《White Rose - A Peter Pan Fanfiction》Chapter 21


I fell to my knees, Pan finally allowing me to escape his arms, and it was as if I had been stabbed...not Ethan, who laid before me. Placing a hand against my shoulder from behind, Pan dared to speak.

"There was no other way," he said with authority, but I shoved his hand away, my droopy and teary eyes staring at Ethan...dead, in a heartbeat and without a single care given. Only I seemed to be distraught and that wasn't morally okay. It's not right to be accustomed to death.

"Yes, there was," I sneered quietly, refusing to look at any of the boys; Pan remained standing behind me.

"Serena -" Pan started but I cut him off, quickly getting to my feet and turning around on my heels to face him.

"I don't wanna hear it!" I yelled, ignoring James, Felix and Aidan who watched curiously. With tears staining my eyes, I kept going: I wasn't going to keep quiet any longer. "Death is not always -"

"He was going to kill you!"

"YOU DIDN'T NEED TO KILL HIM!" I was fuming but so was Pan, and that's when he grabbed my throat, my eyes snapping open and a loud gasp escaping from my lips.

"HE WAS UNDER A MERMAID'S SPELL TO KILL YOU, YOU IGNORANT FOOL!" he spat in my face, tightening his hold around my neck and causing me to choke. I was sputtering, clawing at his hands so I could taste fresh air.

"Pan!" It was James and I saw him take a step forward towards us in the corner of my eye. But Pan's gaze didn't leave mine. It dug into my soul and cracked me open, breaking me and taking every piece of me with him. He forcibly let go of my neck, my feet stumbling backwards as my own hands automatically reached for my throat, stroking it as I inhaled deeply. James was at my side and as he went to put an arm around me, I pushed him away and watched Pan glare at me. Walking back up to me, he closed the gap between us and held a finger up, pointing at my chest.


"You," he started and I clenched my jaw, refusing to break down before him. " You are in no place to question my actions and the next time you do -" he cut himself of, smirking as the pointed finger started to trace the outline of my jaw. "You'll be punished."

I slapped his hand away again, staring back in silence. Pan's gaze moved to the boys behind me and his grin dropped, his command as strong as usual. "Burn the body and tell the others what happened. Leave no detail out, got that?"

I couldn't see whether they nodded or not but I'm guessing they did, since their footsteps faded into the distance. "Now, where were we?"

"You threatening me," I sneered through a clenched jaw and he merely chuckled, folding his arms.

"No need to be like that, love."

"Be like that?" I yelled, starting another argument as quickly as the other one had died down. "You just tried to choke me!"

"I needed to make my point." I chuckled in disbelief, shaking my head.

"What happened to the Pan I knew a couple of days ago? The Pan I danced with and gave myself to? Do you remember nothing?" I yelled, the tears threatening to fall but I held them in. I'd cried too much today already. Twisting his lips, Pan's smile faded and he turned into the snake from before.

"Can't you handle it, love?" he snapped and I swallowed down the lump in my throat. With one last vile glare, he peered down on me like a hawk and then turned on his heels, sternly walking away and fading from view.


I reached the camp, seeing all of the boys seated around the fire. Telling from the gloomy mood, the news about Ethan must have been told, just as Pan commanded. As soon as James saw me enter the premise, he walked over and didn't hesitate to give me a hug. And I didn't hesitate to hug him back, my body too cold to release any tears or emotions other than pure exhaustion. When he pulled away, he quietly asked, "you alright?"


Was I alright? Was I really? I didn't even know myself anymore and so, I didn't reply. I gulped down the lump in my throat and headed to my tent, keeping my gaze against the ground. My chest ached with vulnerability, with the pain of the past and of the present. Yes, Pan did what he did to save me but surely someone as powerful as him could break a mermaid's enchantment, right? It was a rash decision that cost Ethan his life. He was merely a victim of the mermaid's game...and of Pan's, his innocent blood spilled without reason.

Entering my tent, it felt as if I had done a full circle. There I was, looking at the chest, feeling helpless against Pan's demise of heart. Had our past meant nothing to him? Was it even a past worth remembering, or simply a fairytale that passed and ended? I closed my eyes, heaving a breath as I sat against my bed. The day had been long and antagonising, and a day that I could have never seen coming. Just when I thought I had some time to myself...


I looked up and met his gaze, but briskly moved it away again.

"What do you want?" I grumbled, rubbing my face from the fatigue. How does Pan have the guts to be here right now? If I wasn't so tired, I'd fight him myself.

"To apologise."

"James said that you're not supposed to apologise on Neverland," I mumbled, remembering how it was the 'only rule' on Neverland. Pan chuckled once, letting himself in and the tent flap closing behind him.

"That's true," he said, taking a seat beside me. I didn't look at him and instead, I stared at my hands placed in my lap. "Serena, look at me." Taking a sigh, I rolled my eyes. Of course. And when I didn't, he took my chin in his hands and moved my head to face his. I wanted to push him away, to yell and cry in his face after all the hurt from today...but I found myself locked in his eyes, weakened by his touch. "I'm sorry." His face was soft and distraught, but as much as I wanted to put my lips against his, I couldn't and it took all of my strength to look away.

"Please get out."

"Serena -"

"I said GET OUT!" I screamed, beginning to cry once again and I didn't dare look at him. In the corner of my eye, I watched his boots walk across the wooden flooring and leave the tent in silence. Closing my eyes for a brief moment, I focused on the tears that rolled over my cheeks. How many more times was I to break that day?

Clearly 1.

I reopened my eyes and saw a folded piece of parchment against my pillow. Huh...that wasn't there before. Taking it and hurriedly opening it, I read it without a moment of hesitation.


I have taken a deal with Pan, allowing me to leave this bloody island for a short amount of time. Ariel has scattered, in fear of, well, Pan. We've tried to warn you, but you're on your own now. I'll return soon.One more word of advice. Survive.

- Killian

My bottom lip quivered and I placed the paper against my chest, the words 'you're on your own' clouding my mind. Was I truly alone? I had the boys, right? And I'd see Killian again anyway. But no matter how hard I tried to convince myself in that moment, I realised the pirate was right.

I was alone.

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