《Being Badass》Chapter 1


Hello, my name is Dylan Winters. My parents just dragged me to a new town. On the bright side though, it's closer to my favorite cousin, Jayden or Jay for short.

I have an older brother, Cayde, who's away at college, while I'm a senior in high school.

I start at my new school in today, and let me tell you, I am not excited.

I listen to all types of music except jazz and country. My favorite color is a dark grey-ish blue. I play guitar and I'm really good at boxing.


"Dylan get out of bed! You're gonna be late for your first day," my mom screams from downstairs.

I roll my eyes, groaning, and slowly get out of bed. I take a quick shower and dry my wavy dark brown hair and get dressed. Today I chose high waisted ripped shorts, a tight maroon cropped tank top, and of course my black leather jacket. I add dark maroon lipstick and put on my combat boots and head downstairs.

I grab my keys and helmet off the counter and my backpack by the door. As I'm leaving my mom shouts to me "Are you eating?"

I roll my eyes and tell her I'll pick something up on the way and walk out the door to my all black motorcycle.

I skip picking up breakfast and go straight to school. As I pull into the school parking lot I get several stares. When I turn off the engine of my bike I hear someone shout "It must be Dylan," in excitement.

I look up to see a group of 3 girls walking up to me with flirty smiles on their faces. "Hi! I'm Lacey, you must be Dylan," she says flirtatiously.

I take my helmet off finally, shaking my head and letting my hair loose. The girls take a few steps back with disgusted looks on their faces.

"Who are you," Lacey asks looking at me as if I had a fish head. "You said it yourself," I reply.


"You are not Dylan Winters" she retorts. I laugh and shake my head.

"The one and only. You've heard of me?"

"The whole school has. We were expecting a guy" someone in the crowd that had gathered shouted.

"Sorry to disappoint" I say making my way through the crowd. I walk into school and get to the office as the first bell rings. I get my schedule, find my locker and go to first period.

I walk in a few minutes late and everyone stares. I notice a guy in the back of the room, and let me tell you, he's cute as fuck.

"Excuse me," the teacher says looking at me, "who are you and why are you late?"

"I'm Dylan Winters, and I'm new" I respond, getting a few gasps from those who didn't already know from this morning.

"Why are you late?" The teacher asks again.

Taking a seat by a girl with grey hair and blue eyes, with the boy and his friends just behind me. After sitting down I look at her and respond "I already told you, I'm new. Get off my damn case."

She looks at me deciding what to do, and soon decides to keep teaching. As she is teaching the girl next to me leans over and whispers to me.

"That was badass." I smirk and tell her thanks.

She asks for my schedule and I give it to her. We have all the same classes except for 5th period, right after lunch.

"My names Fallon," she says "I saw what you did this morning too."

I nod my head "Does anyone ever put that little bitch in her place?"

She shakes her head with a smile. "Nope. No one except for me and my friends. You should meet them, I think we will all get along great."


The following classes pass slow as hell, but eventually lunch comes. I walk in with Fallon, we get lunch and go to a table with who I assume are her friends.


We sit down and immediately the introductions start.

"That's Sam" she points to a girl with curly ginger hair and freckles, "That's Mikayla, or Mikey" she say pointing to a girl with beautiful Carmel skin with brown curls, "and the boys are gone today but their names are James and Tim", she finishes.

She then turns to the girls and introduces me as Dylan Winters, the girl who stood up to Lacey.

"Welcome to Eastbrooke," Mikey says "what brings you here?"

"My shitty parents. They wanted to move for a new experience" I say using finger quotations. They laugh and we talk a bit more. We were laughing at a joke Sam made when someone taps on my shoulder.

I turn around to see what I can only guess is a jock with broad shoulders and a varsity jacket.

"May I help you?" I ask, trying not to roll my eyes.

"I want to know your name" he responds, his voice dripping with fake sweetness.

"You don't already know?" I say, doubting he doesnt.

"I do, I just want to hear it from you" he says with a wink.

This time I allow myself to roll my eyes while I say my name "Dylan Winters, now leave me alone." I say, turning back around.

Before I can he grabs my wrist forcing me up, only to be towered over by him, my 5 foot frame nothing next to his 6'4" height.

I'm furious that he thinks he can touch me when he has the nerve to ask "wanna come to my house tonight, we can Netflix and chill, with maybe more chill than Netflix".

I am holding back a gag when I feel Fallon's hand on my shoulder.

"She's not interested Dave." She says with sterness in her voice. Dave, I assume his name is, pushes ella back into a seat and looks to me again.

"Ignore her babe" he says looking me up and down.

That was the final straw. I flip the hand he's holding over his wrist and twist, causing him to let go. I grab his shirt and pull him down so his head is near mine. I stand on my tip-toes and nibble his ear. After a moment I stop, and whisper in his ear "If you ever thought that shit would work you are sadly mistaken," I say kneeing him in the stomach and sitting back down.

The bell rings shortly after. My next to classes are fairly boring, but I have gym with all the girls, so I'm looking forward to that.


We all change into our gym clothes and walk into the gym. I see the boy from before sitting in a bench with all his friends. As soon as we walk in they're all staring. I look to the girls and ask why.

Mikey leans over and whispers "Thats Ethan, Isaiah, Xavier, and Allan. They are the school bad boys, as were the school bad girls. They don't pay attention to anyone, unless they're in the way."

I look to the boys she pointed to. Ethan was a dirty blonde, with slight freckles. Isaiah had curly, shaggy brown hair. Allan had short light brown hair and light brown eyes. Then, there was Xavier. Blue eyes, white hair, and perfectly tanned skin. He was a hottie.

Ella chimes in saying with a slight smile "Rumer has it, they're in a gang"

I smile, looking at them. Then I have a thought.

"Are you guys in a gang?"


Thanks guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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