《Being Badass》Chapter 15


"What!" Dustin shouted. "You're lying he couldn't have. That was 11 years ago! He seriously can't expect-"

I was getting tired of him repeating what I already knew so I interrupted him. "But he does D. Now we need to figure out what to do."

He puts his face in his hands and takes a deep breath before continuing.

"You have your own, way more powerful gang and so does Cayde. We can even involve Emrald and-" he begins.

"Dustin. I dont want to start this off violently. I wanna try talking this out first then do that if I have to." I say authorotatively.

"How about you just go in there and talk and we'll decide what to do from there." Xavier says.

Dustin looks up and nods. We all seemed to be on the same page so I stand up, ready to leave.

"Wear brown contacts." Dustin says. O give him a confused look, and he begins to explain. "He thinks you have brown eyes. He thinks we all have brown eyes. Idiot never looked very close." He said. I simply nodded.

"I got a fight tonight. Wanna come see Agate in action?" I tease. D simply shrugs and follows me out the door.


We were at the ring, Cayde, Jay, and D were all talking as I was stretching out getting ready for my match. When I was done stretching Cayde pulled me over and told me about my opponent.

"This guy came from Northern California just to fight you Dyl. He's serious. He calls himself Destruction." He says in a low whisper. I simply nod and look at him.

"I'm serious too Cayde, I got this." I said.

"Are you still angry?" He asks as I dig through my bag for my mask.

I give him a sly grin as I fasten my mask to my face.

He sighs and says one last thing before the group walks out of the locker room "Don't kill him Dyl." I giggle in response as I skip next to D.


We walk out into the main room and the person I see in the arena arena makes me stop in my tracks, and D stops with me.

"What is it?" He whispers.

"It's Damien." I say, fear lacing my voice.

"Oh I'm gonna kill a mother-" Jay begins and walks towards him, but Cayde grabs her before she can get far.

"Trust me, Dyls gonna." He says in an almost matter-of-fact voice.

I smirk, my mask hides it but I know they can see it in my eyes. "Oh. Its gonna be hell for him." I say before running onto the mat.

The announcer does his thing as we each circle the other around the mat. I'm wearing a constant smirk, which he can't see, and he's wearing a serious face that I'm tempted to laugh at.

I hear the word "Fight!" and I'm tempted to lunge at him, but I let him make the first move. I watch him shift his feet as he's preparing to 'sweep me off my feet' and not in the good way. As he swings his foot around I jump up and land on his leg, causing him to scream in pain.

Once again a smirk appears on my face that he can't see. He looks up into my eyes from his place on the gorund and says " You bitch!" which just causes me to laugh

He hobbles up and throws a weak punch, which I grab before throwing a hard one to his temple.

"And he's out." I hear Cayde mutter from behind me, but I can tell he's smiling. He was, in fact, out cold. I called a medic for his leg, which I'm pretty sure was broken.

I walk to get my winnings and skip out the door to my jeep. Everyone hops in cause we're having a sleepover at my house tonight.

We drive a ways down the road before unhooking my mask.

"Damn was that fun!" I shouted. Everyine laughed in return. "I mean, I snapped one of his limbs and put him in his place! I couldn't have asked for much better!"


I was clearly happy. Beating his ass and all. If only he knew it was me.

I'm going to his gang house tomorrow. Xav and D were going to tell the rest of the group after I left and I gave them a code to see where I am (mom and dad put a chip in me when I was little. I have since changed the code).

Not going to lie, I was kind of nervous. I had no idea what that sociopath he was now, but I couldn't do anything about it.


I woke up early the next morning and got ready. I decided to wear a decent outfit and I got on the road, he did live across the state.

It was a long road trip with just me and no radio since I decided to take my Harley, big mistake. But I eventually made it. When I pulled up at the gate I told the keeper my name and he smirked. Good lord this is gonna be fun.

I pulled up and I already had some lovely escorts waiting for me. The boys, note I say boys, I had met before sitting on their asses. When I take my helmet off they all jump up.

"What's up sissys." I say with a hint of playfulness in my voice.

"We're not-" one says, I cant remember his name, he's cut off when he sees me raise my eyebrows in amusement.

'Mmhmm' I hum before skipping up to them. "Let's go then." I say while shoving them towards the door.

They walk me up to what I assume to be Damien's office and knock. They boy hadn't even finish knocking before there is yelling from inside.

"I swear to christ you motherfuckers this better be something goddamn-" The source of the yelling opens the door and thankfully shuts up, but not for long. "Who the hell is this?" Damien asks.

"Pleasure to see you again too Damien." I say, faking a sweet voice. He has a carmel man bun with an undershave and his round brown eyes are looking heartless as ever.

"Seriously, who is this." He asks the guys around me while pointing a finger at me.

"Welp you clearly don't remember so I'll be leaving now." I say while turning around and beginning to walk away, but sadly he grabs my arm and pulls me into him.

"Oh, I remember now my little gattina. How are you." He asks while pulling me into his office and closing the doors.

"I am not your gattina. You couldn't even remember me." I spit while freeing myself from his grasp. Then I decide to fake gasp and win an oscar.

"What did you do to your leg?" I ask acting concerned. Not just for the sake of it, but to see if he'd be honest with me.

"Let me see your eyes." He said coldly yanking my chin up so he could see. He then clicks his tongue and shoves me into a chair.

"You know what business I am in. It was an illegal fight. Some guy thought it'd be funny to snap my leg. But he's got another thing coming." He says.

Yup, sociopath.

"Anyways, you know why you're here gattina." He says. God I hate being called that.

"Yes. But that was when I was 6 you cant expect me to-" I begin, but I'm rudely interrupted.

"But I do Dylan." I says. I swear his words were ice.

"I can't Damien. You have to understand." I say, still keeping the innocent act up.

"No Dylan you were mine the day you promised. I dont care how old you were." He says while raising his voice. I can tell he's about to start yelling when the door bursts open.

"Boss. It's Mateo Winters. He's gonna have hell."

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