《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》What's Your Real Name?


Finally, after a long time, the doors opened.

The man who entered through them was so handsome it should be illegal. He was tall and muscular, his skin had an olive undertone. He had medium-length slicked-back brown hair. His eyes had espresso-brown color.

He was wearing a white suit and a black shirt underneath for some reason this unusual combination made him look even more attractive. Not to mention the aura of power surrounding him. He looked confident, relaxed. The type of man who wouldn't spare a girl like Clara a glance. His wrist indicated there's a tattoo on his left arm but Clara couldn't tell what it is.

The moment she saw him she made the decision: the best form of defense is attack. She abruptly stood up from her chair her eyes shined with anger as she asked "What the hell is this? Why am I being kept here against my will?!"

The heavy hand of Antonio appeared on her shoulder and pulled her back to the sitting position. "Should I tie her hands up, boss?"

"Why not, it's going to be more fun that way" the corners of his lips shifted into a mischievous smirk "What do you think, dolcezza (sweetness), are you going to behave for me?"

"Fuck off! Let me go!" Clara tried to get away from Antonio who kept her forcefully in place. Recently, Clara has been spending her whole days sitting in front of the computer and her muscles were non-existent. Besides, Antonio must have been familiar with this type of task since her hands were tied behind her back in record time.

When she focused on the man whose order caused her to be in this constricted position she stopped moving. She froze like a prey who just spotted a predator.


Lorenzo on the other hand wasn't in a hurry. His movements were smooth and graceful and for some reason, he reminded her of a panther as he was getting closer and closer to her.

"What is this all yelling about? Dolcezza, you seem to be upset at me, and yet you're the one causing trouble. How is that fair?" he asked in a slightly condescending voice, he leaned forward, and now their faces were close, his dark eyes were staring at her as if they could see her soul. She wanted to get away but when she flinched she suddenly remained about the rope tied around her wrists. He let her chin go and continued his speaking "I had to leave a very important business meeting because of you"

"I don't give a shit! Let me go"

"Ah, ah no swearing" he raised his gesture in a warning "Or do I need to gag you too? I have several documents to check. Our inevitable conversation may be postponed if you want to keep me company and need more time to rethink your behavior" he smirked again. It's Clara's shocked expression that triggered his amusement.

"Let me leave, please" Clara tried after she decided that this man was crazy.

"See? That's a better attitude already. To let you go I first need to get into a good mood, right now I am quite upset" nothing in his relaxed behavior and smug facial expression indicated that he was upset. "So are you going to introduce yourself to me?"

"My name is Leah. Leah Black-" Clara lied because she had to play the role until the very end. She planned to continue but his response made her heart stop.

"I don't like liars, you know? Perhaps you should try again" Lorenzo said, looking kind of bored. He was now standing in front of his head leaning over the desk. His proximity made the situation even more intimidating. Also, her stupid face couldn't stop blushing because she wasn't around other men than Noah for about ages.


"Why do you think I am lying?" she challenged.

"That's not how things work here, dolcezza. You don't get to ask me questions, you answer my questions" His continuous condescending tone irked her to no end.

This is why without thinking she responded "Bite me"

Antonio's rapid movement was stopped by Lorenzo "You should wait outside, I won't need you anymore"

"Yes, boss" Antonio said and quickly left the room, Clara was now alone with Lorenzo.

"Be careful what you wish for sweet little things, I might just do that. Where should I bite you?" he whispered into her ear in a husky voice. She tried to squirm away and couldn't.

"Go away" she gasped. He pulled away to her relief.

"You're sending mixed signals, dolcezza. I am so confused. You wanted me to bite you and now you don't want to give me proper instructions? Perhaps I should choose the place myself-"

Clara has given up. She closed her eyes and the unwanted tear started running through her cheek. It was gently wiped away by Lorenzo who pulled back without biting her. "Stop shaking, and don't start something you can't finish. Talking back is not very wise in your situation" Lorenzo instructed in more serious voice.

"And what is my situation, sir?" she asked through gritted teeth.

"Sir... that sounds nice. But my name is Lorenzo if you don't already know. I am sure you do, Clara"

She looked at him in horror. So he knew what her real name was. Of course he did.

"There must be some sort of mistake. My name is Leah" she decided to play stupid because confessing wasn't an option for now. It was too risky. There was no way to say what he's going to do but the sooner she confesses the sooner he will start asking uncomfortable questions.

But he did not have to wait for her confession.

He simply dropped the file on her knees. It was a scan of her ID card. Shit. Shit. Fucking shit of a shit.

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