《White Rose - A Peter Pan Fanfiction》Chapter 14


The next morning, I awoke alone and instead of Pan's body, there was a note. Careful to keep my bare body hidden, I reached over and peeled it open, my eyes taking a moment to adjust.


Felix and Ethan are out hunting, and James is training the new recruits. I've gone back to the village to take care of a few things. I'll be back by lunchtime.

Groaning, I turned back onto my chest and sunk my head into the pillows, sprawling my legs out beneath the covers. I fell back asleep but was awoken soon enough.

"Sere- oh," I heard, still being half out of it. "Get changed and hurry up."

I wasn't used to being ordered around and so, I ignored the voice, groaning again as I kept my face dug in the pillow. Then I felt clothes land on my back. Springing upwards in surprise, I clutched the blankets up to my chest and stared into the eyes of James.

"Aren't you supposed to be training the new recruits?" I snapped, agitated at his attitude this morning

"Yes, but we've finished. Natural fighters, Pan's chosen well," he said, rolling his eyes. "Hurry up."

"Then get outta my tent so I can change," I grumbled and without a word, he left. Technically, it was Pan's tent but I had abandoned mine long ago. It felt like a hundred years had passed since our first kiss and in all honesty, it probably had been.

I got changed into my usual attire: brown pants, a black blouse with a matching outer-corset, black-laced boots and a black-hooded cloak. I quickly braided my hair and then walked out, turning to James instantly. I glared at him but all he did was chuckle as we started to walk.

"Don't order me around," I grumbled, trudging beside him. I didn't know exactly where we were going but I had a clue: the training field to meet the new boys.


"Whatever you say," he said and it was my time to roll my eyes. "Sleeping with Pan doesn't give you a promotion."

Stopping in my tracks, I used the back of my hand to slap his shoulder while he laughed.

"Hey, shut it," I snapped again and before I could respond with a sassed comment, another voice cut me off.

"I'd appreciate it if you kept your nose out of other people's sexual lives, James."

It was Pan and I couldn't help but roll back my lips to contain my chuckle, trying not to grin as much as I was going to.

"I see your trip to the village was cut short," I said when Pan approached; I placed a kiss on his cheek as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I was simply bidding my regards to the pirate."

A lie.

I could tell by his tone and wording – whatever it was, he was either keeping it hidden from me or wanted to wait until we were alone. James was unfazed and glared at the two of us.

"Still want her to meet the new recruits?"

"That was my order to you, wasn't it?" Pan sneered, unwrapping his arm from me and unsheathing his dagger. "I have to meet the pixie."

"Tink?" James said and Pan nodded. I remember hearing about Tinkerbell when I was new on the island, but I still hadn't met whoever she was.

"She's got information about Baelfire. I'll be back by lunchtime."

Another lie, but I bit my tongue and kept silent.

He wrote that he had gone 'back to the village' and would return by lunchtime – there was no mention of the pixie. What was he up to and why wasn't he telling me?

Pan leaned down and pressed a kiss against my forehead, cutting off my questionable thoughts. "I'll see you soon, love," he said, and then he walked off, disappearing into the forest. I pursed my lips, fazed for a moment.


"Serena, you alright?" James said and I took a deep breath, snapping out of it.

"Yeah, fine," I lied, forcing a smile. "Let's meet these boys, shall we?"


"About time." It was Felix and I couldn't help but grin at his impatience as we walked into the clearing. Before us stood 4 boys, accompanied by Felix (of course) and Ethan. I lifted my chin, seeing the gazes fixate upon me as I walked up beside Felix. "Okay boys, this is Serena." I smirked, nodding my head once. "You touch her, you die. You mess with her, you die. You talk back to her, you die. Got it?" 3 of them nodded nervously; the other scoffed.

"Why's a girl so important anyway?"

"I believe you spoke back," I smirked, locking eyes with the boy. Gosh, he reminds me of Daniel. "But alas, you're new. I'll let you off the hook just this once. Now, what's your name?"

It took a moment for him to reply, as he preferred to glare at me rather than follow orders.

"Logan," he grumbled and I walked up to him, all eyes on me as I slowly unsheathed my dagger.

"Logan, eh?" and with that, I placed the tip of my dagger beneath his throat, fully knowing that I didn't intend to use it...but I was willing to if it came to that. My relationship with Pan hadn't softened me. "Next time you try to be a smart ass, you answer to Pan and I, yes?"

He gulped, nodding, and so I smiled, putting away my weapon. "Good." I looked to my left, seeing a black-haired boy who barely looked like a teenager. "What's your name?"

"Jayden," he quivered, clearly nervous and frightened. Keeping my smile, I replied with, "it's lovely to meet you, Jayden." Beside Logan, stood two others who obeyed without ease.

"I'm Alexander."

"And I'm Aiden."

Brothers, I thought to myself. Wait, no, twins. This ought to be fun...

I nodded, smiling to them all as I took my place beside Felix and James; Ethan hovered on the sidelines, occasionally meeting my eyes and smiling.

"You boys are to follow orders given by Pan, myself and these two lads, got it? If you disobey any of us, there will be consequences."

Most of them nodded – all but Logan. I can tell he's going to be the new pain in the ass...



"If you value your life, I'd suggest considering a change of attitude," I snapped and James chuckled; so did Ethan, who did so slyly.

"Felix, James, look after them. I've got some errands to run," I said. Well, technically I lied...but I didn't. I had to figure out what the hell Pan was up to and why he wasn't trusting me with the information. It physically hurt my chest to even consider Pan not trusting me. I nodded once to confirm my orders and then walked off, flicking my hood on.

Trudging through the forest, I walked with my head down and my cloak flickering in the wind. I felt anger but I refused to let it rise – I trusted Pan, right? So I shouldn't have anything to worry about.

But I was a sneaky bugger who wanted to know what was going on.

I found myself at the camp but I wasn't alone. Standing by the burnt out fire...was Killian. My feet stopped in their tracks, my eyes widening as a twig crunched beneath my boot. The pirate's eyes met mine and he smirked like he knew when and how the world would end.

"Well, if it isn't the golden girl. Get her!" And before I could yell or scream, a pair of burly hands wrapped around my mouth from behind, forcing me to breath in some sort of vapour from a cloth.

Within a second, I blacked out.

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