《Being Badass》Chapter 2


"Are you guys in a gang" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

They all stare at me in shock stuttering. I giggle, "I see that you are. Which one" I ask eagerly.

They look around at each other. Then Sam slowly says "The Golden Rouges". My eyes widen and I lean in and whisper "You know their Cristal Lake branch?" They all nod their heads. "I was first in command of that branch." They all smile, and we high-five.

"Alright little girls, line up!" The gym teacher yells.


We start doing warm-ups when Lacey and her crew start walking over to us.

"Eww. Why do you have a tattoo!" She asks me, and I cant help but smirk. The tattoo on my right shoulder is showing.

"Actually, I have 5 tattoos." She scoffs.

"That's gross." She says with a flip of her hair she begins to walk away.

"Lacey" I shout and she turns around to face me, "Its better than all that plastic surgery."

She gasps, along with the girls and several other people. And I roll my eyes.


In the locker room after gym Mikey, Fallon, and Sam kept asking about my tattoos.

"C'mon! Just show us!" Sam begged.

"Alright fine" I say with a slight chuckle, "but most of them I can't show you here. You could come over and I could show you."

"Yes!" Fallon shouted and jumped up and down. "The boys could come too! They get done working soon!"

I laugh and we all head out by the bikes.

We all get on our bike and I'm about to turn mine on when I hear someone call my name. I turn to the girls and they all shrug. I look the other way and see Xavier and his friends in Eathan's jeep. Allan waves me over.

When i get to their car Eathan asks me about my tattoos.

"Where are your other tattoos. You said you had 5."

I shake my head about to walk away when someone grabs me. I whip around ready to throw a punch.


Isaiah let's go of my shoulder.

"Cmon. If you don't want to show us, just tell us."

I sigh and give in. "You've seen the one on my shoulder. I have one on my wrist that's matching with my family" I say, holding up my wrist so they can see.

"Oooh. Sorry to interrupt, but who has what in your family." Allan asks.

"My mom has a heart, my dad has a diamond, and my older brother has a joker."

"Who has the club?" Xavier asked me, in his smooth deep voice. It's the only time hes said anything this whole time.

I take a deep breath, trying to hold it in and continue. "I have one on my right hip bone, one on the inside of my right arm, and one on my left rib." I quickly finish and walk away, not turning back.

I get to the girls, and they have questioning looks on their faces.

"They wanted to know about my tattoos. Now let's go to my place. Follow me."

"What about you're parents?" Mikey questioned.

"Uhhh. They're out of town for a few months." I lie.


There was a new guy supposed to be coming today, and what we heard, he was pretty damn impressive.

He supposedly had been kicked out of two previous schools, had been to jail, and had killed more that 10 people. But I don't know how much of that I can belive, because that "he" turned out to be a she.

She had an amazing body. I could see abs through her tight shirt. I didn't know girls could have abs that defined. She had a perfectly curved body.

Not only that, but she had black hair and round lips. The most stunning though, was her eyes. Piercing, large eyes. But it was the color. Bright blue eyes. They were stunning.


She had put on a few shows that day, and damn was she badass. The guys and I had been talking about her at lunch.


"Yo, have you seen the new girl?" Allan asked walking to our table.

"Yea! Dude, shes hot." Eathan said.

I rolled my eyes, about to say something when I'm interrupted by noise across the cafeteria.

"I want to know your name." I roll my eyes. Its Dave, the school player. Don't get me wrong, I'm a player too, but not at his level.

"Dylan Winters" she says coldly, sending a tingle down my spine. She sit back down, only to be pulled back up by Dave.

Fallon steps and and is pushed back by Dave. I get ready to jump in when she pulls him down to her level. Not long after that she knees him in the gut and he topples over.

The bell rings, and we leave for our next class. Boring as fuck. Finally we have gym. Uneventful except for the beginning. Dylan and her friends were talking. Aaand I was kinda eves-dropping. Oops.

"Are you guys in a gang?" The girls stutter and I soon find out they're all in the Golden Rouges. Our gangs enemy.

But even more interesting was when Lacey came over.

They did their thing, and at the end I learned she had 5 tattoos, and was a complete badass.

Damn, I wanna get to know this girl.


After school the guys called her over and talked about her tattoos. The one that interested me though, was the one on her wrist. It was a matching one with her family, card suits. Although, the club was missing. When I tried to ask her about it, she brushed it off, and almost started shaking.

We went to my house and were hanging out, and the girls were at Dylans. At one point the girls were out on the balcony and we were out on mine. We were pretending to be on our phones, but really, we were eves-dropping.


"Wow. This house I big. And do you have the master bedroom or something?" Mikey said walking into my room.

"Yea. My parents are never home, so they let me have the master. Let's go out on the balcony."

"Lets play 20 questions!" Sam shouted.

"Sure. Let's do it." I said and Fallon and Mikey agreed.

"I'll go first," Sam said, "Okay. What sports do you play."

Since the girls have known each other forever, it was mainly me.

"Ummm. I box. Does that count?"

"Yea! You have to come to this boxing gym with us sometime. We go all the time." Fallon said and I nodded.my head.

"Okay, my turn. Do you guys play anything? Like and instrument." I ask.

Mikey nodded her head, "Piano."

Sam shook her head and Fallon said she played a little bass guitar.

"What about you?" Fallon asked.

"I play acoustic and electric guitar, violin, and a little piano."

"Can you play the electric guitar for us!" Sam asked eagerly.

"Wait! You haven't showed us your other tattoos yet." Mikey said, a slight smirk tugging at her lips.

"I'll show you my tattoos, then play. Sound good?" I ask, and the nod. I take my jacket off and show them the ones on the inside of my arm.

Then I take my shirt off, not caring about the boys next door. I realized that Xavier lived there last night, but I didn't really care. I showed them the one I had on my ribs.

Then finally I showed them the spade, and pulled down the waist of my pants slightly to reveal my final tattoo.

After that Sam ran inside and found my guitar and amp. I set up and asked them if I should play guitar or sing a little with it.

"Sing!" Fallon shouted and I laughed.

"Fine. I'm gonna play "Youngblood" by 5sos." I said, they all nodded.

I played and I sang the entire song and when I was done I looked up at the girls. All of them had gone slack-jawed.


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