《Being Badass》Chapter 21


I can once again feel myself slipping into insanity. I make Sam drive because I know it isn't safe for me to drive right now.

We are approaching a mile away and I can already hear gunshots echoing through the air.

The next thing I know, I'm gone. The insanity has taken over and i can already see the blood.

We pull up and I crack my knuckles while letting out a chuckle of pure evil, which causes Sam to look at me with a terrified look.

"Let's have fun, shall we?" I say in a low and sinister voice.

I hop put of the car and begin to sing the first song that comes to my mind, 'you should see me in a crown' by Billy Eilish.

As the song begins to play in my head and the words well up in my throat I pull two daggers put of the waistband of my shorts.

I drag them together with the song playing in my head as two men run towards me.

I take them out easily and continue singing.

I walk through all the people, stabbing and slicing the ones who come after me. As I do I take special care to nearly fatally hurt the ones attacking my friends. They all notice how far gone I am and move on to other people.

I finally approach Bradley and Xavier beating the shit out of each other.

As the chorus comes I sing a little louder and they both turn to me. Xavier looks terrified and backs away from me slowly, which is very smart on his end.

Bradley on the other hand just smirks.

"You think I'm going to be scared of that? How pathetic. You're trying to convince yourself that you're not the same, weak, coward girl you once were, but the truth is, you are. You're still a pathetic wannabe." He says while walking to me, trying to intimidate me. It doesnt work.

I drag my knives together and kick him in the groin and then swinging my foot around, connecting it with his face.

He falls flat on his ass with a groan and attempts to take out his gun, but I've already kicked it out of his hand before he has a solid grip on it. Xavier catches the gun and I nod for him to go help the others and Bradley tries to back into a corner. How cute.


"Now, Bradley, or shall I call you Brad?" I say while dragging the blades together once more. "Why did you really come here? There seems to be multiple reasons so give me one."

"I-I love you?" He says unsure of himself. I can't help but smile and stab him in the foot, straight through his shoe.

"Lies. I want the truth Bradley." I say, coldness in my voice.

"Revenge." He says with a heavy sigh.

I give him a fake shocked look so he would tell me more without me having to ask.

"You left me." He says in a disgusted way. That kind of pissed me off.

"I wonder why you cheating, lying, bitch ass." I say, anger growing in my voice.

"You were the one lying and cheating!" He yells in my face, spitting on me the process. That was the final straw.

I abruptly switched songs. The words to 'COPYCAT' by Billie started flowing out of my mouth as I circled Bradly like a predator does its prey, which was very fitting.

I hear another car pull up and I'm not sure who steps out at first because I'm not facing them, but i soon learn.

The "Oh shit." That comes out of their mouth makes it clear to me that its Jay and Cayde.

"That's her phsyco song everyone needs to leave." Cayde says urgently. All of Bradley's men are groaning and rolling around on the ground like turtles so the rest of my people get in the cars and turn them on, ready to leave at any moment.

"What are you guys doing? Help me goddamnit!" Bradley yells, attempting to get up but I kick him back down.

I came to my favorite part of the song, and sing it all with a smirk.

"I would hate to see you go

Hate to be the one that told you so

You just crossed the line

You've run out of time

I'm so sorry, now you know

Sorry I'm the one that told you so

Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry, sorry"

As soon as I finish all that, I fake pretend forgiveness and sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. He's tense at first but I stay that way long enough that he relaxes. I then lean up to his ear and whisper the sinister words that I love so much.


I can't help but add a little bit of my own flare to the end.

"Sike, bitch."

With that I stab him in his side and walk away, leaving him and his immobile self.

I know I'm not calm enough to ride with anybody right now so i decide on walking home. I wipe the blood off my face with the back of my hand and start walking.

I decide I could use the exercise so I began jogging. The sooner I can get this blood off me the better, plus its helps get my phsyco-ness out.

I finally jog into my drive way and walk inside and straight to the shower. I strip down and rinse the blood off me and watch it swirl down the drain.

I might seem odd, but I dont like killing. I dont do that to people after the way murder has affected me. I will torture to no end, but murder is never okay. It's weird and somewhat backwards, I know, but it's fine.

I step out of the shower and put on fuzzy pants and an oversized tshirt. I grab my penguin heat pack and put it in the nicrowave.

Yep. Don't think I have to tell you what's going on now, you probably get it. Anyways, I throw two ibuprofen into my mouth and down them with water.

The microwave beeps and I grab my heat pack out. I walk over to the couch and flop down, laying the pack over my stomach.

"Fuuuuck." I groan, throwing my head back. I really want ice cream but I also really don't want to get up.

I grab my phone and call Sam.

"Get your ass over here now." I tell her as soon as she picks up.

"Why?" She questions, clearly concerned.

"Just get over here. I know your all over at Xavier's just get you're lazy ass here quick."

"Okay. Damn you're in a mood." She says and I can hear her shut the door through the phone.

She walks in the front door and slowly makes her way to the living room. Once she walks in she gives me a very confused look.

"I'm a woman, okay? Stop staring like there's something wrong with me." I say with a roll of my eyes.

"Why did you call me over here. You're literally doing nothing important." She says.

"Exactly. I want ice cream. It's just in the freezer." I say, pointing back to the kitchen with an innocent smile on my face.

"You're kidding." She said while crossing her arms.

I nodded my head eagerly. "But also, I know theres tea and you're going to spill it." I say with a smirk.

She sighs heavily. "Fine you petty ass bitch." She says while walking into the kitchen.

She comes back with a full tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream and two spoons. She sits next to me and we both start stuffing our face.

"Sooooo. Tea." I said while grabbing her spoon away from her.

"Hey." She whined before she started pouting.

"Tell me the tea first. Tea is my life line you know." I say while waving the spoon in her face.

"Fine. I really don't like you right now you know." She says while pointing a finger in my face. I just smirk and gesture for her to continue.

"I'm lesbian, and I like Mikey." She says, her cheeks changing a heavy shade of red.

I jump up and down and squeal.

"I got this. 3 days. Give me 3 days and call me cupid." I say while sitting back down and handing her the spoon back.

"You sure. I don't know is she swings that way and I don't wanna change anything." She says.

I shake my head. "Just call me cupid." I say.

Just then I hear the front door open and several sets of foot steps.

A few seconds later the group enters the living room led by Cayde and Dustin, both having looks of confusion on their face, but not because of me and Sam.

"Mom is coming."


Hey guys it's been a while! Once again I am very sorry it has taken me so long to upload. I work on this story as often as I can but I am a sophomore in high school so i do have a lot of homework that is my first priority.

I'll try to update more often but for right now you could always read my other stories or ask questions about me or the characters.

Sorry that was so long, I know most of you probably didn't make it this far, but thank you all so much for your support!

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