《Being Badass》Chapter 17


It's been three hours since I sent Dylan off. I knew I shouldn't have let her go by herself, but worse things could happen to her if I went.

An hour after she was gone I called up all of her friends along with my guys and told them to all meet me at my house. One by one they all showed up and I told them the news with D helping me out. Let's just say they weren't all happy.

"WHAT!" Fallon and Sam scream in unison. Mikey just walks up to me very calmly. Too calmly. I knew I should be nervous cause next thing I knew she slapped me.

Dustin was slowly able to calm Fallon and Sam down, but Mikey was a different story. She yelled until I thought he lungs were going to fall out of her throat.

Fallon got a text and whispered in all of the girl's ears, then James and Tim's and they all ran out the door. My guess was she was back.

I knew today must've been a hard day for her so I decided not to say anything unless she did. The guys all slept over. We watched Die Hard and at pizza before talking about work and falling asleep.


The next morning we had school so we all got dressed and went to a local diner for breakfast.

"So..... Xav?" Allan said, more of a question than a statement. I looked up from my bacon and was met with stares from all of my friends.

"We never talked about something..." Ethan said slowly while raising his eyebrows.

"Spit it out guys. You know I hate this stuff." I say while shoving another strip of bacon in my mouth.

"Why were you over at Dylan's house?" Allan says while stuffing his mouth with blueberries.

I rolled my eyes in attempt to hide my slight embarrassment. "It was nothing. we had just hung out all day and I was lazy and didn't want to go home so she let me stay. Nothing more." I attempt to shrug it off but they see through my lies.


"My dude has a crush!" Isaiah says while clapping his hands. I roll my eyes again, this time not trying to hide my smile.

"C'mon guys, we're going to be late." I say while throwing some cash on the table.

We arrive at school at the same time as Dylan and her friends. We all got out of our cars and were leaning against them talking when we all hear someone shout Dylan's name.

Her head snaps in the direction of the voice and not a second later she sprints over to a new girl. Dylan jumps onto her and the girl catches her and they just stay that way, hugging, for a good few minutes.

Dylan finally get down and leads the girl over to us and I can see a blush growing on Isaiah's cheeks. How cute.

"Guys, this is my best friend from my old town, Savannah." she says. Dyl also notes Isaiah's red cheeks and winks at him, which causes him to quickly turn around and walk into school while flipping her off.

Dylan just laughs as Savannah gives D a tight hug.

"So good to see you Dustin! As soon as Dyl told me she found you I made arrangements." The new girl says.

"Wait, what arrangements?" Dylan asks, with very clear excitement lacing through her words.

"I, Savannah Sinclaire, have bought a house and enrolled here!" She says and at the end the twins tackle her into a hug.

It was cut short when the bell rang, signaling the we were late for school.


School was boring as hell. Lacey tried to flirt, note the "tried", then insulted Dylan which resulted in her jaw being dislocated. Needless to say we all enjoyed the show and celebrated the fact that we were suspended.

We all drove to Savannah's house and helped her unpack.

"You know what we should do tonight?" Dylan yelled from the living room.

"What?" Nearly everyone yelled in reply. I walked into the living room to help Dylan with the furniture and she answered, which I must say, was a damn good idea.


"We should go to a karaoke bar!" She yelled. I shit you not Savannah ran into the room in 2 seconds flat. She jumped up and down and clapped her hands which made Dylan and I laugh. Everyone else then walked in and agreed.

"It's final! Let's all go get dressed and meet at my house in an hour." Dylan said.

Everyone exited the room but Dylan had pulled me back to stop me from leaving.

She pulls me into a hug. "We never talked about the other night." She mumbled into my stomach.

I lift her chin up to look at me. "Were you okay with all that?" I ask her while brushing hair out of her face. She nodded and tried to hide her face but my grip was to strong.

"Xavier. Are we just friends, or what are we? I don't know if I could ever be anything more to you. I'll hurt you." She said while holding her hands up to her face.

I pull them away and kiss her forehead. God this girl is so cute.

"I would like to be more, but if you're not ready I won't push you." I say quietly while stroking her hair to try to comfort her.

She looks up at me and smiles. "Can we be more?" She asks while smiling wide.

I return the smile and nod while throwing her over my shoulder and carrying her outside. Everyone was still waiting outside for us.

"We need to DD's and we can't decide who it should be." Allan pouts.

Dylan chuckles. "I volunteer as tribute." she laughs out. She then points to me. "Xavier will too."

"Oh hang on now!" I say while laughing, trying to get out of it. She nods her head and drags me to my car.

She hops onto her own bike. "See you in an hour bitches!" She shouts before speeding towards her house.

We were going to a karaoke bar to celebrate Savannah moving here. I had sped home on my bike to get dressed. I showered and then proceeded to search my closet for a good 15 minutes looking for an outfit before I finally found one.

(All the girls are wearing dresses similar. I will say the color but each dress very similar to Dylan's)

I throw my hair up into a cute messy ponytail and put on some nude lipstick and light eye makeup before running downstairs to get the door.

Savannah runs in wearing a baby blue dress very similar to my own, only its more of a halter top.

We wait in the kitchen for everyone to arrive. It's been an hour and Xavier and his friends still aren't here yet. They all rush in with scared looks on their faces.

"Sorry we're late." They all breathe out. "Please don't kill us." We all laugh and head to the cars.

We realized we'd need three DDs so Dustin volunteered and we all got into three cars and sped off to a bar.

We finally got inside and Woman Like Me by Little Mix was on. All of the girls ran onto the dancefloor and began dancing. All the guys were creating a protective barrier around us while half-dancing. Nicki's rap part was coming up and Savannah pulled me over and spoke in my ear.

"You ready boo?" She asks me with a smile. I nod as Nicki comes on.

I loudly start rapping to the music as Savannah dances. This has always been our thing, I sing or rap while she dances.

We cause several heads to turn and the DJ turns the music down so everyone can hear me.

As the rap part ends all the girls sing along until the end.

The song was almost over and I was singing when I choke on my own words.

I aggressively yank Savannah into me as the song ends. "He's here." I say while my face is full of worry. All of our friends notice and close into a tighter circle around us, knowing I've seen something. Savannah shakes her head in disbelief, and at that moment we lock eyes, and I nearly faint.

"Yes, Savannah. It's him, and he's here."

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