《Being Badass》Chapter 19


My breath hitched in my throat.

"Caitlyn?" Dustin said the words for me.

"Yeah, bitches." She snaps, which causes my vision to blur and I fall to the ground on my knees, beginning to hyperventilate.

I have a complete and total break down. I start crying, screaming, and shaking and I feel like the world is closing in on me. The image of her lifeless body comes back to me and a shake even more.

Dustin is in just as much shock and he tries to comfort me and find the words to speak at the same time.

Xavier pulls me into him and hugs me. It takes a long time before Dustin and I are finally composed and look our little sister in the eyes. I turn around and text Cayde and Jay to get there asses over here. When I turn back around to see all the hate in Caitlyn's eyes I almost can't handle it. The tears well up again.

"Caitlyn. You're dead. I visited your grave last week." I choke out.

"No I wasn't, Dylan. I was alive. You could've saved me, but you didn't even try." She said with venom dripping from her words.

At that moment I hear a car door slam. "Bull shit she didn't Caitlyn." Cayde says while walking up behind me and putting a protective hand on my shoulder.

"How would you know. You didn't even care!" She yells. I watch sadness fill his eyes.

"Caitlyn, I don't want to say this, but you're being a little bitch right now. I don't know what kind of lies this motherfucker has filled you're head with, but they're all wrong." I say. "Dad hired an assassin to kill all of us. By the time he got to me and Cayde I had to fight him off and I ran to your rooms. I checked all of your pulses, I tried everything. Cayde had to pull me away." I said, looking to the ground as the memories came back.

"What are you talking about? Everyone is still alive." She says, confused.

"Have you seen them?" Dustin asks, a slight glimmer of hope in his voice.


"No. But Bradley told me they were." She said, looking to my ex for confirmation. He simply shrugged his shoulders and she looks at him in hurt.

"The truth hurts kid. Now do what you're supposed to." He says, no emotions present in his voice.

"You lying snake!" I scream while lunging at him. Cayde grabs Caitlyn before Bradley can and disarms her before pulling her into a tight hug as she's crying.

This lying bastard is about to die. I am so thankful it's only me and Xavier living in this cul-de-sack.

I grab Bradley's throat as I tackle him to the ground.

I grip his neck tightly and hes begining to turn blue. I was ready to kill him, to watch the life drain from his eyes, when I am pulled away from him.

I turn around and look up to see Xavier as he pulls me inside by my hand. At this point a wave of exhaustion floods over me and I am too tired to protest. He leads me to my room and sits me on my bed before giving me a hug and leaving. I want to call after him, ask him to stay, but I fall back on the bed as sleep consumes me.


I wake up and look over at my clock to see that it's 2:00 am. I get out of bed so I can change out of my uncomfortable dress. I put on some fuzzy socks and a sweatshirt that reached down to my upper thigh. I quietly tip-toe down the stairs and get a glass of orange juice when I hear the front door open.

I remain quiet until I hear two very familiar voices begin to whisper.

"I'm going to go upstairs and check on Dyl. I'll be back down in a minute." I hear Xavier whisper. I can already tell when the next voice mumbles an 'okay' that it's D.

I step out of the kitchen and put a hand on both of their shoulders. Caught off guard, they both jumped and quickly turned around. They both let out a relieved sigh in unison, D holding a hand over his heart.


"Where were the both of you?" I asked them groggily, slightly tilting my head.

"Um.. Getting rid of Bradley." Dustin said.

I raise an eyebrow at them. "What did you do?"

"We might've, y'know, just locked him up in our torture room." Xavier said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Ooo! Sounds like fun. Let's worry about that tomorrow though, I want more sleep." I say while rubbing one of my eyes.

Xavier makes an 'aww' face while D yawns. They both nod in agreement and we walk into the living room, I lay on the floor and Xavier cuddles up next to me. I see Dustin go over and lay close to Isaiah. Hmm.

I look at Xav and he notices it too. We both look at each other and smirk. It was like we knew what each other were thinking. 'Tomorrow's gonna be fun.' I think to myself as I fall back asleep with Xavier's arms wrapped around my waist.


I woke up when I hear someone groaning. I open my eyes and see Mikey rubbing her head. I can't help but smirk.

"Drink a little too much, Mikey?" I ask with slight humor lacing my voice.

She just nods her head, showing that speaking was obviously too much work for her right now in her hungover state.

I just let out a small giggle and slip down out of the warmth of Xav's arms. I walk over to her and help her up.

"I don't wanna stand." She whines, trying to stay sitting.

I now groan at her and hoist her up onto my back.

"Ooo a piggy back ride." She says while she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Eww, Mikey. PG thoughts only!" I giggle, setting her down on a bar stool.

"As if!" She snorts while taking the drugs on the counter.

I just laugh in response and throw some toaster waffles in the toaster.

One by one everyone else gets up and takes the medicine Xavier and I set out the night before.

Dustin and Isaiah walk in last. Dustin looks over at me and I give him 'the look'. You know that 'I know something' look. Yeah that one.

"Hey Dyl, can you talk to me for a minute. In the living room." He says with an edge to his voice.

I simply smirk and saunter into the living room.

"Look, Dyl-"

"SPILL" I whisper shout at him while shaking him by the shoulders.

"Calm down woman." Dustin chuckles.

"I. Want. The. Tea!" I say, acting like a little kid.

He gives another laugh before getting nervous and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, umm." He struggles to say the words.

"Dustin, you know I will accept and love you through whatever your choices may be. Unless it's killing me. Then I might be pretty mad." I say with a slight smile at the end.

D cracks a small smile, and hesitantly tells me what I suspected. "I'm, well, I'm gay."

I jump up and down and squeal while clapping my hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, shh!" Dustin says while clapping a hand over my mouth.

I pull his hand off my face and look at him while pouting.

"Do I have to worry about you taking my man now?" I say while crossing my arms.

"No promises, babes." He says while leaving the room.

"What?" I say before running after him.

I jump onto his back, but he was expecting it and caught me.

"C'mon I want some waffles." He whines.

I just laugh. "Fine, but I want to go to the torture room after."

Everyone gives me a weird look.

"Well if y'all weren't passed out on the floor you would've known. D, explain since I'm getting you waffles." I say.

D explains what happens and we all get ready.

I hop in my car with Dustin, Xavier, Sam, and Mikey. I switch on my phone and 'Joan of Arc' by Little Mix came on and Mikey, Sam, and I sang along the whole way to the warehouse.

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