《Reign (Bryshere Gray Fan Fiction)》Chapter 13: I'll think about it...


I was jamming to Alicia Keys.. Still going hard on the road.. I thought about calling Bryshere.. I almost dialed his number twice.

But I didn't.. And I don't know what was stopping me but I just convinced myself it was because he could be busy..

My phone rang it was Jussie..

I picked up from my hands free on the steering wheel...

"Tell me something good.."

"Aye what's good Reign?"

"Nothing much just hit Nashville, Tennessee.. heading back home what's good with you?"

"Nothing much just in the A, knocking out all these interviews and what not.."

"That's so dope Jussie! I'm so happy for you.. You came a long way from our acting school days.."

"Yeah we both came a long way.. I always read your Austin city limit article.. I'm so proud of you.. You're such a great writer.. and I caught your show last year I see you doing a little modeling.."

"I do a little sunin', sunin'... I'm so glad you read my articles, I don't even know how I still have a job since everything is done through technology now days.."

"Cause you the shit girl that's how.."

"Yes I'm so glad you called I was over here nodding off tryna stay up to ya girl.."

"My girl! Who's my girl?"

"Alicia Keys.."

He laughed..

"Oh hooo... Funny.. You stupid!"

"You know me.. So what's up besides that.."

"Uh, nothing much.. Hey have you heard from Yazzy Yazz.."


"Maybe you should call him.."

"Nah he's probably busy.."

"Reign trust me! He's not busy..."

"How do you even know all this?"

"Can you just call the nigga! For me, pleeeaase!"

"Okay, Alright! I'll call him.."

"Good call him now.. Love ya, talk to you later.."

"But wait.. Jussie!"

And just like that he hung up..

I shook my head..

What's the worst that can happen? I would be lying if I said I didn't want to talk to him..

I called him..

I was laying down looking up.. an hour had went by and I still hadn't heard from Jussie.. I was about to call it a night and get ready for tomorrow..

That's when my phone rang..

I dashed over to it..

It was Reign..

I got myself together and caught my breath..

"Reign.. Hey.."

"Hey Bryshere.. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.."

I sighed in relief hearing her voice..

"Huh no.. I told you, you can call me anytime.. It's doesn't matter.."

"Somehow I think it does matter.."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean I just figured with your interviews, fans and being on set an things, I know you're busy.. and all your focus, energy, and time can't be anything short of that.."

"Right, But before you left me I asked you to call me as soon as you got on the road.. I do this interview, Hollywood stuff all the time.. The way I see it time gotta work around you now.."

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what? What you mean?"

"Say all this smooth shit.."

I laughed..

"It's not 'smooth shit' when it comes to you.. It's real, I really do like you.. A lot.."

"Well why didn't you call me instead?"

"To be real I was nervous.. and I didn't know what to say.. and when you didn't call like you said you would I figured you weren't fuckin' with me because I had to leave and all the things my life comes with.."


"Bryshere one thing about me you will soon find out quickly is that I don't trip off of anything anymore.. life and my past relationship has taught me to look at things differently.. I knew who you were when you spoke to me at Oceans, I knew who you were when I went to the party with you and I knew who you were when I decided to chill with you.. But more importantly I know what your lifestyle comes with.. I could never be mad at that.. I respect it, I think it's amazing what you do.. Plus this was your life way before you knew I exist, I could never throw a fit or alter anything.. the best thing I can do for this is adapt.."

"You would never have to adapt to anything.. I know it's early we just met each other but there's this thing between us.. I know you feel it too.

Something is going on and I'm all for taking it slow and getting to know you but I just gotta be around you.. and if I'm not around you I gotta hear you, see your face, see a text.. FaceTime, stalk your IG.. I'm all about you Reign.. I know it's hard to talk to someone like me cause of how this whole thing I got going is setup but I don't care what I gotta do.. I'll go out my way to make sure.."

"Bryshere, Bryshere... You don't have to do all of that.. This isn't my first rodeo.. My ex, Julius. He was in the spotlight to.. he was always gone.. the difference is he would lie and blatantly be disrespectful.. I like you too, all that you feel, I feel it to.. that's why I wanted it to be you I gave myself to.. I haven't been with anyone in 2 years.. I like you a lot.. All I'm asking is no matter what it is don't lie, and don't try to play me.. I'm not the girl I use to be.. But this is your career and you are so talented so keep the grind going I'm all about it.. I have my own things going too.. So what I look like expecting things to cease? That's wack."

I sat back listening.. Jamillia would have never support me like this.. She was never about her business the way Reign is more importantly.. she hated when I was away she would throw a fit.. Blowing up my phone and everything..

"I would never disrespect you and I'm a terrible liar so I just couldn't do that.. I just wanna see you smile.. Always.."

She started giggling all goofy..

"What? What's so funny?"

I asked

"You are But in a good way.."

"I can except that.. Soo, where are you? How's the drive so far?"

"It's pretty good and peaceful I'm on the outskirts of Tennessee headed towards Arkansas.."

"Damn Girl! you knocking this driving thing out.."

"Yeah well I'm use to it by now.. plus I take the truckers route.."

"Well I got some good good news that I haven't told anyone yet.. I wanted to tell you first.."

"Oh shit! You not pregnant are you?..."

This girl was so crazy I was cracking up..

"Nah Girl I told you I'm on birth control!"

"Good cause I'm not ready to be a father.. PHEW! So, what is it then?"


"Soo my manager scored me a sit in with Nike and they offered me a 3 style sneaker deal..."


"Yup! High top and low tops.. But I haven't signed anything yet I want my lawyer to look through everything.. You know make sure I'm not signing my life away to the devil himself.. See if it's a good investment and all.."

"That's so amazing! I'm so happy for you.. Yo if your lawyers down you gotta take it! Nike pays very healthy I'm sure.."

"Yeah they offered me a 20 million dollar sign on deal.. and 40 percent profit on sales.."

"20 mill! Sheesh, you bout to be on, on.. Why you sound so unsure.."

"I mean it's not about the money you know.. I always had this money shit, I'm just wondering if this is the right move.. Something don't feel right.."

"I feel you.. whatever you decide I'm here for you.. And if you do decide to take it I'll be there to turn up with you.. But if you don't than shit fuck Nike.. Shit I'll even start wearing FILA's"

I was dying laughing..

"Man you crazy girl.. I can't have you wearing those shoes though.. it's all good!"

"I'm serious shit Nike tryna start beef I'll roll up what's good! I'm bout that!"

"Chill girl we can't fight Nike.. Crazy ass.. But I'm flattered by the support.."

"Anytime, you got a real one on your team it's whatever with me."

"I know that's why I like you.. You so full of life, and feisty.. Your confidence is so sexy.. You remind me of something I just can't think about what it is.."

"Ha.. Okay R.Kelly!"

"Man I'm dead ass serious.."

"I know you are.. and that's why I fuck WITCHO!!"

"Well I'll let you get back to driving.."

"Nah actually you keeping me up.. that's what I got hands free for.."

"Speaking of hands free when I was in the back of that thang.."

"Oh UN UH! Don't even go there.."

She said laughing..

"What I was just gonna say you took them back shots like a G.."

"That's cause I am a G.."

"I see, shit you almost put my pelvis bone outta place girl.. I had to keep up with that thang.."

"Naah!! I had to keep up with that damn python.. I almost told you to put that thang back.. tryna rearrange my insides.. how you even hold your self up without leaning to the front.."

I started to fake cry...

"You know it gets hard out here sometimes.. I gotta fold it up and roll it like I'm a fruit roll up.. and my fans be tryna rape me.. It's a struggle son!"

She bust out laughing...

"Nigga I'm sure if she was fine you'd love them to rape you.. I bet you'd sling that thing like a slot machine.."



"But on the real the only one I wanna be slinging for is you.."

"You put it down like you did you can be my full time slinger shit!"

"Full Time Huh?"

I said laughing..

"Yeah I'll call my other hoes and cancel.. You can be my main hoe.."

"I would be honored to be your main hoe.."

"Okay well I'll make my final decision by Monday and let you know if you made the cut.."

I shook my head...

"Ohh.. Damn I gotta wait?"


"Well I'll wait for you anywhere.. As long as you know it's mine.."

"What! What's yours?"

"All of you.."

I said casually..

"Um Excuse me?"

"You signed the contract.. When I asked you can I have you and told you I claimed it you said and I quote 'It's Yours Almighty Bryshere!'..."

"Boy pipe down I did not say all that I just said, it's yours! That's it.."

"Bottom line is you're mine now.."

I said picturing her naked..

"I don't mind being yours.. as long as I know you're mine.."

"Anything I have including me is all yours baby.."

"Anything I have including me is all yours baby.."

I bit my lips.. No matter what he said, he made everything that came out his mouth sound so damn good..

"Tempting.. But I don't want none of your possessions.. If we decide to take it there I just want you.. I'll take care of the rest.."

"Next week on Thursday there's this little dinner type award celebration thing I have to attend.. Would you be my date?"

"You mean you want me there with you.. Around all your peoples?"

"Hell yeah.. I always want you around.. Pleeease!"

"I don't know.. Where is it?"

"Here in LA.. I'll book your flight and pay for it.. You can stay in the Suites I'm staying in.."

"I don't know Bryshere.."

"Ahh.. what's wrong you don't trust me?"

"Nah, it's not like that.. It's just that I'm not so good with heights.. and I already took my mini vacation in Philly.. I gotta get back to work.. and make sure my condo is good.. and I know my pits are missing me"

I said sighing..

"Look it's cool don't stress.. the offer still stands.. If you come I'll be so grateful.. If you don't I'll be chillin by my lonesome..."

He said all sad..

"I swear you're such a brat.. Look text me all the info.. I'll see what I can do! I'm not making any promises, I'm just saying I can see about it.."

"As long as you consider it that's all I ask.."

"Yeah I got you.. So if I were to show up to this dinner award thingy what would I wear to this type of event?"

"I don't know something sexy.."

"How sexy?"

I asked out if curiosity..

"Real sexy.."

"Hmmm.. well I'll think about it.. So what you up to now?"

"Nothing talking to you in my hotel room.. bout to get some sleep cause tomorrow I got so much to do.. Charlie got me going like the energizer bunny."

"Damn.. You need to make sure you taken care of yourself.. Did you even eat today?"

"Now that I think about it.. no I didn't eat.."

"Well order some room service.. Eat! And get you some sleep.. I'll holler at you later.."

"You just tryna get me off the phone so you can talk to your hoes.."

I laughed...

"Damn! How'd you figure it out.. But no foreal get you some rest.. The only hoe I wanna be talking to is you.."

"Awww! You so romantic.."

"I try.."

I said shrugging..

He laughed..

"You get an A for effort.. Well I'll call you as soon as I get down time tomorrow and check on you.."

I smiled feeling those butterflies in my stomach again..

"Ight Buster.. don't work too hard.."

"I got to so you won't have to work again.. Bye Reign.."

"Bye Bryshere.."

I said hanging up cheesing all hard..

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