook his head in disappointment. "She's nervous enough"

"Lorenzo let the old man have some fun" Vito waved his hand in a dismissive gesture, still in good humor. "I'm glad you have spunk, Clara. Lorenzo wouldn't do well with someone who doesn't"

Suddenly a short man in a black suit appeared next to Vito's and whispered something into his ear. "If you excuse me I have something to take care of," Vito said in a serious voice and disappeared with his people somewhere.


This is when another person appeared in front of them.

"Lorenzo! You're back. Hopefully, this time for good" The female voice said. It belonged to beautiful women. Long legs, tanned skin, sunglasses set on the top of long silky hair. She looked like a movie star with an aura of confidence. She smiled sweetly and kissed his cheek.

"Quite possibly yes" Lorenzo agreed.

Her eyes were shining in excitement "Really? Does that mean you took Vito's offer?"

"I did"

Before the conversation could go any further the man who summoned Vito appeared to inform "Lorenzo, Vito needs you in his office"

"Excuse me, ladies. Giorgia, this is Clara. Clara Giorgia" Lorenzo shifted to English, and then quickly left the room.

Giorgia's attention shifted to Clara. The warmth from her eyes was gone, her chin lifted up, she was no longer smiling.

"What's your relationship with Lorenzo?" She asked in fluent English, no accent. Her voice was cold as ice.

"We're friends," Clara said curtly. She really didn't want to explain herself to a person that clearly didn't like her.

"Really? Where did you meet?" She asked in an uninterested voice, apparently just to keep the conversation going.

"I was a waitress at Vincenti's club" Clara explained awkwardly.

Did she just... roll her eyes?

"Of course you were," she scoffed.

"Who's she?" Another woman, Georgia's friend asked.

"No one, just another Lorenzo's fucktoy. I hope he will stop looking for the strays after he moves in here. Let's go" Giorgia said and the two friends started walking away arm in arm leaving Clara alone as if she never was there.

Clara just stood there for a second trying to process what just happened and how can a person be such a bitch. If it wasn't Vito's party she would drag her by the hair but currently, she planned to keep her dignity and let it go for now.

She sat down on the bench. Away from the dancing crowd. She was really overwhelmed with the number of people surrounding her. Lorenzo was still nowhere to be found.

"Hey, are you okay?" Milo asked sitting next to her. "You seem to be a little down," he said, sitting on the bench next to her.

"I'm okay. I'm just not a fan of such gatherings" Clara admitted.

"Don't worry about Giorgia. She's chasing around Lorenzo hoping he will marry her but he was never even remotely interested" Milo explained, he overheard the conversation between Giorgia and Clara and knew what was the reason for Clara's sour mood.

"Why not? She's beautiful" Clara said, trying not to sound insecure.

"She's a cunt" Milo scoffed and they both snorted. If Clara would be the responsible adult she would scold him for using that language but Clara didn't give a shit if someone swears or not, she swore like a sailor herself.

This is when Lorenzo appeared behind her. He rested his hands on her shoulders and leaned forward to say "Sorry for leaving you alone"

"Oh. It's okay"

"We need to go to Vito's table. There's something he wants to announce" Lorenzo said, sounding pleased.

Clara didn't ask questions because she was simply tired.

The moment Lorenzo and Clara appeared by Vito's side the sound of the spoon knocking on the glass spooked Clara a bit. It felt like something important was about to happen soon. The attention of everyone gathered at the party was now focused on them.

"Dear all, I want to announce that I will soon step down from my position of family head and my grandson will be taking over" The excited whispers appeared through the crowd. Apparently, Lorenzo was popular here. "I'm planning to step down on the day of Lorenzo's marriage. Today I would like to introduce yourself his fiancé, Clara Castillo"

The look on Giorgia's face was priceless.

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