《Being Badass》Chapter 18


"It can't be Dylan." Savannah says. Dustin pushes into our little circle to find out what's going on.

"Bradley is here." I say, shuddering at the name.

"Girl, after this song you're going to go up there and show him what he's missing in the mean time, we are going to tell everyone else so they know to look out tonight, and then we are gonna bop and enjoy this song." Savannah says while holding my shoulders. I give her a nod and pull everyone into our circle.

"Okay, so my ex is here." I say to everyone looking around at the reactions on their faces. Xavier began to look kind of possessive and everyone else just looked worried. "I'll tell you all the full story later, but for right now let's have a good time." I finish.

We all break apart and start to dance to Ariana Grande's 'thank u, next'. Savannah had gone to get drinks and I was dancing with Fallon when she smirked. I gave her a questioning look and not a second later I was pulled into a toned chest. I panicked and quickly turned around to see it was only Xav. I just giggled and grabbed his hands.

We had been dancing when Savannah runs over.

"The songs almost over Dyl! It's time to show him what he lost!" She said while pulling me up to the stage. Xavier looked concerned but I gave him a confident look and he just smiled.

"What do I sing?" I asked my best friend. She leaned forward and whispered a song in my ear. She pulled away and I smiled widely at her and nodded.

I walked over to the DJ and told him my song and he nodded. I went back to the mic, ready to sing.

As I was getting ready I noticed Bradley heading closer to the stage and I just smirked at him, thinking of how weak he must've thought I was. Last time he saw me was just as I got out of rehab.


I began singing 'Without Me' by Halsey and I was having a great time. All my friends were dancing, and I was too. Let me tell you, I was showing him what he had lost. I was grooving around and singing when the song ended. I put the mic down and smiled wide at my friends, who gave me proud smiles in return.

I jumped down from the stage and began to walk over to them when a hand grabbed my wrist. Every muscle in my body tensed, waiting for what the jackass who used to be my boyfriend would do. I look at my friends and all of them were on edge. I made eye contact with D, and he immediately knew what I needed them to do.

He whispered to everyone and they pretended to go to the bar. I then turned my gaze to meet the one that belonged to my ex.

"What're you doing all the way out here princess?" He asked in a very fake and sweet voice. When I don't reply right away he grips my wrist tighter and yanks me towards him.

"I wanted to get away from you." I replied, making sure every word was dripping with venom. He responded with a chuckle and pulled me against him. I felt completely disgusted and violated. I remembered all he had done to me and put me through and I went livid.

I started violently shaking and knew I was about to go insane. I looked over at my brother and Xavier. They both looked extremely concerned, more concerned than all my other friends next to them.

"Who're you looking at?" Bradley asked me. He followed my gaze over to the group. "Oh, I see you found Dustin. He's not dead after all. But, ohh. Who's that with him? Let's show him what's mine."

He lifts my face and begins to lower his own. An idea pops into my head and I smirk. I get up on my tiptoes and lick the tip of his nose, causing him to pull away. I smirk at him.


He gets angry and roughly grabs my face. Hes about to kiss me when I again get up on my tiptoes and whisper in his ear.

"I'm not your toy. You cant use me like you used to. And now..." I stop whispering and knee him where the sun doesnt shine. "And now you cant use that like you used to."

He let's go of me and is about to take a swing at me, but I'm fast. I land a hard punch to his jaw and grab his neck, pulling his temple down to meet my knee. He falls to the floor and I, being satisfied with his beating skip over to my friends.

Xavier picks me up and swings me around while i am smiling and burying my face in the crook of his neck.

He sets me down and I'm tackled by Savannah. "Great job boo!" She yelled into my ear.

I groan and push her off me, rubbing my ear. "Thanks Savannah, but no need to make my ear bleed!" I say while picking myself and her up off of the ground.

"Rounds on meeee!" Fallon yelled as she grabbed Tim and began dancing with him. He blushes heavily and looks over to me.

"I th-thinkk we are all veryy washted" he said while slurring his words.

I just laugh and gather all the girls.

"I'm going to take them to my house now. You guys can come when you're ready, we are going to have a sleepover!" At the end of my sentence all the intoxicated girls jump up and down and scream. I just clasp my hands to my ears until they stop. I then pull them out to the car.

We drive home and I put them all to bed in the main living room. Next thing I know all the guys come in hooting and hollering and I walk up and slap each and every one of them.

"Quiet!" I scold them. All of the drunk ones give me ashamed looks and I shit you not, waddle to the living room. As soon as they get there they all crack themselves up at their penguin impersonations before slumping to the floor.

Dustin, Xavier and I all go into the kitchen and get 9 glasses of water and set aspirin out next to them.

We then go upstairs to the other living room, because we weren't tired yet and had things to talk about.

We had just sat down when I hear someone picking the lock of the front door.

"What the fucking hell?" I say as I stand up and go to the front door. I slam it open and see the one and only Bradley standing there.

I deliver a quick kick to his mouth and take all his weapons off him.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spit while clenching my fists so tightly my knuckles are turning white.

"You, baby." He says while grabbing my waist. I quickly tense and yank him off me before Xav punches him on his eyebrow area.

"You tore me apart. Do you know what it's like to realize that you trusted a manipulative, lying, cheating dick! No. Get the fuck out of my life Bradley Mitchel." I say, hurt akst making it's way into my voice.

"I did no such things princess. Just come back with me." He says while trying to grab my hand, but Xavier is quick to wrap his arms around my waist in a very protective manner.

"I swear this fucking jackass-" Bradley starts.

"Bradley!" I yell in his face. "We are over. I never want you back in my life so just leave!" I scream, anger causing me to shake all over.

He sighs. "Well. I have no choice then. Rosie, would you come here please?"

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