《Being Badass》Chapter 11


"What the hell do you want." I growl at the man standing in front of me.

"Cant a father just visit his children?" The man asks.

"No. Not after what you have done." Cayde says.

My so called 'father' shakes his head and sighs.

"If you must know. I am here to ap-apolo. Apol?"

"Apologize?" I spit. "An apology cant bring people back from the dead, Mateo. An apology cant fix my fucked up brain can it?" I say and my father just stands there, almost shocked.

I hear a door open and a pair of rushed footsteps, followed my regular ones. As they approach me I stick my arm out and stop Dustin.

"What the hell Dyl! Let me hug my father. And stop being such a bastard!" He says wrestling with my arm.

"Jay, get behind Cayde. They wont touch you. And D?" I begin to address my twin.

"You do not want to hug that man." Cayde says for me.

"Why?" Dustin spits.

"Because I'm not the bastard. He is." I say letting him go and walking to Jay who is tearing up. "They wont hurt you again. You did the right thing, what I am about to do, has nothing to do with you." I say softly with a hand on her cheek.

I walk over to a bag and take off my shirt, revealing a sports bra and the long scar on my back, running from my left shoulder to my right hip.

I start punching the bag repeatedly. Not worrying about my bruising knuckles.

10 minutes after I start the bag falls of the chain and sand pours out of a rip.

I turn around to see curious faces.

"Why do you have a tattoo of your birthday dummy?" Dustin asks cruelly.

"Its not just my birthday jackass." I spit.

"More importantly, where did you get that scar from?" Xavier asked.

"Yea, that too." D said.

"Ask Mateo." I growl and Jay and Cayde glare at him.

"He couldn't have done that." Dustin said, still defending him.

"You're right Dustin. Come give papa a hug." Our father said, but Cayde steps in the way.

"Why dont you tell him father. What did you do?" He says.


"I did nothing." My father said again, holding onto his lies.

"Tell him why he hasnt seen Caitlynn, Taylor, Lucas, or Sophia." I spit, holding myself so I dont break down.

The man just chuckles and walks out.

"Where are Taylor, Sophia, Caitlynn, and Lucas?" Dustin asks.

"This is what you'd kill her for. It's not her fault. She tried her best but it was too late. That's why she has that scar. She has more too." Cayde said.

I went over to my bag and pulled out makeup remover. I wiped off the concealer I had hiding all the scars.

Dustin gapes at my scars. I have 5 total. The biggest one on my back and arm.

I see D tear up.

"What happened Dyl?"

I nod to Cayde for him to do it. I just cant do this so I go to another punching bags, landing harder punches than before. Through the echo of the pounding I can hear Cayde explaining.

"You were always dads favorite D. You know that. So when you were taken, he flew into a rage. Dylan was a mess too. After two years Jay had helped Dylan to become sober and Dyl was the 2nd best assasin. Mom and dad were away on buisiness, as usual. Everyone else was sleeping but Dyl and I were watching a movie in my room." He said, sorrow filling his voice.

I stopped punching. The memory coming back in it's full terror.

"By the time the alarms went off it was too late. Dyl jumped off the couch and ran to the bedroom door and the assassin that dad hired was in front of her. They fought for a half and hour, Dyl eventually stabbing him in the chest. She ran to the other rooms but they were dead already." He finished.

The memory made me livid. I delivered the hardest punch I could to the bag, sending it flying off its chain.

I ran over to Cayde and hugged him. And I cried.

Dustin just left, Xavier and the guys following him.

I cried. I cried for the first time since that day. It felt good.


It's been a day and the guys havent come to school or been at home.

I assume because of what's recently happened. I was sitting on my bed watching Netflix when my phone rings.



"Dyl, this is really serious."

"What is it Cayde?"

"Xaviers gang wants to have an alliance with your gang."

"Hows that serious?"

"If you agree they have a bunch of shady information about dad that could ruin his buisiness."

"Dead ass?"

"Yeah. They did some serious digging."

"Could it ruin his gang?" I ask, excitement growing in me.

"No, the gangs mine now."

"Since when!"

"Year or so. Anyways, I set up a meeting in an hour so think about it."

"Wait! You didnt-" he cut me off and hung up. That bastard.

I dont see anything wrong with it. We've never had a conflict and after all my dads done, ruining him sounds pretty good.

I called my crew for a meeting and drove to the gang house.

I was shocked at what Dustin was doing. First it was kidnapping his cousin, then torturing her. I have to admit though, she was strong.

I heard singing just outside the door, and I new immediately who it was. Dylan burst through the door and her singing stopped abruptly. She stood in shock, as I would in her situation.

I took her distraction as a time to stare. She looked beautiful. Her tight black crop top showing off her abs and upper chest. Her shorts showing her toned legs and butt. Her hair in it's natural wavy state, and her beautiful eyes.

I'm snapped out of my trance when I see her punch Dustin. To everyone's suprise hes out in one punch. She then paralyzes me and makes me watch as she cares for her cousin in such a sweet way.

She then smiles and begins singing once again, this time with her cousin.

They leave and we all slowly are able to move or gain our consciousness. We get Dustin some headache meds when I get a call.

"Hey boss. That girl Agate is here. You just said you wanted me to call whenever she comes."

"Yeah. I'll be there in a minute." I answer whoever was on the other line and hang up.

"Guys, shes at the fight club." I tell the guys.

"Then lets go." Dustin growls while leaving the room. I have to say, something has come over him since the closet incident, and even more so since the torturing.

We go there and we listen to the conversation. There's another guy, older than Jayden or Dylan, but he also has black eyes.

"Hey, do you know that other guy?" Isaiah asks D.

"Yea. Hes my older brother Cayde." He says. I think hearing his sister be so sincere while talking to Jay softened his hard shell that hes been building.

Just then, and older man with black eyes walks in. I instantly see Cayde and Jaydens eyes fill with hatred, but Dylan goes emotionless. I could never predict what D would say next.

"Dad?" He whispered. I can hear Dylan speaking to him, hatred dripping from every words she speaks. D doesnt hear anything though, hes just in happy shock.

What I hear Dyl say though, I wish he heard before he went running out the door.

"A sorry cant bring people back from the dead."

Dustin runs out the door and down the steps to his father, but Dylan stops him.

"You dont want to hug him." His brother says.

"Why?" Dustin says coldly.

Dylan mumbles something and goes over to a bag and punches until it breaks, but all I can see is the horrific scar running down her back.

Dustin says something stupid, but I ask my question.

"Ask Mateo." She growls looking at her father. Dustin, being the papas boy he is, refuses to believe his sister.

"Why dont you tell him father. What did you do." Cayde says.

The man holds onto his statement that he did nothing.

I then hear Dylan, in a shaky voice say something.

"Tell him why he hasnt seen Caitlynn, Taylor, Lucas, or Sophia." I'm suprised to say the least. The man just chuckles and walks out, and Dustin has steam coming from his ears.

Dyl nods to her brother and turns to another bag.

Cayde told the story, but all I heard was that a father hired someone to kill his children. They were dead before Dyl even knew, and she blamed herself.

Dustin went to the car after that, and when I got there he was crying, same as Dylan.

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