《White Rose - A Peter Pan Fanfiction》Chapter 3


Sighing, I looked to the ground before me, my mind riddled with unanswered questions...and I knew I wouldn't get answers anytime soon.

I had no idea what Pan would do to me next time I saw him. So, moping, I started walking back to the camp. It was my home now, right? Guess I had to make some friends.

My feet moved slowly against the ground, dragging themselves as my eyes refused to look upwards.

"There you are," a voice said and I looked up to meet the gaze of Felix. In silence and waiting for him to continue, I stared into his cold eyes. "Hurry up and get your ass back to camp, little bird."

I gulped down the lump in my throat, taking a deep breath as I pulled my shoulders back and straightened my posture. I started walking towards him and just when I reached his side, I smacked my elbow into his chest with such force I temporarily winded him.

"My name's Serena, not 'little bird'," I sneered, returning his gaze. Felix glared from above, his hand placed on his stomach as he mildly wheezed out breaths.

"You'll pay for that," he managed to snap but I just flicked my hair over my shoulder, smirking as I walked ahead of him. I didn't reply verbally and once I was further enough forward to drop my act, I did. My grin dropped and the nerves in my stomach replaced the false confidence. But it was the only way I would be able to survive this place.

You either hunt...or get hunted.


Felix and I returned to the camp in silence, with all eyes turning to face us as soon as we entered the premise.

"Well, well, look who it is."

I recognized the boy as Daniel and I couldn't help but swallow nervously: this guy wouldn't hesitate to beat me up...and no-one would stop it – they'd encourage it.

Stopping in my tracks, Felix rammed up behind me and grumbled, "keep moving". And so, I did, taking small steps and not really knowing where to go.


Daniel and another boy, tall, skinny and blond like Felix, got to their feet. The breath in my throat caught suddenly and my nerves was a little too obvious.

"Is our little bird scared?" Daniel teased, making a false pouty face and causing the boys to chuckle in response.

"No," I stammered but it wasn't very convincing. "And my name's Serena." I attempted to sound more affirmative...and again, it didn't sound as strong as I had hoped.

Daniel, with the blond trailing behind, walked up to me, his stern eyes glaring down at me.

"Don't you dare talk back to me, girl."

"Discriminating now, are we?" I snapped back unexpectedly, raising an eyebrow. I felt this rush of confidence that only came when I knew I was being a jerk; Daniel's ears began to redden. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Oh, really? And why wouldn't I?"

All I did was stare back at him, a grin plastered onto my doll face.

My eyes locked onto the dagger beneath his belt and trusting my instincts, I slyly reached out and grabbed it before skidding between his legs, appearing behind him. Not allowing him to react, I wrapped my arm around my neck and used my other hand to hold the tip of the dagger against his neck, ready to plunge it into his flesh if he made another move.

"Because you have no idea what I'm capable of, twat," I sneered into his ear and with a jerk, I let him go, pushing my hands onto his back with such force that he tumbled forwards; he managed to keep himself on his feet but he turned around with a face as red as blood.

"You brat," he snapped and backfiring my plan, he leaped forward and pinned me against the ground. I was frozen in shock, thinking that my little act had saved me...but it had done the complete opposite. Daniel, lash after lash, brought his fist down to my face, stars beginning to cloud my vision. I could feel the blood trickling down from my nose and the sheer pain of being beaten up – I was about to pass out and all I could hear was the cheering from the surrounding boys.



It was Pan, his voice echoing throughout the vast forest and causing Daniel to instinctly leap backwards and onto his feet, staring at the leader. I gulped down the taste of blood, my bottom lip dropped and a cut scarring the flesh. I could barely move my gaze nor keep my eyes open.

"Seize Daniel," Pan sneered and I suddenly felt arms from behind take hold of me, gently lifting my rag-doll body. In the corner of my eye, I could tell it was the other blond.

I got to my feet but I had my arm around the boy, all of my weight against him as I saw two boys take Daniel by the arms.

"This isn't fair! She started it!" Daniel yelled, beginning to be dragged away as Pan walked towards the group – I could tell he was in a rage. His facial expression said it all.

"She out-smarted you and you decided to use your bloody force with no reasonable explanation," Pan yelled, turning on his heels to watch Daniel being dragged away. "Let's see if you can survive the Echo Caves, you ignorant fool."

Almost falling and blacking out, the blond did his best to keep me up, with Felix now on my other side.

"Pan, she's badly hurt," Felix said and I tried to heave through breaths but...it was becoming harder to breath and the taste of blood made me feel like vomiting. My head rung and spun, with white dots clouding my view. I was ready to close my eyes and let the blackness engulf me.

But then Pan's face filled my view and he took hold of my chin...but gently rather than forcefully, as if careful to not inflict pain upon me.

"Keep your eyes open," he said softly, his eyes locked on mine. To my surprise, his voice wasn't authorizing but concerning.

And that's all he said before dropping his hand and walking away.


I was lying on a bed in the medical tent, with Felix dabbing my injuries with a watered cloth. The other blond, who I learnt to be James, stood by one of the tables mixing various herbs.

"I underestimated you," Felix said and I slowly moved my aching eyes to his, managing to smile despite pulling at my cut lip.

And to my surprised, he smiled back – it was small, it was minor, but it was there...and then it faded.

James walked over, holding the bowl with smashed up, green leaves that seemed mushy now, looking like some sort of paste. Felix paused and then got to his feet, going to rinse the blood from the once cream-colored cloth. James replaced his spot, sitting down and taking a sigh.

"This may sting a little," he said and all I did was nod before he scooped the past on my facial cuts. I winced, my hands clutching the sheets as I tried to bear with the pain. It was as if he had lit my entire face on fire and I yearned to cry out...but I couldn't.

"You're a mystery, little bird," James said and containing both my annoyance and suffering, I simply glared at him. But he chuckled amusingly, his voice slightly higher-pitched than the others. "I'm just teasing."

"So was...Daniel," I managed to say and his smile dropped, his eyes looking at nowhere in particular.

"Yeah, he's a douche. Most of us have learnt to either ignore or put up with him."

I pursed my lips, still glaring up at James. "It shouldn't have happened..."

"Girl or...not, I'm still a...person," I grumbled, careful to not let any of the paste slip into my mouth.

"Mostof us aren't people anymore, Serena. We're monsters."

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