《Being Badass》Chapter 12


All the guys pile into the car and take their turns trying to comfort D. They all expectedly fail as he still has tears in his eyes when we get to the gang house.

"Who were those people. You know, the names you and Dyl were talking about?" I ask cautiously.

"Our younger siblings. Cayde and I are the oldest. Taylor was our younger brother, super into sports. He was 12. Caitlynn was the sassiest girl you could meet. She was 10. Lucas was quiet and shy. He should've been 7. And Sophia. My baby. She should've been 4." D said, choking on his words.

He turned to me and with fire in his eyes said, "we will get him back. For what he did to them, and to Dyl."

At the mention of Dylans name, my eyes unexpectedly tear up, and so do Dustin's. He comes over and hugs me.

"How could she blame herself?" I ask him, completely clueless.

"Shes always been that way." He says. "Shouldering everything for others and herself. When something bad happened, weather she was there or not it was her fault. She couldn't stand to see any of us hurt or in trouble. It must've broken her when you took me." He says while walking twords the computer room.


We spent the following days digging to find things about Dustin's father. It was buried, and buried good.

Once we found it Dustin shouted with joy. He wasted no time calling his brother and telling him the news. Cayde quickly arranged a meeting for us to discuss an alliance and sounded as excited as Dustin was.

We had an hour so we lounged. We began watching The Originals until we heard a bang. We all knew who that was.

Dustin went running down and tackled his sister. Hugging her until she turned blue.

"C-cant br-eathe" she musters out and Dustin let's go. She simply nods her head with the smallest of smiles and begins buisiness.

We talk for a few minutes making several "terms and agreements" and its settled. She takes the packet of information and begins to leave.

"Remember, I'm in whatever your planning for father." D says after her.


"He doesn't deserve to be called father." She says shakily, and let's put a strong, "but yes." And leaves.

"Were going to follow her." He says as soon as the door shuts.

"What?" Allan questions, as shocked as the rest of us.

"Shes not going home, and she sure as hell isnt going to the warehouse. It might've been 4 years, but I still know my sister. Shes going somewhere else. To get something off her chest." He says, determination lining his voice.

We follow him willingly to the car and follow her at a safe distance. Not long after she pulls into a graveyard. We park and follow her on foot until she gets to 4 gravestones all together.

She sits on the ground and we creep closer until we hear her talking.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. It's my fault you're gone. It's my fault. It's my fault you cant see that Dustin's okay. It's my fault he hates me. Jesus christ it's all my fault I'm so so sorry. I let you down. I let D down. I let Jay and Cayde down. God I'm a horrible person. I'm so sorry I failed you." She was whispering. She wasnt crying. Just hurt and shame filling her voice.

Dustin walks out and Dyl springs up. Once she sees him she lowers her head, trying to hide her defeat.

D walks closer and when he gets to her, wraps her in a hug. She first tenses and the touch, but then melts into it and holds him.

"It wasnt your fault Dylan. Nothing was. I dont hate you. I love you more than you know. It wasnt your fault. None of it. You let no one down." Dustin says in a strong tone. He pulls away from her, but holds her shoulders.

Looking down at her, and with a hint of anger lacing his voice, he says "but we will ruin who's the one truly at fault."

She smiles and gives him one more quick hug.

"Here they are. I'll let you pay your respects. I'll come up with a plan this week and we will ruin that bastard." She says smiling.


She walks away, but D calls after her.

"Hey Dylan! I'm starting school with you tomorrow!"

She turns around smiling bigger. "Alright. Contacts, or do we show them that the Winters are back?" She says deviously.

"Let's show 'em!" D replies, wearing the same devious smile.

It's true. Everyone in America knows who the Winters family is. Their father the richest man on the planet, having his fair share of scandals. His kids have all disappeared, but there's been no police investigation. Everyone assume the worst. Everyone is terrified of their name.

Everyone tells their kids, "If you ever see some one with eyes that are black as night, run."


I was screaming. Actually screaming. He was not moving.

"Jesus christ Dustin get your fucking lazy ass out of your fucking bed!" I screamed in his face.

He rolled over and groaned like nothing happened. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of ice water. I came back and poured it on his face.

"What the hell was that for man!" D yelled, falling out of bed.

"I was screaming in your damn face and you wouldn't budge. We have 15 minutes to get to school so get your ass moving." I said walking out. I heard the shower turn on when there was a knock at the door.

I felt like eating food more than going to get it, so I did just that. 5 seconds later a hear a thump and run to my front door, which has somehow been carefully taken off its hinges.

"Well good morning!" Dylan says cheerfully. "Sorry bout that but you weren't answering the the damn door." She finished, the fake cheer falling away.

Dustin thumped down the stairs in his boxers while scratching his wet hair.

"Clothes are required for school dipshit." Dyl says, rolling her eyes at her brother.

He groans and goes back upstairs and comes down moments later in jeans and a t-shirt.

Dyl walked into the kitchen looking for food. I took this opportunity to take a good look at her. She was wearing ripped boyfriend fit jeans with combat boots. She had on a black crop top that was laced at the sides and a flannel around her waist.

"Nothing." She huffed turning around. I continued to stare and smirked when she didnt notice right away.

"You have a bike to ride D?" She asked and he nodded his head groggily.

"Then let's go!" She nodded curtly. "I cant wait to see their faces she said causing D to chuckle evily. Damn were they diabolical.

Dylans eyea snapped to me and her cheeks turned slightly pink. I chuckled when she bit her lip and walked out.

We all got on our bikes, after Dyaln fixed my door of course, and rode to school.

We pulled in and parked next to each other, all revving our engines as we did so.

I took off my helmet first, and smirked at the stares. Dylan followed, and people gasped and backed away at the sight of her big, black eyes.

Dustin followed suit and people backed away further. We all dismounted our bikes. Dylan and Dustin walked to each other and linking pinkie fingers, smiled.

"That's right. The Winter twin are back!" They both yelled, and mostly everyone cowered into the builing.

They both laughed and we all linked arms, grabbing the rest of both of our groups who were standing outside in awe.

We walked into school and people were terrified.

"How could you be walking with them? They're the Winters!" A guy hissed from the hall.

"We dont bite." Dyl said flirtatiously. "Unless you bite first!" She said smirking evily.

But the next thing everyone knew, there were police running into the building.

"Who has the gun?" They shouted and we all exchanged confused looks.

"Them!" Lacey shouted and we were surrounded.


I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I wrote most of this story last week but it didnt save so I had to rewrite it!

I'll try to update again soon! Thanks!

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