《Reign (Bryshere Gray Fan Fiction)》Chapter 20: Focus
•Stay Focused on what's important.. The only one that can keep you away from winning is you.. What people say around you is just side conversations, meant to be pushed to the 'side'... Stir clear from weirdos
My meeting with Mrs. Bagsby went amazing!
She wanted me to come aboard and be the Director over The Texas women's column..
I wasn't to sure because I enjoyed writing and didn't want to get away from that.. But she assured me I could still have time for my own column, and I was in the making of starting my own magazine...
Everything I wanted was coming true... I still haven't talked to my mom since that night of the award ceremony, it hurt me but I gotta keep it pushing..
As for Bryshere he was out of sight, out of mind..
I'm not even mad at him, it's all good I wished him nothing but the best..
It's messed up that he hasn't even sent a text but I'm too fly to be stressing..
I'm so stress free I even kicked it with Julius a couple of times..
No we're not getting back together EVER, but he was the best when it came to being my homeboy..
He tried to hit it a couple of times and I sent his ass straight to the left...
I would make sure I talked to Amber and Brandon everyday..
her birthday was yesterday and I couldn't make it so I sent some money and gifts so she could have a princess ball..
I even had her a charm bracelet made from Tiffany's...
Brandon was kind of not into me doing all that but that's my little homie I was gonna make sure she was laced regardless..
I also got a letter in the mail for Candice's wedding saying:
The nerve of her..
I called Sherry...
"Reign! Talk to me babygirl what's going on?"
"Shit... just got back to the crib what you up to?"
"On my way to Simone's Doctor appointment.."
"Mmm.. Where Herb?"
"He had a show out in Cali.. and she said she's been feeling funny so I try to do as much as I can.."
I sighed..
"Sherry you so good to him.. but on top of that you're such a good person.."
"Shit.. I know! Too good sometimes.. So what's going on girl talk to me.."
"So I got an invitation in the mail for Candice's wedding.. Talm bout some, 'save the date'.."
I said laughing throwing it on my table..
She laughed..
"Girl I got one of those tacky ass invitations too.. I laughed so hard at that shit.. She had the nerve to send one to Hunter too.."
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Yup.. So are you going?"
"I don't know.. she hasn't been to none of my shit or called me.. and now I get this in my damn mailbox.. I would have rather this been a bill, Hell.."
She laughed..
"Girl you stupid.."
"Are you gonna go?"
I asked propping my feet up on the table..
"Yeah.. I thought about not going to.. But than I said fuck it, life's too short you never know what could happen..
Plus she don't got no family so I'll show up.. Can't fight fire with fire.."
"Mmm... I guess. But the fact that she hasn't called me is just too much.."
"I feel you.. Well Hunter said she was going with her new boo.."
I almost chocked..
"Her NEW BOO!?
"Well she was gonna call you and tell you herself but she had a client and had to go.. So when you talk to her act surprised.."
"OKAY OKAY! I will, now who IS IT!?"
"Yeah.. Asap Rocky.."
"What the hell.. You talm bout the rapper? The pretty muthafucka from Harlem?"
I said laughing
"Yes.. but she said she calls him Rakim when they're alone.. She sent me pictures and all.."
I shook my head..
"Okaaaay... Soooo, is she a Lesbo
Or not?"
"Giiirl who knows! Hunter weird like dat.."
"Well hell if she like it, I love it.."
"That's what I say shit..
Who am I to judge my baby is having a baby with a whole other women..
but bump all that, you know it's your birthday in almost two weeks.."
I sighed..
"I know.. so don't go making a big deal about it.."
"Bitch please! I need a brake from all the shit I'm dealing with plus this is a BIG ASS DEAL! So you already know I got you it's going down.."
"Okay but no dead strippers this year!"
I said reminiscing on my party last year in Vegas..
"Girl that shit was lit as fuck.. ain't nobody tell him to put a firecracker in his ass.. oh well shit we all gotta go out some kinduh way.."
I laughed..
"You stupid.."
"Ain't I always.. I'm bout to get on up here with this girl and see what's up.. I'll give you a call a little later.."
"Ight Girl.. love you.."
"Love you too boo.."
I said hanging up..
I was about to go take the dogs out back and do some yoga..
My phone rang..
I grabbed it and looked at it..
It was Jussie..
I smiled and picked up..
"Tell me something good.."
"Ayeee! What's good a little birdie reminded me that you have a birthday coming up in two weeks.."
I laughed..
"Awww shit you remember!"
"Yes Girl! So look I gotta be on set the week of your birthday..
But what you doing this Friday and Saturday?"
"Well I gotta check my schedule and talk to my people.."
"Bitch PLEASE! You ain't doing shit.."
"Um EXCUSE ME! I am a director of Texas Women Column now! I'm important shit!"
"Thanks BOO!"
I said sticking out my tongue
"Yup So clear yo directing ass schedule for Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday... I got me and you tickets!!!"
"Tickets for what?"
"Tickets front row to see
SWV, Monica, Brandy, EnVouge..
All the R&B bitches!! OH and I almost forgot TAMAR"
I said jumping up & down twerking
"The one and only.. You know that's my bitch.."
We both sang..
"Only in LOVE & WAR!!"
"Man I love Tamar!!! That's my BITCH! She be on stage getting it! Being her best ratchet self.. YESS!"
I said so excited
"So is that a yes?"
"Nigga that's a HELL YES! Just give me the time and place.."
"Well the concert is Saturday night but I want you to come stay with me and Taraji at her pint house Friday.. So you gotta get a flight out early.. I'll pay for it.."
"I got that part!"
I said flicking my hair..
"Ohh Okay Ms Director Big Bucks rolling in! I see you... well I'll text you everything else.. bring all your thot fits cause it's GOING DOWN! We kickin' in this new year right.."
"I got you... But I'll get a hotel though..."
"What! Why?"
"I'm not sure who gone pop up.."
I said looking around..
"What you mean Yazzy Yazz?
Girl PLEASE! We ain't worried about his bum ass okay.. it's me, you, Taraji and Gabby kickin' it old school style.. We celebrating your birthday, life and making it another year.. Yazz can kick rocks he's not invited..."
I sighed...
"Okay I hear you.."
"Okay So pack yo SHIT! Be at the JFK airport and the driver will bring you through.. you can stay in the guest room with me and it'll be like old times.."
I smiled..
"Okay boo I got you!"
"You got me Reign?"
"Yes nigga!"
"Alright don't let me down now!"
"And miss out on Tamar twerk her life away.. Nigga NO.. I'm there!"
"Okay Girl well I gotta go do this little photo shoot but I'll hit you up later.."
I was so happy I said fuck that yoga and went shopping..
You would have thought I was going away for good
the way I went shopping..
Shit I even brought a funeral outfit cause you just never know!
Shit get wild sometimes..
I booked my ticket and of course Ms. Mary agreed to watched Sir and Rick..
For the rest of the week my Vibes were so good and wasn't nobody killing how I was feeling..
Thursday night couldn't have came any slower...
I got all my things together and Ms. Mary dropped me off at the airport..
Though I knew I was terrified of heights, Tamar was one that could make me say fuck it!
I had an early flight and headed out around 3:30 AM..
I arrived in New York at around 6:45 AM their time..
It was surprisingly clear..
The little times I did fly JFK it's usually packed..
I went down to baggage claim..
After I got my bags I went to try to find a sign with my name on it..
I heard someone call from behind me...
I turned around and it was Bryshere..
I said to myself..
He jogged up to me with bags as well..
"What are you doing here?.."
He tilted his head back..
"Huh.. well Hi to you too.."
I laughed shaking my head..
"You got be kidding me right?
Who put you up to this? Was it Jussie or Taraji?"
"Put me up to what?"
He looked like he really had no clue
"So we just happened to pop up at the same airport at the same time? So this is a coincidence?"
"Reign I don't know what you're talking about.. I'm just here to kick it with Jussie but I didn't know anything about you being here.. I promise, but why is it such a problem?"
Jussie set my ass up!
I said to myself..
"Why are you here?"
He asked..
"To See Jussie.. he was supposed to be taking me out for my birthday.."
I said rolling my eyes..
He came up to me tryna give me a hug and I backed up..
"Yo what's your problem?"
"I don't have a problem.. You got amnesia or something? You on drugs?"
"I mean just weed but I don't really consider that a 'drug'.."
I turned away..
"I don't have time for this shit.. I'm going back home..."
"Wait Reign where you going, come here.."
Then I felt and arm between me and Bryshere..
I turned to see Jussie..
"Both of your chariots await.."
"Jussie what the fuck is going on here! I told you how I felt about this!"
I said looking at him..
"Felt about WHAT!?"
Bryshere said looking lost..
"Just come on we'll talk about it at Tarajis.. Y'all can scream as loud as you want on that balcony.."
He said grabbing my hand..
"I'm going home man!"
I said snatching away from him..
"Reign! Please STAY! PLEEAASEE!"
He started light ways twerking on me..
He kept teasing until I laughed a little..
"See that's gonna be Tamar on the stage tearing it UP! You gotta stay!"
I sighed..
"Alright.. But only for Tamar.."
"What about me?"
Bryshere said throwing up his hands..
"Shut up fool! You're the reason we all in this mess.. now come on so y'all can get whatever you got to say off your chest.. I'm tryna get turnt today shit..."
I sighed as we both followed him to the Escalade suv...
The whole ride to Tarajis was quiet as hell and awkward as hell..
You could cut my feelings I was giving off with a knife..
When we finally got there the driver brought our things up..
Taraji hadn't made it there yet, she was out shopping with Gabby...
"Look y'all need to talk.."
Jussie said starting it all off..
"Jussie you lied to me!"
I said facing him
"Um NO! I don't lie.. I'm an actor, I was acting THANK YOU!"
"So this is what this is, a setup between you both!"
I said keeping my eyes on Jussie trying to avoid Bryshere..
"What SETUP!?"
Bryshere said facing me..
"Look everyone calm down and take a breather.. Reign he had nothing to do with this.. this was all me.. I really am taking you out everything about that is real.. but I just want y'all to talk out whatever issues you both may be having.."
Jussie said as I tried to interrupt..
"But I don't..."
I said..
He put his hand up..
"Ubb ba ba bup.. I don't wanna hear it.. I don't know what happened and I don't care.. all I know is he called me crying like a little Bitch about you and some little girl with you walking down the street.. I don't know I was half dead as well as half drunk when he called.. BUT, I'm pretty sure he did something stupid and I'm not choosing sides.. all I know is NO ONE is leaving until y'all talk.. even if it's a, Fuck You! Y'all need to talk.. I am not the mediator.. Yazz stop calling me when you can call Reign.. Reign I know you didn't do anything wrong but just go talk it out for me please.."
I shook my head as Jussie went to the patio door and opened it..
We both looked at him..
"Well I ain't standing here for my health GO!"
We both went out there and he closed the door..
He watched us as we both stud there in silence..
He opened the door..
"Y'all can stay out this mug all night if I care! I will lock y'all out here, now TALK!"
He said shutting the door..
I sighed sitting down..
Bryshere stud in front of me..
"Reign what's wrong?"
"You tell me what's wrong!"
I said looking up at him..
"I thought we were good, what happened?"
He said throwing his arms up..
"You thought we was good huh?"
I chuckled tossing my hair back out of my face..
"You're a fucking clown you know that.. I never thought I would have to say something like that to you out of all people.."
I breathed in deeply
"You had me out here looking stupid.. Thinking you cared about me, speaking highly of you.. taking flights for you.. braking my morals for you.. and you didn't even have the decency to call and say you couldn't make it to my Award ceremony.."
He turned away..
"Oh shit.."
"I looked out in that crowd and seen everyone except you.. I didn't think it would affect me but it did.. and that shit hurt.. Because when I make promises I keep them.. You couldn't even call or text me or nothing just absolutely no response from you AT ALL! I text you on Christmas and even wished you a Merry Christmas.. You left me on read with no response.. I haven't heard anything from you.. and you wanna roll up in here like you don't know why I'm so MAD!"
He came close to me trying to reach out for me..
I snatched away..
"Don't touch me Bryshere.. it's not what you did, it's how you went about it? I know you're busy, but so am I.. I made time for you and you couldn't do the same.. I felt so low that night.."
"Reign I thought we agreed to take it slow.. why you acting like you my girl.. what attracted me to you was your confidence.. I knew I could trust you if I was away.. Now you wanna act all insecure and shit.. you know I'm busy, I'm only one person.."
"TRUST! You sound so simple right now.. What the fuck does sending a quick text saying, hey sorry I can't make it.. have to do with trust and confidence! You know what's funny Bryshere.. I believed you, every word you said about how you felt about me, I believed it all.. but just as everyone said, you're so full of your own fucking ego it's truly sad.. my life is REAL nigga! And I took a gamble when I let you in and gave into you! Listening to all that game you spit.. Even after I told you all my dirt and secrets.. I told you everything, you gonna sit up here and say that, BULLSHIT TO ME!
You that busy that you can't send a text! JUST ONE TEXT!"
I shook my head walking away opening the patio door..
"It's all good.. I'm everything you'll never experience again.. I'm not mad at you, you played the game very well.. I'll give you that.. it's a new year and I'm leaving you in the past where you belong.. Go fuck your self and die a thousand deaths and go to hell.. Enjoy your Vacation..."
"Reign Wait.."
"Bryshere it's over... let it go.. There's no need to talk about anything.. I already see how this is gonna end so before this turns out to be another tragic ending I'm done.."
"But I didn't mean it.. I'm just stressed out.. I love you, I.."
"See you tend to say a lot of shit with a lot of depth that you don't mean.. do you even care what it felt like wanting to even look out in the crowd and see you even if it was for 5 seconds.. I cared about you!"
"Those weren't my intentions Reign.. I forgot, I had so much going on.."
"What happened to making time for the things that are important.. Isn't that what you said to me, that you would make time for me no matter what! I built myself up to be where I am.. And I love who I've become whether you think I'm still confident or not.. Nothing you do or say matters anymore.. I'm confident enough to leave your clown ass out on this balcony and forget you even existed.."
"What can I do to make this right, I need you.."
"If you would have came out here way more humbly than you did and talked to me like you had remorse and respect this probably wouldn't have been so hard for me to look you in the face.. You should have showed up to my ceremony just like I showed up for you.. You should have called me when you know good and damn well you weren't THAT BUSY.. You shouldn't have let my mind wonder.. and you shouldn't have made me fall for you the way I did.. But more important you should have been there.. But I guess all of this was the actor in you right?
You made time for what you wanted and I see that..
You're talented at selling dreams I give you that, Happy New Year Bryshere.."
I said sucking up my tears and walking away..
My best life is waiting on me and I'm way too focused to give a fuck about anything that doesn't care for me or doesn't put effort in me anymore..
That's just where I'm at, at this point..
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