《Being Badass》Chapter 20


We pulled up to Xavier's warehouse and I began to get excited.

Yeah, I know. Getting excited about torturing someone shouldn't make me excited but it somehow does when it comes to Bradley.

We all pull into the lot and get out of our cars.

"So should we make a game plan?" Tim asks, but I can barely hear him because I'm already walking into the building towards the torture room.

I have on my mask, of course, and I can see the fear written on everybody's faces. I may or may no have scarred them for a while..... Oops.

I slam open the door to the room and Bradley jerks awake.

I circle around where he's chained up and see that they haven't done anything to him yet so I could have all the fun.

I walk back out and see that they're all in the hallway waiting to see if I want help or if they should just watch. I look at Dustin and we do the twin thing and he can read my eyes and walks into the viewing room.

I walk back in to the room and I can clearly read the scared expression written all over his face.

"What ever you want me to tell you I know nothing." He quickly defends.

"Now you sound like your guilty of something." I say, humor lacing my voice and the look in my eyes.

"Who the hell are you?" He questions me, his fear coming out as anger.

"Oh, you don't recognize me? I thought you'd be smarter then that, Bradley." I say while slowly unhooking my mask.

I take it off and let it fall to the floor while Bradley's jaw does the same.

"Looks like you remember me. Don't you sweetie?" I say, making sure my voice is dripping with artificial niceness.

"Tell me. How do you remeber me?" I ask the shit face in front of me.

"I remember you as a helpless, innocent little bitch who couldn't do anything alone." He says. He finishes his sentence and a slow grin comes to his face. "I bet you still are."


"Should we challenge that theory." I whisper in his ear as I lean forward and lick his earlobe.

He sucks in a quick breath and his breathing becomes shallow. I fall back onto my heels since I was on my tiptoes and giggle.

I turn around and skip over to the metal cabinet at the other side of the room.

I open the doors and gasp in awe. Damn am I excited.

I grab a short dagger and walk seductively over to Bradley.

I slip off the clothes I have on so I'm only in my bra and underwear.

"Let's see. I think that I will give you the same scars you gave me. Sounds good?" I ask him, tracing my fingers tenderly along the scars he has given me. I'm not wearing any concealer so my full body of scars can be seen.

I hear two thumps from the other side of the wall coming from the observers room and know that it's Dustin and Xavier getting mad.

"How about we start with this one?" I say, pointing to the scar that runs from my wrist to inner elbow.

I slowly lift his chained arm and slowly and antagonizingly run the blade along his arm, giving him a scar to match my own. As a little added touch though I dig the dagger into his skin at the end.

He groans and throws his head back. At this point i choose to look down a little and see a suprise in this pants.

"That torture fetish, huh?" I whisper in his ear. I move down a little and nibble his neck, causing him to groan.

I stop, smirk, and then I stab him in his thigh, right next to his tiny dick.

I smile evily at his groaning. I can feel myself falling into insanity. I have to step away to calm myself down, cause once I fall it's pretty damn hard to get back up.


I come back and tear his shirt from the collar to the bottom hem. I can see his poor excuse for pecks and muscles and smirk at their patheticness, my muscles being better than his.

I decide to give him a break. I want to draw this out after all. I leave the room and come back with a fan. I plug it into the wall and turn it on high. I know that the room will soon be cold and it would be fun to watch him shiver.

I leave the room and call Cayde. I needed someone to punch.

"Sup asshole." I say as soon as he answers the phone while my brother and our friends file into the hallway to join me.

"Yes my sweet delight." He says with a teasing tone in his voice.

"I wanna fight." I whine just to bother him.

"Jesus christ, stop that Dylan. I'll get you a fight." He tells me. I know he's annoyed now but he's fantastic at hiding it.

"One thing though, how moody are you right now."

I smirk. I'm very moody at the moment, but it will most likely be worse soon.

"Very. Get me a good one." I say while an evil smile tugs at my lips.

"Got it. But if I find one you can't kill them." He says, his fatherly tone coming through.

"No promises." I say before hanging up, the smile still on my face.

"Hey, Cheshire. Stop that." Tim says while gently shoving me.

We all just laugh and head out to the cars. We drive to the fighting arena and I put my mask back on.

I jump out of the car and go inside and start wrapping my hands and warming up.

My name is announced and I go up to the platform to see a bulky man.

I look through the crowd to find Cayde and I soon do and I just give him a look. This one was not a good one. I begin making a plan to give him shit about this later when I hear the word 'start'.

The big guy lunges at my legs but I see it and quickly jump up and land on his back. He groans and flips over, this time when I jump I land on his ribs. This guy is not very smart.

He grabs my ankles, so i fall to my knees and land on his face. He let's go and i slide back and land punch after punch on his face and temple and he soon blacks up.

I stand as I'm announced the victor and i drag the guy out of this ring. Apparently he was too heavy for everyone else.

I go back into the ring and shout.

"Who next! Come at me!" I was bored and wanted a good one.

Yet another big and buff guy walks up whole cracking his knuckles. Let me tell you this guy looked gross. He had greasy blonde hair down to his middle back and 'mom' tattoos all over him.

I easily swept my leg under his feet and he fell to the floor. He hit the ground with a thump, and his head hit to. The fall knocked him out and I decided to be done.

I went to the locker room and cleaned up. By the time I got out everyone except Sam was gone.

"Where'd everyone go?" I asked her while slinging my duffel bag onto my shoulder.

"The the warehouse. There was a breach. Apparently one of Xavier's memebers was a spy and worked for Bradley too." She said while dragging me out of the building.

Well fuck.

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