《Being Badass》Chapter 10


It's the day after that closet incident, and I havent gotten any results from my research. What that girl named Jay said is really tearing D apart too.


I walk into my house and see Dustin with his face in his hands.

"Hey D whats-"

"We need to take Jayden." He says with his face still in his hands. "I need to know everything that she knows." He finishes looking into my eyes.

I nod. I wanna know what she knows too.

"Alright then. She goes to the University of California. I know her dorm and class schedule."

I give D a look of suprise.

"I did my research" he shrugs.

"Ok then. I'll inform the guys and we can do this tonight." I say, dialing numbers into my phone.


It's that night we sneak into her dorm. She should get back ang minute. We bribed her roommate to say quiet.

Jayden walks in and Dustin's sitting on her bed, face in his hands.

"D what are you doing in here?" She asks. Then Eathan and Isaiah grab her and tie her hands. We blind fold her and lead her out of the building. We put her in the van.

Shes silent the whole way, which somewhat worries me, but Dustin seems fine with it.

When we get to the main warehouse we take her to a cell, but Dustin has something else in mind.

"She wont give us answers like this. Where's the torture room?"

I look to the girl, who shows nothing. We lead her to that room. We chain her up for the night, were all tired. We decided to start in the morning.

I was hurt by Jay's words. I barely knew anything. I needed to know what she knew. So I researched her whereabouts.

Xavier and I formulated a plan, which was executed perfectly.

I know I'm doing all this against my sister. At one point I would've died for her. I only did it because I had faith in her and uncle, and it took them four damn years. So I'm not really in a loving place. Stupid I know, I've always been one to hold stupid grudges.

We had locked her up in a torturing room last night so we could start in the morning. The guys were skipping school for this, so she better give some answers.


We walked in and she greeted us with a smile.

"Good morning gentlemen!"

She had been trained for this. She wanted nothing to do with the gang, but for her safety she had to train anyways.

"Tell me what you know about Dylan." I harshly ask.

"I know as much about her feelings and personal life as you do." She answers, and I can see shes telling the truth.

"Then how do you know more than me? I know you do."

At this she hangs her head.

"I know what's happened in the four years you were gone. I know how shes gotten to where she is." She mumbles.

"And what is that?" I'm growing impatient. I want answers.

"That's not my information to tell. If she wanted you to know she would've told you."

I punch her in the gut and she grimances.

"Any guesses as to why she didnt tell me that stuff."

Silence. Xavier has grabbed a knife and he stabs her in her bicep.

"Aahhh!" She cries out in pain. She gives us a vague answer. Which truly shocks me.

"You would kill her for some of that stuff. None of it is her fault, but she feels responsible. You know she feels responsible for anything that happens to anyone she knows."

I'm going back to school today. I need to be with the group. What Dustin did really rocked me.

I get to school, and its typical. Lacey is a bitch, I tell her off. I get hit on by jocks, i tell them off. Teachers are rude, i tell them off. I kinda missed it.

I'm in U.S. history with Mikey when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and its Uncle T. He never calls.

I take my phone and walk out of the room, ignoring the teacher telling me to stop.

"What is it uncle?" I can hear him breathing hard and I can tell hes super stressed and might've been crying.

"Jay's been taken. Someone took her."

I clench my jaw. I knew something was suspicious as to why the Xavier's crew wasnt here.

"I know exactly who took her. I'll go get her now."


"Please be careful."

"I'm always careful. I'll call you when I got her."

I hang up and call Cayde. We need a meeting.

"This is Cayde speaking how may I help you?"

"Its me dipshit."

"Well hello to you too Dyl."

"We need to meet up. You, Jay and I need to discuss some things. Meet me at the fight club in an hour and a half."

"Okay. I'll pick up Jay."

"Heh heh. You kinda cant do that."

"Where is she Dylan!"

"She might've been taken. I know where she is. I'm going to get her now. Anyways, I'll inform you when we get there."

I hang up, sparing myself a lecture.

I rode my bike to my house and took out my contacts and grabbed my mask. I went to there second warehouse and stormed the place. They weren't there.

They were in their main warehouse. Lucky me I knew where that was thanks to the girls and i following them.

I walked in and I hear a scream. Jaydens scream.

Do you ever have one of those moment where you loose all sanity. All fears and doubts. Dont know what you're doing? I had one of those.

My moms side of the family is notorious for those. Only the females can do it and we almost become super-human. With crazy fast reflexes, and adrenaline giving you more strength.

I heard Jay scream in pain and I went insane. The guard had picked his gun up, but before he could get his finger on the trigger I kicked it out of his hand.

I smiled.

"Let's have some fun." I say, taking off my mask.

I start singing "Dance To This" by Troye Sivan and Ariana Grande. I skip through the halls, shooting guards. I make sure not to fatally shoot any of them. Just immobilize them.

I arrive at the room Jaydens in and when I see her I cant belive my brother would do that. I stop singing and punch my brother, knocking him out. I push some pressure points on the others, knocking some out, temporarily paralyzing the others. Then I focus on my cousin.

I bandage up her abdomen which has several cuts on it, as well as her arms and legs. I pick the locks with a Bobby pin and help her down. Thankfully she can still walk.

I give her a big smile, and once again start singing and skipping, I was only through half the song after all. We make it outside, and drive to the fight club where Cayde is waiting.

He runs up and gives Jay a hug, and smiles at me. He knows I'm not a hugger.

We walk inside and Jay shows him what they did.

"What happened Dyl?" Cayde questions me.

"They're going to be here in two minute and there going to be watching and listening. So, we need to formulate a plan quick." I say, pointing to a mirrored window on a balcony inside.

We decide that were going to do nothing unless provoked, and when the two minutes are up, I begin to explain.

"I got D back. After looking for years I found him. I was happy. I was happy for once since the day he left. Then he went back to his captors. Aparently he couldn't throw 4 years away, but he could 13. Then something happened and they took Jay." I explain. Jay then lowers her head.

"Dustin was mad that you hadn't told him much. He wanted to know what I knew." She said, i could hear grief and regret in her voice.

My eyes widen.

"Did you tell them anything?" Cayde asked her gently. We all knew, he would kill me for some things.

She looks up, a tear running down her cheek, which I tenderly wipe away.

"I told her that you didnt tell him for a reason. Because he would kill you for some things you've done. But that none of it was your fault, you know how you get."

I hug her right. I know I just said I wasnt a hugger, but she needed it right then.

I then looked to the mirrored window, hatred in my eyes.

Just then, the man I never wanted to see ever again, walks in.

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