《White Rose - A Peter Pan Fanfiction》Chapter 11


Life on Neverland changed more than I had expected. Rather than carrying out errands, I was giving out errands. With a new group of lost boys, Pan left me to take charge while him and Felix focused on the true concern: finding the heart of the truest believer.

James was by my side every step of the way. After all, he knew the island more than me and whenever a boy would lose control (either from anger or sheer confusion of being on Neverland), James would handle it.

It wasn't like I couldn't – I just had to make sure the other boys didn't follow the wrong path (like Daniel) and stray from Pan and myself.

Talking about Pan and I...

Our relationship only grew and I guess that was to be expected on an island where time stood still, allowing us to stay forever young. The first night that we had slept together was pure bliss and every night, I could feel my soul intertwining with the beautiful darkness that Pan was.

Sitting by the burning fire, the moon stared down at me from above, my eyes locked upon the flames. I was lost in thought and it felt as if my first few days on Neverland were beginning to fade. How long had I been on the island? Did it matter how long?

But it did, because with every day, a speck of dust from the hourglass would fall and give less time for Pan to find the heart he needed: it was a worry that was starting to consume me.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Ethan take a seat beside me.

"All the boys have gone to their tents," he started, his voice plain before hesitating. "Felix and Pan haven't returned."

I nodded, rolling back my lips as I took a deep sigh.

"It has to be done," I mumbled, swallowing down the dryness in my throat. "Every moment here could be our last."


"Serena," Ethan said, the change in tone raising my attention. I turned my head towards him, staring as the fire lit his freckled-covered face, his hair as bright as the flames before us. "You can't live every moment here thinking that it'll be your last."

"But I have to because –"

"No, you don't." It was James this time and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Seems to me as you guys are full of wisdom tonight. What's the occasion?" I said, smirking just a tad as James took his spot on the other side to me.

"We're not stupid," Ethan said, smirking right back at me.

"And we can tell it's been troubling you, hence why Felix and Pan have extended their 'expedition'."

I knew they weren't stupid and I was hoping my worry would lay low, because it was like not having faith in Pan, not believing that he would succeed. I felt ashamed to be worried.

Lowering my head, I rolled back my lips again and gulped, my eyes beginning to sting. Over who knows how many days, I had been bottling this fear that he would fail, that I would lose him. And so, I said just that.

"I can't lose him," I said softly, a single tear falling from my eye. I saw Ethan smile gently before taking my hand; James spoke next.

"Pan never fails, Serena, especially when it comes to finding this heart. Try focusing on the now rather than the future," he said, and I took a deep breath, nodding in defeat. I may not know what the future holds for us, whether or not we'd find the heart of the truest believer or how many years it would take. But there was one thing that I was certain of: no matter how hard the task, no matter who stood in our way, we would get that hard.


And we would succeed.


I awoke the next morning, yawning as I got myself up into a sitting position. Almost instantly, I realized Pan was asleep beside me, who had not even bothered to tuck himself beneath the covers: he was sprawled out on top of the bed, like he had plopped himself down without any effort. Smiling, I gently rubbed my hand through his hair and he moaned.

"Good morning," I said, leaning down and placing a kiss against his forehead; he moaned again, not moving. I chuckled and decided to let him rest – he needed it.

Fully dressed and prepped for the day, I headed outside. Nothing unusual was planned – well, that was what I had thought.

"Just who I was planning to see."


Standing outside of Pan's tent, I lifted my chin with pursed lips, eying the pirate; nobody else was around and I was grateful for that. We seriously needed to talk. After all, the last time we saw each other was by the beach, telling me how he killed the lost boys. "I see you and the demon are quite the couple."

I clenched my jaw, my fingers lacing over my dagger's handle.

"What do you want?"

"I'm not here to cause trouble, milady." I rolled my eyes at the pet name I detested.

"Apologies for being weary, considering that the last time we met, you did manage to kill all of our lost boys."

"And unfortunately, not the one I was trying to kill." And with that, I leaped forward, pushing Killian into the tree behind us and placing my dagger to his neck; he chuckled with amusement. "Aye, no wonder Pan fancies you."

"Enough, pirate."

It was Pan. Taking a step back, I eyed Killian as I sheathed my dagger, turning around and standing beside Pan. "What business do you have here?"

"A life for a life."

Moving my gaze to Pan, I watched as he smirked: I knew he was one step ahead already. But what caught my attention was what Killian had said. What exactly did he mean? Did he actually save Pan's life, like I thought he had? I didn't have time to question anything - we had to focus on what, well, whatever the hell he was offering.

"Go on," was all he said, with Killian eying us down as much as we were.

"My love, Milah, has been taken from me."

"I thought you knew by now that Neverland heals the living, not the dead, laddie. We both know what happened last time," Pan sassed back, his smirk painted across his face and refusing to leave; Killian growled before talking.

"I know. But here's the bait," he replied, his eyes briefly flicking to my own. "She was killed by your son."

"And am I supposed to care about him?"

"No, but his son..."

My eyes widened and so did Pan's: how could neither of us know?"

"He has a son?"

"Aye. Baelfire's his name."

Sneering, Pan replied with, "what deal are you trying to strike here?"

Killian smirked, for once, being ahead in the game...and we were falling behind.

"If you help me kill Rumplestiltskin, I'll hand him right over to you."

I swallowed down the lump in my throat again, my chest tight. There was a piece of me that hoped Pan would say no, that he would spare his only son and find another way.

But I knew he wouldn't. This was Pan we were talking about. He would do whatever it takes to get that heart, even if it met sacrificing the life of his son. And so, my thoughts were confirmed moments later.


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