《Being Badass》Chapter 8


It had been nearly a week since I had gotten Dustin back. I loved having him back. I could talk to him about everything and it was so nice to have my brother again.

Xavier seemed more pissy than usual, and I assumed that was about D. The other guys were down in the dumps too. Damn they really did like dustin.

Tim and James really liked Dustin. They got along really well and hung out all the time. But anyways, today was out first day back at school. They had a gas leak they had to clean up. I wonder who did that?

I got dressed, and let me tell you, I looked hot in my outfit.

I grab an apple and head to my bike. I hop on and drive to school. I pull up and the guys crowd around me.

I take off my helmet and look at all of them. They dont say anything for what feels like forever so I put my helmet away and dig through my backpack. I fish out a pack of gum and stick one in my mouth, and offer some to them. Allan takes one, but everyone else declines.

I blow a bubble with my gum and I'm getting fed up.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap. I'm ready for the worst, but it's a simple, "Can you tutor us."

I nod my head. "What subject?"

"English." Xavier replies and I nod my head again.

"Thurdays after school." I respond and walk away. I could tell Isaiah was on edge. I really scared him didnt i?


It was gym and Sam Mikey and I were stretching when the one and only Lacey comes over.

"Are you trying to take my man?" She asks me.

"What the hell are you even talking about?" I spit.

"Xavier. I've seen you flirting with him." At this point I look over at Xavier and I can see him shaking his head, somewhat embarrassed. With the combination of both of those things I cant help but laugh. Soon after Sam and mikey were laughing too.


Once I gain my composure I am able to respond, "You must have your head so far up your ass for you to think that."

"Why? It's kinda obvious." She says in a 'no duh' tone. I give her an 'are you fucking serious look'.

"One: I think the first time I actually talked to him was this morning, and two: even though I've only talked to him once, based on the people he surrounds himself with, I know his standards are way higher than people like you. Or for his sake I hope they are."

I finish and walk over to the mats for tumbling and start.


It was the last class of the day which was music. I had that class with the girls, James and Tim, Xavier and his crew, and sadly, Lacey.

We all sit down and the teacher starts speaking.

"Okay so finals are in two days, and I'm going to give you your assignments so you guys can practice."

People groan and I roll my eyes. Mikey looks at me and whispers "Can you help the girls and I practice. We need your expertise." I nod my head. I didnt need to practice, I already knew what song I was doing.

"You will do this as a solo, no exceptions. You may go practice. We will begin at the end of class tomorrow."

The group pulls me out to the hall.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" I ask and Sam's hand shoots up. "Alright, what song?"

"I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston."

"Oh I love that song!" I say excited. She starts and I give her a few pointers as she goes. By the end she sounds amazing. It goes the same way for everyone else when the day ends.

The songs

Sam: I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Huston

Mikey: lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid

Fallon: Strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan

James: Love Songs Drug Songs by X Ambassadors


Tim: Don't Stop Believing by Journey

Allan: If Walls Could Talk by 5sos

Eathan: The Good Side by Troye Sivan

Isaiah: Hey Look Ma, I Made It by Pan!c At The Disco

Xavier: Better Now by Post Malone

Dylan: Its a suprise!!


I woke up in pain. I had a fight last night and he landed a hard one on my ribs. I took a shower and got dressed.

I brush out my hair and go. I pull up to school and head inside, hating life.


It was music and I had helped the group all period. There was 25 minutes left of class and the teacher called us all in.

"So, were going to start now. Would anyone like to go first?"

"I think Dylan would like to go first. She seems ready since she hasnt practiced at all." Lacey said, batting her eyelashes.

"Alright" I say shrugging my shoulders and standing up. Lacey looks shocked and so does the teacher. Sam and the girls look super excited.

"Okay then. What will you be singing?" The teacher asked.

"Lie by NF." I respond. It was one of my favorites because I can really relate. All around me people are snickering, even Xacier and his crew. Fallon gets pissed and slams her hands on her desk, standing up.

"Why the hell are you all snickering!" She shouts.

"Dude, that's a hard song. It has rap in it and everything. She cant do that. Have you heard her rap?" Someone says. Mark I think his name is.

"No i havent, but I've heard her sing and if it's anything like that it's going to be the best thing you've ever heard." She said. I gesture for her to sit down.

I begin and let my deep, slow voice take over.

"I heard you told your friends that I'm just not your type

If that's how you really feel, then why'd you call last night?

You say all I ever do is just control your life

But how you gonna lie like that, how you gonna lie like that?"

I sing and look around at everyone, and their jaws were on the floor, including Lacey's. I smirk and begin the rap portion.

"Yeah, I heard you said I ain't the type for you

I don't regret it though, I learned from it

They should have you locked up for all the time you stole from us"


I finish the song and get an applause. I sit back down and several others take their turn, including Tim and Fallon.

After school I tell them all they're coming to my place. I'm bringing Dustin there for the night, and I need more than just me there to protect him if anything goes wrong.

I pick up D and we head to my house. When we get there the group is already inside ordering pizza.

"Yo D did you know your sister can sing!" James shouts.

"She can rap too!" Mikey said and Dustin looked at me.

"I mean, I heard her when we were kids." He said.

"You have to sing for him Dyl." Sam urged and I shake my head.

"Not today guys." I say, going to the door to get the pizza from the delivery guy.

We scarf down the pizza and decide to watch a movie. Sam, James, Tim, and I all vote The Italian Job so its majority vote for that movie. Were half way through when the doorbell rings.

"I got it" Dustin says getting up, and im stupid enough to let him go.

I hear the door open and no talking, so I get up.

"Who is it D?" I ask rounding the corner. I stop in my tracks. Neither of us had contacts in, and I can see Xavier and his friends at the door.


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