《Being Badass》Chapter 3


"You're gonna catch flies" I said with my eyebrows raised in humor.

"Oh my god!" Sam screamed, causing me to laugh. I then hear a phone ring. We all check our phones and it wasnt us. I look over to Xaviers balcony, and it was his phone. He answered and began to speak French, which surprised me.

"That's was-" Fallon began to talk but I cut her off "Shut up." I whisper shouted.

Xavier hung up the phone and told the guys they needed to go. They looked over at us and I looked to the girls.

"Let's go get pizza" I said loud enough for the boys to hear.

"But-" sam began in protest but I shot her a look and dragged them inside.

"They are in a gang." I whispered. They all have me shocked looks and I continued not caring. "More specifically the Red Demons. And Xaviers the leader. Were going to follow them, and find their hideout." I said.

"How do you know all that?" Mikey asked, skeptical.

"I'm fluent in French, which is what they were speaking." Little did they know that I always knew.


We got in the car and followed them a ways. When I thought they were getting close, I pulled into a different street, knowing they saw us, and followed on foot. We followed them and saw them go into a large old barn. We watched for a moment and left going back to our own base.

We went to the leaders office.

"Come in" a familiar voice said. I walk in and smile seeing my uncle.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Oh, sorry" I say, taking out my blue contacts and facing him, my black eyes meeting his. Black eyes are common in our family, which is why I wear contacts so people don't recognize me.

"Dylan?" He asks and I nod my head. He walks over and gives me a hug. I turn around and the girls eyes go wide.


"Wait. First in command of another branch. You're Agate!" Mikey says, and in reply I giggle and nod my head.

"Anyways, down to business." I say. "The Red Demons leader is my neighbor. We followed them to their hideout, and we now know where it is. And thanks to their help, I want Mikey, Sam, and Fallon to be my partners."

My uncle laughed. "Good job Dyl. And of course they can be your partners. Now, I have a job to do. Get out!" He finished with a chuckle.

I laughed. "Okay okay! We'll leave you alone. Call me when you need me. Plus, get me into a fight club."

I finish and walk out with the girls, when Mikey breaks the silence.


One thing I've learned about their group is Mikeys the more serious, mature one, Sam's the wild one, and Fallon is somewhere in the middle.

"I'm his niece, so I am automatically second in command."

They all nod and we head home.

When we walk inside I get a call, and it's from my older brother. Hes my manager in a way. Well not mine, but Emralds. My secret identity as a kind of mediator between all the gangs to avoid gang wars.

"What's up Cayde?"

"Hey Dyl. I got something for you tonight."

"Okay. What is it?"

"The Vipers want one of their memebers back from the Red Demons. They're willing to negotiate drugs. I've arranged meeting for both. I'll text you the times."

"K. I'll get it done."

"I know you will. Bye Dyl."

"Bye C. I'll see you soon."

He hangs up and i run upstairs.

"Hey guys, I'm going to see my cousin tonight, so you cant stay much longer. Sorry."

"Its cool, my mom wants me home anyways." Fallon says.

"Same." Sam says.

Mikey shrugs, "My brother will probably want me home too."


They all get up to leave and since none of us were huggers, I walked them to the door and watched them drive away.

I went back up to my room and put in my green contacts and put on my black bandana that covers the bottom half of my face.

I put on the cropped black hoodie and put the hood up to hide my hair, and high waisted short shorts, finishing the look with dark burgandy lip gloss and combat boots.

I walk out the door and get in my dark green Charger and head to the Vipers headquarters.


I walk through the doors and meet with the leader. The Vipers are the third most powerful gang. My gang is the 1st, followed closely by Xaviers and my fathers. Their gangs pretty much tying for second.

I walk in and the leader is waiting for me. The leader goes by sir. He is young, in his early thirties, with a brunette buzzcut, and brown eyes. Quite attractive atually.

I stand on the other side of the table and get straight to business.

"How much are you willing to offer for your member." I say, more of a statement then a question.

The leader looks down sadly and slowly says "It was my son. I'll give them anything."

I instantly felt sympathy, but I didn't let it show. So I kept the negotiation going.

"The Red Demons are quite tough to negotiate with, but I do believe that two cases of Crack and one of their members should be enough. Do they know he is your son?"

"No. He was born here, with no birth records and we made a fake record for him. And he looks nothing like me. All his mother."

I nod my head and turn twords the door. He send one of his guards with me to get the cases and the member.

Once I get them I head back to the car and go twords the Red Demons sub-headquarters. They are still wary to trust me, which is very smart of them.

When we get there I cuff the "fugitive" to the seat and tie him up, in case I need to use him later in the negotiation.

I walk in and to Xaviers office. Here he goes by Snow. I walk in and stand behind the chair, i don't like sitting for these. I set down the two large cases down roughly and look him straight in the eyes.

"The Vipers want one of their member back." I say coldly with no emotion.

"I guessed so. What will they offer me." He says back, but hes not looking at my eyes. Hes looking my body up and down. I roll my eyes and snap my fingers.

"My eyes are up here. Anyways, they are offering two large cases of Crack."

He get up and looks in them. "Hmmm. Tempting, but no. I want 4 crates."

"What about the 2 crates and one of your members. In fact, your third in command." His third in command was Eathan. I was shocked to see him in the prison, and I knew that if they kept him, they would start an all out war.

His eyes widen a bit. He sighed and said "Fine, deal."


I walked in with Isaiah, and went back to the office. I let him out of his restraints and Xavier walked over and hugged him. I didn't think of Xavier as a hugger.

I was lead down to the prison by none other than Xavier. I hadn't been down here before.

We walked for a long time. Apparently he was at the very end. I was scanning the cells for some of our own members when I saw something I couldn't beleive.

I stopped in my tracks and stared.

My eyes caught someone else's.

Someone else's black eyes.


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