《Being Badass》Chapter 6


We head to the ring. Uncle T and Jay came with me, the girls had to go home. When we got there, uncle parked his car and walked over to me. (I had taken my motorcycle.)

"Dyl be careful. Tonight your fighting X. He is undefeated." I nod my head with a smirk, putting on my mask.

"He wont be after tonight." I reply. With that I walk into the gym. Everyone goes quiet. The announcer says to go in the ring, where I come eye to eye with my opponent, and I nearly faint.

My eyes meet his icy blue ones. Its Xavier. I roll my eyes and the announcer yells fight. I hear someone cheer for Xavier and look. I see Isaiah and the others. He takes that as an oppprtunity for attack, but that fails.


After a bit of fighting I'm on top of him. I hit him with a hard blow to the temple, and he begins to black out.

Before I can get off him, i feel my mask being ripped off my face. I quickly grab it and put it back on, but the damage has already been done.

I look up. Most people are exchanging money, including Allan and Eathan. I'm not worried about anyone else who saw, except Isaiah. Hes at the edge of the mat, gaping at me.

I stand up and walk over, only then do Eathan and Allan notice. I get to them and Isaiah starts to say something. He doesn't get anything out before I slap a hand over his mouth.

I grab him and begin to walk away. Allan and eathan are running after me, but I hand Isaiah to Uncle and start fighting them.

I sweep my foot around and knock them both off their feet. I put two fingers on a pressure point and knock them out. I get up, grab my winnings and walk out. Before I get to the door I look to the ring where I see Xavier getting up. We lock eyes and I give him my deadliest glare before leaving.


I get to the gang warehouse where uncle is waiting.

"Where is he? I need to talk to him." I say.

"Why?" He asks. I shake my head and respond


"X took my mask off. He saw me, and hes rhe best friend and second in command of my neighbor." I speak while walking twords the questioning room, where I assume he is.

"Alright. But since we have him here and now, we can use him to get Dustin. Use Emrald and arrange to get him tonight. I've decided not to put you on gang isolation. In fact, I'm making you leader. You have proven that you are ready. I will stay in the gang to counsel you, but you will be the new leader of the Golden Rouges."

I smile in excitement. I'm gonna be leader. I give him a quick hug and a "thank you" before going in to Isaiah.

"Let me out you freak!" He shouts. I calmly shake my head.

"You know who I am." I say, a dark tone in my voice. "I can't let you tell your leader, now can i?"

He shakes his head, a hint of fear glinting in his eyes.

"I also need you, so I can get something I want." I slowly say, leaning across the metal table.

"What?" He spits out, hatred in his voice. I sit up, taking my mask off. His eyes widen.

"I-it is you." He says, fear causing him to stutter. I nod slowly, and hold up my wrist with the spade tattoo.

"You have my club. And I want him back. I am not dead, in fact, I have never been so alive." I say.

"No we dont! We dont have anyone you want!" He says, clearly panicking.

I get ticked off at that point. Hes lying to me.

"Yes you do. Emrald saw him. Emrald is coming later tonight to make a deal. You for him. But until then, I need to be sure you wont leak my identity."

"I swear I wont. Swear on my life. If I do, you can torture me as much as you want." He says in a somewhat calm tone, making me beleive him.

I walk around the table and look him in the eyes. "Swear?" I ask, and he nods. I leave the room and come back with a knife, and he panics again.


"You just met the devil. I like to leave my mark." I say taking off his shoes and socks so I can make a slow, long cut down the inside of his mid-calf to ankle. As I do so he groans in pain.

I finish the left leg and move on to the right. While I'm doing this I smirk and look up at him.

"Just ask Allan." I say finishing.

When I'm done I stand up and walk twords the door. As I'm leaving he shouts after me.

"Where are you going?"

"To have a chat with Emrald." I say, leaving.

Cayde had already arranged a meeting for Emrald, so I get dressed, put on my black velvet bandana and green contacts.

I drive to their 2nd base, and walk in. I go to Xaviers office. Eathan and allan are there, trying to comfort a clearly pissed Xavier.

They all turn to me, and Xavier starts shouting.

"I fucking want him back! Where is he! What the hell does she want! Do you know how fucked up this is man!"

I calmly look to him. "I have another meeting in a half an hour. She will bring him here herself. In return, she wants to look through your prison and take any prisoner she'd like. She has one in mind. If she doesn't get him, she will keep your friend. She hasn't hurt him yet, but if she doesn't get what she wants I cant promise anything."

Eathan and allan look terrified, and Xavier just looks pissed.

"She wouldn't dare hurt him!" He screams. Welp, time to win an acting award.

I look down and quietly speak. "I used to be know her well, but shes changed. She is the cruelest person I know. She wouldn't so much as blink before killing someone who hurt her."

I look into his eyes and finish. "I've seen it, and its terrifying."

He nods and agrees. I go back to the warehouse and change into Agates outfit before getting Isaiah and going to their warehouse. When we get there I tie Isaiah to the chair. Before getting out I say one last thing, "remember, you dont know who I am, and I did not hurt you." He nods slowly before I get out of the car.

Xavier is waiting at the door.

"Where is he?" He asks, pretending to have no emotion.

"Safe. I promise." I respond. He hesitantly leads me in, and takes me to their prison. Everyone is hushed, even the gaurds.

"Boss. What is she doing here." One of them asks.

"She has Isaiah, so we made a deal." He says. I walk by all of the cells, simply eyeing Dustins. He is in the back of his cell, back facing me.

I walk back to his cell after looking at all of them, pretending only to be interested in him cause he was the only one not at the bars, gaping at me.

"Who's this one?" I ask, kicking the bars.

I had been in a funk since I heard that Dyl was dead.

I was in the back of my cell, moping, when i heard a guard say "Why is she here." I was intrigued, but didnt turn around. After boss explained they walked by my cell.

After a few moment I heard footsteps approach my cell.

"Whos this one?" A deep, husky voice asks.

"Dustin." I hear boss reply.

"Turn around kid." The same husky voice says. I didnt.

"Turn the fuck around." They say again, more aggressively. This time I listen, and I'm met with black eyes, same as mine.

"They must be wearing contacts." I think. Black eyes are rare, and only belong to my family, so they cant be natural.

"I want him" she says, turning around. "I'll go get your freind, have him ready."

"Ready for what?" I ask standing up and walking to the bars dividing us.

"I'm bringing you with me." She says, not turning around.

"Why would I do that?" I spit. She turns around, looking, what is it? Hurt? No, it couldn't be.

"I'd do what she says." Allan says walking up to my bars beside Xavier. "She has Isaiah, and those nasty bruises," he said pointing to xaviers face, "those are from her."

Im shocked to say the least, but I give in. I know how much Isaiah means to boss.


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