《Being Badass》Chapter 9


The group hear my swearing and came into the room. Once they saw what was happening, they too were scared or nervous.

"What are you guys doing here?" I question harsly.

"I-i called them Dyl." I hear Dustin say sheepishly.

"Why!" The group and I say in almost perfect unison.

"Because. They're my family Dyl. I'm going back with them." He says, daring to look me in the eyes.

"But I'm your family! Dustin, you cant do this!" I shout, my eyes threatening to show weakness.

"I've been with them for four years. I cant throw that away."

"But you can throw 13 years away! You can throw away the fact that I'm your sister!" I shout again. I see Xaviers eyes widen.

"Yes Xavier god damnit! I'm agate! I'm Dustin's sister! I'm his twin for godsakes!" I scream at him.

"Allan knows! Isaiah knows! God. GOD Dustin! Fine. Fine! Take him. Take him again. Wanna do it at gunpoint again! Take him. But before you do, I want a word with him." I say, and they all nod, Xavier eyeing allan and Isaiah. They hang their heads and pull their pant legs up so he can see my mark. I drag Dustin out of the room and into the kitchen.

"If you spill any of my secrets that they dont know, I will slit your throat. No matter how much I love you." I say, hate welling up in my heart.

"What the fuck Dyl. You dont love me. You dont love anyone."

"I did love you Dustin." I whisper. I look up, my eyes burning from welled up tears. "Its you who doesnt love me."

"Dyl-" Dustin starts before I cut him off.

The guys and I were at the warehouse, somewhat moping. We were sitting in a circle when my phone buzzes from an unknown number texting me.


"Hey Xavier, its Dustin. Come to Dylans house, I'm there."

I show the guys the text, and we speed to her house. We knock on the door, and sure enough, Dustin answers it.

Dylan walks in, and I see that her eyes match Dustin's. Black.

She swears and the rest of the group walks in.

"What are you doing here?" Dylan questions harshly, almost making me flinch. Almost.

Dustin answers and she is pissed, but quickly hides it.

"Why?" Her and her friends all say together.

Once again he answers, were his family.

"But you can throw 13 years away! You can throw the fact that I'm your sister away!" She shouts, anger dripping from her words. My eyes widen in question, which she kindly answers.

"Yes, I'm agate!" That's all I needed to answer my question.

I can tell by the way that shes yelling that shes hurt, but her face and voice are void of emotion.

"Fine. Fine! You can take him, but let me talk to him." She drags him to another room and I look at Allan and Isaiah. They pull up their pantlegs and I see the "devils mark" as its known.

"Why didnt you tell me." I ask, somewhat hurt, but I didnt know the deals they made. When you made a deal with agate and she gave you that mark, you didnt break your deal. Otherwise, you were dead.

"Can we talk about this at your house later?" Allan quietly asks, and Isaiah agreed, clearly traumatized.

"Go!" I hear a loud shout from another room. Dustin walks out and we go to my house. A moment later were out on my balcony playing cards when we heard words coming from Dylans room.

"I dont mean to take this out on you guys, so before I go insane, I'm going to say sorry right now." I hear Dylans amazing voice mutter.


Yes, I might have a crush, but now is not that time.

"Dylan, it'll be okay." I hear Fallon try to comfort her.

"No it wont! Hes my everything! My only weakness!" Dylan starts yelling, and Dustin looks away.

"Dylan." James says.

"GET OUT! ALL OF YOU! I need to be alone." Dylan screams, but whispers the last part.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask her friends as they leave. They all glare at me and Dustin. Tim walks over and slaps all of us.

"No! She wont be! But we cant go back in there so you have to watch her so she doesnt do anything stupid!" He yells and walks away.


It's been two weeks since Dustin came back. I havent seen Dyaln since then.

I was walking to third period, late of course, when I'm pulled into a closet.

"What the hell" I say, and I see Sam, Mikey, and Fallon. All glaring at me.

"Where are the guys?" I nervously ask.

"Getting a guest." Mikey says. In an emotion I cant quiet explain. A mixture of anger, yet excitement.

Just then, the Tim walks in, with a girl who looks a lot like Dylan. I am only sure it's not her, because shes as tall as me, where Dylan is about a foot and a quarter shorter than me.

All the sudden I feel a sting across my cheek. She had slapped me. Them James came in, dragging Dustin by his ear. The girl then turned to Dustin and instead of slapping him, she punched. Making his nose bleed, it wasnt quite broken, but close.

"What the hell Jay!" D whisper-yells.

"Dont you 'what the hell' me Dustin Jacob Winters. You broke her." The girl named Jay said sharply.

"She was the strongest, fearless, most perfect person I've ever met." Sam said with her head down. She then looked up, fire burning in her eyes. "And you fucking broke her." She said, taking her turn to slap him.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"She was starting to like someone. There was hope for her." Dustin whispered.

"You know Dustin; You are the only person who can break her. I've only seen her as bad is she is twice. She really cares about you ya know. You are the only person who can do this her, and she has barely told you anything. And even that is about as much as I know."

"But dont you know nearly everything?" D question, looking hurt.

"No nearly nothing."

D silently nods in horrible understanding.

"Why doesnt she tell anyone anything?" Mikey

"Because. Shes always been a fort Knox of feelings. Shes a mystery to everyone, even the people who are closest to her." Dustin uttered.


After what Dustin said I've been trying to figure out what he meant. What all had she been through.

What was she hiding?


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