《Being Badass》Chapter 5


Probably should've showed you her house and room before so here!

I'm on the floor holding back more tears when I hear someone quietly speak.

"Dylan?" I look up at the doorway and see Jayden, and just seeing her own black eyes makes me shatter. Again.

I'm crying again when I hear her walk over to the desk and stand there for a moment. When I look up, tears streaming down my face, she starts yelling.

"What the hell Dyl! You were sober! You were almost 3 years! Almost 3 years sober Dyl!" She shouts. She takes a deep breath and calmly continues. "Why would you do this to yourself? To me? Why would you do this again?"

"Shes done this before?" Sam asked slowly, and I nod my head.

I slowly stand up and look into Jaydens black eyes. The same as mine. The same as Dustins.

"Jayden. I saw him." I say quietly with my head down.

"Saw who Dylan?" She asks walking twords me.

"I saw him Jayden. I saw him!" I say more aggressively looking into her eyes. "I'll be right back." I say, walking into the bathroom to take my contacts out. After all that crying they were burning a bit.

I walk out with my natural black eyes. I look over to Xaviers balcony, with all the guys still on it. Watching.

"I still dont understand Dylan. Who?"

"Dustin. I saw Dustin." I whisper.

"You saw him! Oh my God where is he!" Jayden says, excitement lacing her voice.

"In the Red Demons prison. Hes changed. A lot." I say looking up a smile tugging at my lips.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Who's Dustin?" Fallon says.

I giggle. I forgot they were here. "Hes my twin."

"Wait, why were you in their prison?" Jayden asked.

I looked to her and said a simple word. "Emrald." She nodded her head in understanding.


"Wait! What the fuck you-" Mikey starts before I slap a hand over her mouth.

"Yes. So shut up. Only Jayden, my older brother, and now you know. So keep it quiet." She nods before I take my hand off her mouth.

"I think I need to tell uncle T, Jay. I'm gonna need his help." I say clenching my fists before I finish. "I want him back."

My phone rings before she can reply and I read the caller ID. "Speak of the devil."

"Hey Dyl. I have a fight for you tonight, if you're up for it."

"Yea I'm up for it. Hey, are you busy right now. I need to talk to you. It's kinda urgent." I reply going over to my balcony doors and closing the curtains.

"Yea I'm not busy. You can come right now."

"Alright. I'll be there in 10."


After I hang up the phone we all pile into Jay's car and go to uncles.

I walk into his office, bringing everyone else along for support.

"Hey uncle T. I need to talk to you."

"Of course." He says reassuringly.

I look hesitantly to Jay and she nods her head.

"Wait. Oh my God are you pregnant?"

I laugh. "Oh my god T! No! But what I need to talk to you about is serious."

He nods his head and I continue.

"So you know about Dustin and how I was so hell bent on finding him. But then i never did and so on." I look up at Jay and my friends and they all give me encouraging nods.

"Well because I was so hell bent on finding him I created another person who could go into any gang, because I was sure a gang took him cause of the man i used to call father."


He gives me a worried look, but I still continue. "And you know how you've never seen emrald, I always delt with her. Well emrald is me and I used her to go into gangs so that maybe I could find him."

I look at Uncle. He looks sad and mad, so I finish quickly. "Well I used her today and I found him and i really need your help so i can get him back."

Uncle looks at me, then turns around and talks slowly.

"You know I was trying to find him too. Why did you put yourself in so much danger?" He said sorrowfully and turns back around to face me.

"Why didnt you tell me sooner?"

"I was afraid. I was afraid you'd make me stop."

He shakes his head. "And I would've. For your safety."

"But I found him! I know where he is! I looked him straight in the eyes today!"

He smiled a bit at the hope in my voice.

"Yes. But you've still withheld a huge amount of information from me. I won't demote you. But you get 1 week of gang isolation. After that, we will get him back."

I nod my head, smiling. I didnt care about the isolation. I was gonna get my brother back.

"One more thing. Where is he?"

"The red demons prison. I went there to get a Vipers member."

He nods. "Hey, before the fight, wanna come to dinner? Linda would love to see you. Jay you too, and you girls." He said pointing to Fallon, Mikey, and Sam. We all nod.

I had just gotten back with Eathan when we saw the boys looking worriedly at Dylans house.

We walk over and see Dylan in a heap on the floor. Eathan quickly calls Fallon. In a matter of minutes Fallon, Mikey, and Sam are all in her room.

Mikey says shes going to call her dad and she screams no. I was confused. Until later someone with eyes that look black walks in. Then Dylan goes into the bathroom. When she walks out her eyes have changed from blue to black.

They leave soon after.

We were all shocked but we had to let it go. I had a fight tonight. Aparently Agate was in town, and I wanted to beat her. We were both undefeated, but for one of us that was going to change. I grabbed my mask and my boxing shorts, and headed to the ring.

I got there an was warming up with the guys, when everyone went quiet.

The bets stopped, everything. It stopped. The guys and i turned to see a girl walk in. A mask covering the bottom half of her face. Black eyes staring into my own. I had my mask on, but she looked like she knew me.

"Yo, she looks badass." Allan whispered, we all nodded in return.

"Will Agate and X please make their way to the ring?"

I get into the ring, looking into Agates black eyes.

"Ready? FIGHT!"

"You got this X!" Allan shouted.

She looked over at him, and I took the opportunity to throw a left hook, which she caught. Everyone went slackjawed, including me.

Grabbing hold of my wrist she flipped me onto my back and climbed on top of me. Nailing punch after punch. I finally regrouped and flipped us over.

She pulled a leg up to her chest and nailed me in the chest with her foot, Knocking me off her. She got back on top of me and nailed a punch to my temple. Just before eaverything went black I managed to pull her mask off, but I blacked out before i could see.


Here's the mask Dyaln was wearing.

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