《Being Badass》Chapter 7 and More Characters


**(pretend he has black eyes)



Her head turned to look at me with neck breaking speed.

"Good. I'll go get Isaiah. Have him ready." She states, her voice cold and empty of any emotion.

My cell is unlocked and I'm led to the main room. Allan, Eathan, and Xavier all give me a hug as she walks in. They run to Isaiah, and I swear I can almost see Xavier tear up.

Once we've all said our goodbyes she takes me to her car.

We get in and shes silent.

"Why the hell do you want me you fuck?" I question harshly. She doesn't answer, and drives to some abandoned warehouse.

She leads me to a room. A real room. Its black, grey, and red. My favorite colors. It's perfect. I snap myself out of my trance, and I go to the bed and sit down, facing away from her. Seeing her eyes reminded me of Dylans, and they upset me.

I heard her lean against the wall, and soon she speaks. This time soft and caring.

"What's wrong?" I turn around to face her, pissed at her fake sympathy.

"Its none of your damn buisiness!" I spit, getting in her face. I turn around and begin to walk away, when I hear her sigh. What she says next, makes my heart skip a beat.

"Its because they told you I'm dead. Isn't it?" She says, her voice kind of

... sad? I turn around to see that shes removed her mask, but shes looking down.

When she looks up, I'm flooded by emotions.

"Dylan? No. It cant be my baby." This wasnt my Dylan. My Dyl was small and the sweetest thing I've seen. Just then, someone else walks in.

"Sure as hell is." Jayden says as she enters.

"Oh my god!" I shout and run to my baby sister. Were only 12 minutes apart, but shes still my baby.

She jumps into my arms cause I'm a full foot taller than her, and wraps me in the warmest embrace.

We tear ourselves apart and a single tear runs down her face. She wraps her arms back around me.


"I've been looking for you forever. I cant believe I finally found you." She let's go and smiles up at me.

"Do I not get a hug?" Jay says in her usual sassy way. I walk to her and give her a hug.

"Sorry you cant live with me. I'll visit you everyday though." Dylan tells me.

"Why cant I live with you?" I question her, my curiosity peaked. I also have another question that I'm itching to ask, but I wait.

"Xavier is my neighbor." She replied with a shrug.

"You know his first name?"

"I also go to school with him." She says. I cant stop thinking about the question I want to ask, so I finally ask it.

"How did you find me Dyl?"

I am overwhelmed with the memories of everything I went through, just for him.

"Well," I say shakily, taking a deep breath and letting it out with a sigh. "After they took you I trained. I trained until I was the best. The best at hand to hand combat, the best at racing. Until I couldn't miss a shot with any weapon." I say. I look up to see his eyes. They're hard to read, I always used to be able to read him.

He doesn't say anything, so I continue. "Thennn," i dont know if i want to say this next part, but i do anyways. "Then I made Emrald." I hesitantly finished. I see his eyes widen.

"You were the one with those green eyes!" He declared and I nodded my head.

"I made her cause I knew a gang took you. I wanted to be able to go in and out if every gang. I was going to give up, but then I found you." I finish. A wide smile spreading across my face as I do.

I stand up, thinking of something. "Hang on. I'll be right back." I say and quickly exit. I leave and call Fallon.

"Yo, its 2 in the morning what could you possibly need."

"Get yourself, mikey, and Sam here now."

"Says who. I ain't leaving my bed this early."


"Your new leader says so. Now get your ass here. Oh, and bring the guys. I still haven't met them." I finish and hang up, not waiting for a response.

I peak my head back into the room. "Hey D, you and Jay catch up. I gotta get some people I want you to meet."

"Who might those people be?" Dustin asks, raising a brow.

"Believe it or not, but I made friends on my own" I say sarcastically.

Jay gives me a questioning look. "Dont worry Jay. They're already in the gang."

"Hey dyl!" Dustin yelled after me.

"At some point, I wanna hear about those drugs."

I was shocked to say the least. I shot Jayden a look. "Sorry. He asked." She answered with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and left.


I met the girls in the common room, and let me tell you, they looked like they were gonna pass out.

They introduced me to Tim and James. They were pretty cool dudes! We hit it off well, Tim and I both making several jokes making fun of the girls, and James being royally pissed that I made him come this early.

"Hey, as your new boss I can do whatever I want!" I declare. Sam give me a questioning look and i simply nod my head. That's all she needed to fully wake up and be jumping up and down with excitement.


I take them to my brothers room. When we walk in, well, boy am I met with a suprise.

"Dylan Nikol Winters!! What the fuck! It was that bad! What the hell were you-" I cut off Dustin screaming, hold my finger to his lips.

"Shhhhhhh, dear brother. We dont need to talk about that now. It's not that serious. Now." I say ignoring his furious face, turning to my friends.

"This my dear friends, is my brother. My twin at that." I say before all of their eyes go wide.

"You have a twin!" Fallon yelled. I nod, and continue to introduce them.

"And Dustin," I turn to him and hes still as pissed as a cat taking a bath, but I ignore it again. "This is Fallon, Sam, Mikey, James, and Tim." I say pointing. He nods his head.

Then grumpy ass James pipes up. "Hey we done here. I need sleep." I laugh and nod. They all leave, including Jayden, leaving me and my brother alone.

"Dyl. We need to talk about that." I nod, hating that I have to tell him.

"Yea I know." I say letting out a sigh. "But I have school tomorrow. Can it wait until then?" I ask. He simply nods and turns away, which kills me.

"Fine." I reluctantly say. He turns around and sits on his bed. I take a deep breath.

"I drank. I drank like crazy. I had a stupid high alcohol tolerance to. I'd have to drink and whole bottle of vodka to get even close to drunk. That wasnt enough so I did pills." I said looking down at my shaking hands.

He pulled me into a hug. When he let me go, I finished.

"I relapsed when I saw you in the prison. I was sober for nearly 3 years. But I saw you, and I couldn't help it." He pulled me into another hug.

"I love you so much sis. I missed you. I cant beleieve im back." He said into my shoulder.

I hated to leave, but in the end he made me. Practically pushing me out of the door.

"I have a nice, comfortable, big bed for the first time in forever and I'm going to enjoy it by myself!" He said. I was laughing hard. Once he pushed me out of the door, I turned around.

"Night, bro. I love you." I said giving him a hug. "I'll come back tomorrow. Jay will give you food and clothes and shit." I say. I then thump him on the head and run away. I stop at the end of the hall to look. Big mistake.

Hes catches me and returns the thump. I just laugh, and leave once he gets to his room.

God I love my brother.

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