《Avatar the last airbender the last stand》The fire nation prison


Sokka- well I found us some food. Katara- really what? Sokka- nuts, nuts, and more nuts. Katara- that's it really. Sokka- oh so you think you could do better? Katara- actually yes! Aang- calm down guys Sokka what I think Katara means is that she is disappointed that this is all you could find she expected better seeing as your her big brother, and Katara I don't think these are so bad I am sure Sokka did all he could I bet these are actually delicious. Aang eats one to prove his point but makes a bad face the starts to spit. Katara- sweetie I know your just trying to keep the peace but that was just sad and did you really need to eat one clearly they are terrible. Sokka- oh please don't start with the sweetie thing your giving me oggies! Katara glares at Sokka then kisses Aang passionately just to annoy Sokka. Sokka- oh oggies stop I am going to vomit just stop. Katara finally pulls back. Katara- well get use to it and we still need to some how get something to eat. Sokka- hello nuts! Aang- not eating those. There is a loud bang and momo jumps on Aang's shoulder. Sokka- what was that? Katara- I don't know. Aang- lets go check it out. Sokka- shouldn't we ran away from the loud noises not to them. Katara- yeah if your a cowatd, are you? Sokka- no I am a warrior. They see a young earthbender practicing his earthbending. Katara- hello there. He sees them then runs away. Aang- nice meeting you. Katara- he ran away from my, I just wanted to say hi. Sokka- ok so he was a jerk big deal now back to looking for food. Aang- well he was running somewhere. Katara- so there must be a village near by, no nuts for dinner lets go! They arrived in the village to see a woman and her son being bullied by firebenders. It was the same boy as before. Firebender- give us the money. Woman- we already paid you. Firebender- price went up. Boy- back off! The Firebender pushes him away. Katara can't watch any more. Katara- leave them alone! Firebender- this don't concern you peasant! Aang and Sokka both face palm knowing Katara won't take that and that things are about to get a lot worse. Sokka whispers- you take the left two and I take the right. Aang nods. Katara- who are you calling a peasant you guys are just bullies which is really pathetic! One Firebender shoots fire at Katara who blocks with water. Aang claps his hands blast two of them out of the shop. Sokka charges and spins behind one then knocks him out with his club. Katara sends a wave of water at the last guy literally washing him out the shop. Katara- now leave before we really hurt you! She slams the door shut and turns right to Sokka's glare. Boy- thank you but I am not sure that what you just did was a good thing. Katara- your the boy from earlier the earthbender. Boy - what no! Woman- what? Haru- no mom I was not earthbending. Sokka- yes you were we saw you. Katara- why did you ran away. Mother- because Haru is not suppose to earthbend if the fire nation found out they could take him away like his father. Aang- we are very sorry , we should be looking for a place to stay the night. Mother- you can stay in our barn but after that I think you should be on your way. Aang- thank you. Aang bows respectfully. The mother bows back. The next morning as Katara watch fetching water, she sees the mother crying. A few minutes later. Katara- they took Haru it all my fault. Aang- whoa calm down sweetie who took him. Katara- the fire nation! We have to save him its my fault they took him because.... Aang- because of yesterday. Katara- yes he tried to fight back but failed. Sokka- I am sorry but they are long gone there is nothing we can do. Katara- yes there is! Sokka- no Katara ! Katara- I am going to get arrested for earthbending. Sokka- no it a crazy idea no! Katara- I have to do this! Sokka! Katara- Aang? Aang- if your sure then ok we should help we can't do nothing. Sokka- bad idea. After a fake encounter between Sokka and Katara and a little fake earthbending thanks to Aang , Katara was arrested and taken to the fire nation prison. Aang and Sokka followed them there. Katara was escorted in. Haru- Katara? Katara- Haru! I am so glad I found you. Haru- how? Katara- I will explain later but we are going to get you out of here. Haru- we? Katara- yup. Haru took Katara to go meet his father and the others, Katara tried to inspire them to fight but it failed, she explained the plan but the still refused. Sokka- what is taking her? Katara- they won't come. Sokka- oh well lets go. Katara- no I have a plan we have to help them. Sokka- no! Katara- Aang? Aang- we have to try. They used the vents to bring coal to the earthbenders but no one did any think. Warden- you failed. He shoots fire at Katara but Aang jumps in the way and redirected it with air. Then the fight was on with the earthbenders joining in to help. Aang used his airbending to make a air gun with Sokka and Katara putting coal through it. They help the prison escape, who decided to take back the earth kingdom villages. Haru- thank you Katara. Katara- no problem. Haru- I know we just met but I know your special. Katara blushes. Haru- come with us. Katara- I can't I have to help Aang. Haru kisses Katara, Katara instantly pulled back. Haru- I am sorry I thought... Katara- Haru I have a boyfriend Aang, I am sorry if it hurts you, I should be going now. Haru looks sadly at Katara who walks away back to Appa. Unknown to either Aang and Sokka saw the entire thing. Aang grabs Katara's hand then kisses her passionately. After a few seconds they part. Katara- its ok Aang you saw didn't you? Sokka- we both did. Katara- he knows I told him. Aang- just sending a message. Katara- ok jealous. Aang- am not. Sokka- yes you where.

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