《Being Badass》Chapter 14


We both sit up and exchange a quick glance before he starts to get up, but I grab his arm.

"I'm going to go out in contacts and then I'll be down. No real names. You're Shawn Henry and I'm Camry Henry. Got it?" I say.

"Got it." He says with a quick nod before he runs downstairs.

I race into the bathroom and put in ny blue contacts, stabbing my eye as I did so. When I was finished I pretended to groggily go downstairs and played the 'younger sibling' act.

When I got down the stairs I was shocked to see Eathan laying on the floor with blood coming out of his abdomen.

"The door was locked. Sorry." He groaned.

"Its fine. What's happening." I asked.

"We were coming over to your house for buisiness, Xav. Some guys followed us and attacked." He said, I could tell he was blacking out too.

"Knife or bullet?" I asked, getting ready to get the First Aid kit.

"Bullet. Isaiah and Allan are still out there." He said coughing.

"You fix him, I'll go out there." Xavier said.

I threw him a gun and ran upstairs. I grabbed a thick belt, the first aid, and washed my hands before running downstairs.

I got downstairs and Eathan was barely conscious. I put the belt in his mouth and asked him questions so he would stay conscious.

"What continent are you on?" I asked.

He groaned, but I continued to grill him. I got the bullet out and stitched him up.

I carried him to the couch and layed him down before running outside.

When I got out there everyone froze. Xavier, Isaiah, and Allan were facing two other men. They all looked at me before one of the two men said something.

"You give your guns to her, and we will too." One said.

"Who wants to be in front?" I asked.

Allan said he would and I warily directed Xavier and Isaiah behind them. I took their guns, leaving Allan his.


"Wha-" the other man started.

"I have a way to defend myself, and they have theirs." I say. "We won't do anything if you don't."

I redirect my guns to my left or right.

"So call them off." I forcefully say. They raise their guns again, but I hold my ground.

"I won't shoot. We can talk reasonably if you call them off, and give me your weapons." I speak.

"Why should we believe you? You're just some random bitch. Were looking for someone else." One says. They all have their guns aimed at me still.

I back away and hand one gun to Allan before taking out my contacts with the other. Their jaws drop.

"Wanna give me those weapons now?" I ask sweetly. They all nod. "Safteys on." I direct.

They all switch the safety on before dropping their guns. I tell them to put their hands in the air before searching them and taking everything else.

I put their and our weapons behind me as we all sit in my front yard.

"What do you want?" I ask them.

"Our boss sent us to go get you. I'm Adam by the way, and that's Kayde." One of the men, Adam apparently, said.

"Okay thanks for the introductions but who the fuck is your boss?" Xavier says taking a protective scoot closer to me.

"He's the leader of the Blood Kings, Damien Crown." Adam said.

All color drained from my face and I began shaking. I couldn't get a word out so I tried to stand up but quickly fell back to the ground. I grabbed onto Xavier's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Allan asked.

"He didn't tell us anything, just that if you refused to come remind you of your promise." Kayde said.

At that I gasped. "He remembered? God, even I forgot. That was when I was six he can't expect me to come." I said panicked.

"Wait, what promise Dyl?" Allan asks me and all of them give me a questioning look.


"It was when I was six. Dustin was still around and some of our siblings were born, and we lived with dad and the gang." I say and take a deep breath to continue.

"Our father was in a meeting with Damien's father and I was playing with Damien because D was sick." I took a look around at everyone. Xavier looked mad, everyone else was still curious.

"He told me that he was going to be leader one day and when he did he needed a special girlfriend and he wanted me to be that. I, because I was six, said yes." At that Xavier sprung up and began pacing.

"Then my father began calling me and I said that when he was 18 and leader that i would come back." I was embarassed and ashamed so I put my face in my hands. "He's 18 now." I said quietly.

"What are we gonna do?" Isaiah asked.

"You guys are going to tell Damien that I will be there in a few days to talk and talk only. " I say standing up and walking back to the front door. I stop once I get there and turn around. I lift my gun and shoot Adam in the foot.

"That's for Eathan." I turn back around and walk inside. I walk to where I left Eathan and thankfully he was still breathing steadily. I went to the front door and locked it after I shoved the TV in front of the broken window. I went ahead and went upstairs and took a shower.

As I was listening to Old Fashioned by P!ATD I heard banging on the door downstairs. I hurried to finish my shower and quickly threw on a sports bra and spandex before thumping down the stairs. Eathan was starting to wake up so I hurried to open the door.

When I opened the door I saw Xavier and the guys behind him, all looking hurt. The disappointment in their faces made me feel guilty. I ran up to my room, tears threatening to fall.

I slammed the door and fell to my bed. I never thought he would remember. Why would he?

I was about to grab some vodka from under my bed when Xavier opens the door. I can't face him, so I turn and face the other way.

He walked over and took a seat next to me, staying silent for a moment. He leaned over and put an arm around me. I leaned into him and he hugged me.

"It'll be okay Dyl." He whispered.

"How? How will it ever be okay?" I said. I let a tear escape as I sat up to face him.

"We can figure this out." He said.

"No we can't Xav. No matter where I turn there's always something there to screw me over. First D, then dad, now him! It's like I'm not allowed to be happy." I said. All the rage was flowing through me and I needed somewhere to put it.

I stood up and dialed Cayde's number.

"Get me a fight tonight. It better be a good one." I said the second I heard him pick up.

"Whoa whoa. You mad?" He stupidly asked.

"No dipshit. I'm just using this tone of voice for fun." I said.

"Okay jeez. Ill get you a fight. I will text you who and when."

With that I hung up and turned to Xavier.

"Where's D?" I asked him.

"He's at the house. Why?" He answered with slight confusion in his voice.

"I need to talk to him. Care to come?" I say walking out to my balcony.

Xavier followed as I walked the railing before jumping across to his house. He let out a small yelp when I landed and I just smirked.

"You gonna take my way? Or the safe way?" I teased.

"The safe way." He said matter-of-factly before leaving my balcony.

Once Xavier and I were in the living room I turned to Dustin, who was sitting across from us.

"D, it's Damien. He remembered."

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