《White Rose - A Peter Pan Fanfiction》Chapter 15


My eyes lifted heavily, my head pounding with some sort of migraine. Whatever Killian and his pirates had used to knock me out spent my head spinning for sure. I knew where I was: on Killian's ship, tied against the main mast. The sun had risen and pirates all around me continued with their business: drinking whiskey, pulling the ropes, mopping the deck. I looked around in a daze, trying to look for Killian. But I was too tired and sore: the ropes around my chest were aching and my tied hands sat in my lap, the rope digging into my skin. When I finally saw the dreaded pirate walk towards me, I lifted my chin and didn't show weakness: it was a superb kill that I had learnt on Neverland.

Kneeling down to my height, Killian grinned. That's when I noticed the hook that replaced his hand and my eyes stared at it for a moment.

"Beautiful, ain't it? Got it specially made so I can cut your throat out," he sneered and just as he was about to raise his hook, I spat in his face. The stout man beside Killian used his red beanie to wipe the pirate's face; I clenched my jaw, glaring at both of them.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I saved your lover and how do you both repay me? You abandon me and play me at my own game." I just grinned, lifting my chin up again.

"You can never outplay Pan," I said, the pirate's face beginning to redden in anger. "He's always one step ahead."

"Is he ahead now with you tied to this post?"

My grin turned to an expression of disgust and I chuckled amusingly.

"Funny how you think you can get away with this," I sneered.

"You're nothing but a girl."

"You and I both know I'm more than that," I snapped and using his unhooked hand, grabbed my chin tightly.

"I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut if you want your little boyfriend to see you again in one piece," and with that, he let go of my head with such force that it smashed into the wood behind me, not helping my current headache. In order to stop myself from puking, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, listening to the sound of Killian's – and his minion's – footsteps fade away.


I wasn't stressed about my situation. I knew Pan and the boys would be coming for me and Killian would have hell to pay.

Just when I thought Killian was gone, I opened my eyes to see him glaring in my face. Groaning loudly, I said, "what do you want now?"

"Where is it?" he snapped, spit landing on my face as he spoke.

"Where's what?"

"The mirror!"

My forehead creased in confusion, my eyes staring blankly at the pirate's. The mirror? What was he – oh. Pan never actually told me why he and the boys needed to raid the ship. When Killian saved Pan, was it possible he stole the mirror that I found long ago? Why was the mirror of such value? What was its purpose? Realising my confusion, Killian said, "you don't know" before cackling to himself. "I wonder how many more secrets Pan's keeping from you."

"He doesn't keep secrets from me."

Killian chuckled and didn't say a word, which raised my concerns higher than it should have. Lowering himself back down to my level, he used the tip of his hook to outline my clenched jaw, my eyes digging into his.

"Someday," he started, dragging out his pause painfully slowly. "You'll see him for what he truly is. A bloody demon."

It was my turn to chuckle and he was put off guard at my response, his eyes narrowing.

"I already do," I said, taking deep breaths through the rope wrapped around my upper torso.

"And you still love him," Killian said with both confusion and disgust, getting to a standing position and staring down at me.

"And I still love him," I repeated. "Instead of trying to be his enemy and failing at his game, join his game. Join our side. You'd be of good use to us."

He scoffed and looked into the distance.

"I don't need to team up with a teenage boy and his pack of minions."

"A teenage boy who always beats you?"

"Watch your mouth, Serena," he sneered and all I did was grin, feeling quite proud of myself for being an annoying brat. My eyes flickered to the side of Killian's face and I saw a quick glance of a flying boy, which only made my smile broaden.


"Watch your back, Killian," I said, just as Pan landed behind him, shoulders back and a body of steal. But the pirate only chuckled.

"You do realise that with a wave of my hand, she'll be free?" Pan sassed and I couldn't help but grin. Killian rolled his eyes, taking a step towards Pan.

"The point is," he started but Pan just stared back at him, grinning. "You just proved yourself."

Neither Pan nor I expected that, and our faces showed our surprise. What did he mean? Chuckling, Killian turned on his heels to face me again, kneeling down to my height. "The all-powerful Peter Pan will always come rushing to his damsel in distress."

I clenched my jaw, staring at the pirate: he admitted I was Pan's weakness. If something happens to me, the realm of Neverland falls.

The king has never been the most important piece of the game, and Killian has known that all this time. It's been the queen.

And I am the queen.


Killian didn't intend to harm me – he simply wanted to expose Pan's weakness, just like I thought. With a wave of Pan's hand, the two of us were standing un-harmed in our tent. Pan automatically began pacing and I rolled back my lips. Was it guilt I felt? Was I guilty for falling in love? No, because falling in love with him has been the only right thing on this island.

Pausing in his tracks, Pan stopped and turned to me, his eyes showing such beautiful emotion. He wasn't cold or angry, but caring and sad at the same time. He walked over and took my face in his hands, something he'd always do and something I'd always love. With one hand on my cheek, he used the other hand to stroke my reddened flesh with the back of his palm, gently pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I must protect you," he said and I dropped my gaze. I did feel guilty, because I didn't want to be someone's damsel in distress, someone who he'd always have to look out for. Shouldn't we be looking out for each other? "No matter the cost."

"What do you mean?" I said, suddenly peeling his hands from my face and taking them in my own. "Once we get the heart –"

"If we get the heart –"

"Since when would Peter Pan doubt himself?" I cut him off, trying to snap some sense into him. "We're going to get the heart and all will be well."

But there was something he wasn't telling me: I could see it behind his eyes. I remembered the note and how he was 'going back to the village'. How he raided the ship for the mirror and didn't tell me. How he went and saw the pixie and didn't mention it on the note: we simply ran into him on his way. How Killian knew Pan was keeping secrets from me, even when I refused to believe it. "Tell me what you're planning." His jaw clenched and I dropped his hands in disgust, taking a step back. He's not going to tell me.

"I can't," he sneered through his teeth and I stared back at him in disbelief. I shook my head slightly, words unable to exit my mouth. After all we had been through...

I turned on my heels to walk out but he grabbed my wrist, causing me to jolt backwards and face him again. "I'm doing it for you."

But I wasn't buying that crap.

Ripping my hand from his grasp, I glared at him.

And then I left the tent in silence.

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