《White Rose - A Peter Pan Fanfiction》Chapter 8


I was sitting against a log, the fire roasting before me. Felix and James were off talking by the camp's edge and I presumed that Felix was giving James the...latest information. Ethan, a boy who I briefly met at the dinner a couple nights ago, was sitting beside me, his red hair mimicking the flames in front of us. I held my hands in my lap while he sharpened a dagger, my eyes locked on the burning wood. I took slow and steady breaths, my head trying to wrap itself around everything.

"Felix said you'd be with me and James tomorrow, hunting," Ethan said, attempting to start the conversation.

"Yeah, um...yeah," I mumbled. "I guess I will be."

"You alright?"

I cracked a chuckle, forcing a smile as I looked in his direction.

"Just got stuff on my mind."

"Well, killing a couple of rabbits should do the trick," he said, his freckles cutely accompanying his smile. I winked, leaning my chin in my open palm.

"Tell me about you boys."

"My pleasure."

Ethan went on to telling me what the boys would get up to everyday and to be honest, it sounded...adventurous, nothing like the taste I had had so far. Hunting, tribal dances, team 'games' in which you'd practically hunt down your opposition and 'try' to not kill them in Neverland's jungle. Flirting with the mermaids, weaponry training and most of all, avoiding Pan's bad side, which brought on the topic of Daniel.

"What happened to him?"

Ethan gulped, avoiding my gaze as he started up his sharpening of the dagger again.

"While...you, Pan and Felix were gone, he..."

"Bashed his own head in with a rock," said James, appearing next to me. "We found the body outside of the Echo Caves. Killian had gone in with some unknown intentions and notified us."

"Killian?" I asked, baffled for a moment.

"The pirate. Pan said you met him," James said, narrowing his eyes just a tad.

Lowering my head, I mumbled a soft "oh".

"That's what happens when you disobey him," said Ethan, sighing.

"Or simply get on his bad side," James added and this time, it was for me to sigh.


"Then why do you guys like it here?"

"Because we're brothers," Ethan said, sheathing his dagger. "Pan rescued us from our miserable lives. Everyday is a new adventure in Neverland."

"It's just sometimes we get the occasional twat," James said, cracking a grin. "Which was Daniel."

"Pan's not the demon everyone says he is," Ethan said, grinning just like the blond.

"He may be an asshole but he's a nice asshole," James added and I couldn't help but laugh.

"They have a point."

And of course, it was the one and only Pan.

The two boys reddened but he only grinned, simply saying, "give Serena and I a moment, will you?" And the two boys walked off, with Pan replacing Ethan's spot on my right.

My grin dropped and I rolled back my dry lips.

"I suppose I serve no purpose here anymore. I drew you that little sketch and –"

"Serena," Pan cut me off, his voice both affirmative yet caring. But then a grin tainted his face, reminding me of his cockiness. "If I had wanted you gone, you would be by now."

"Then why am I still here?" I sneered, looking into his eyes that had flames reflecting within them.

"You're different," he said and I took a deep breath, watching as he stared at the fire. "I go and visit windows some nights, seeing lost girls in their fancy nightgowns and plush teddy bears. How they jump at the sight of a shadow, cry out for their parents when a sound disrupts them playing dolls," he continued, my eyes narrowing. "And here you are, willing to wield a dagger, hunt, live."

I heard a voice in my head when he mentioned the last word, reminding me of how he had tried to kill me within a blink of my eye. But that was in the past, and all was forgiven. Side-smirking, I unsheathed my dagger, twirling it in my hands.

"You're a mystery, Peter Pan," I said quietly, looking up to see him with eyes on me, a raised eyebrow as I spoke. "An immortal boy with pawns at-the-ready, winning the game that hasn't even begun." He leaned in closer, tilting his head just a tad. I felt my heart beginning to race and the feeling in my stomach – I liked it. I was about to finish my attempt at flirtation, his lips barely inches away from mine when Felix's voice pulled us apart.



"Bloody hell," I heard Pan mumble, jumping to his feet. I did the same, standing beside him. "It's a raid."

"What?" I said, just in time to hear a cannon fire, accompanied by the battle cry of Pan's boys.

He grinned, unsheathing his dagger and turning to look at me; his eyebrow cocked upwards.

"Ready for some fun?"

I took a deep sigh and after gulping down the lump in my throat, I nodded, side-smirking again.

And then we ran.

"What's the plan?" I yelled as we dashed through the jungle, with me merely following Pan; all he did was grin.

"You'll see."

I rolled my eyes but didn't question – I had to trust him and the thought of it...I didn't have another choice other than to do so.

When we reached the shore, I was momentarily startled at the battle that was occurring. I had never fought before and I could tell these pirates were ruthless. Out of sheer instinct, my hand grabbed Pan's wrist, catching him from running forwards.

"I've never fought before," I said my thoughts aloud, clenching my jaw. He chuckled, sliding his hand against my cheek, his eyes piercing mine and his eyebrow snapping upwards.

"Believe," he said softly and with that, he turned on his heels and charged forwards.

Blinking a couple of times, I stood by the rim, not yet going into the battle.

What did he mean? Believe in myself?

I didn't understand and I didn't have the time to contemplate things, and just like him, I ran forwards, my dagger meeting the one of Killian's.

"Well, well, this is a surprise," he smirked, pulling back with a grin. Do I attack him? I...

"Just the girl I'm looking for."

He went to grab me but I slid away, my dagger clutched tightly in my right hand as I appeared behind him. I leaped upwards, wrapping my legs around his neck as I brought him to the ground.

"A fighter, I like it," he grumbled, and kneeling behind him, I held his head in my arm and placed my dagger to his neck.

"What are you doing?" I yelled over the top of the chanting boys and grunting pirates.

"It's called an attack, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes before replying, jolting his head back further and inching the dagger into his neck, just enough to make him bleed.


"Oh, I suppose I should tell you," he said and the joyfulness in his voice made my stomach twist with worry. "To eradicate your little lost boys."

I jolted his head back again.

"You know, none of them are dead."

"Correct. But –" he paused, smirking. "All of my pirates' blades are laced with nightshade. A single cut will kill them all in a mere day."

My eyes widened and instantly, I dropped him, jumping to my feet.

I tried to find Pan through the crowd...but I couldn't spot him at all. My heart raced with panic, the truth hurting my heart.

Jumping onto the nearest boulder, I brought two fingers to my lips and let out a ripper whistle, causing everyone on the shore to pause their battles and meet my gaze.

Pointing my dagger in the direction of the camp, I yelled, "BOYS, GO!"

Without confusion or questions, they let out their chants and ran, disappearing into the jungle.

For a moment, I didn't spot Pan but when I felt a hand clasp around my wrist, pulling me to follow the boys, I knew it was him.

When we were further enough in the forest, in between the shore and the camp, he stopped me and waited for an explanation. After all, I had taken the ropes and led the boys somewhere without his permission.

Half-puffed, I said, "the pirates' blades. They're laced with poison."

His eyes widened...and then flickered to the side of his chest. Beneath the torn material, laid a cut bleeding purple and black liquid.

Pan fell to the ground, blacking out before my eyes.

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