《The Age of Heroes AU》Return of the Dominators.


Supergirl was flying back from the Fourtess trying to decide where to go first until she was shot out the Air. " Gah " Supergirl cries as Her Kitten Streaky Hisses. Dominators stalk towards Supergirl. " Ugh you guys again " Supergirl says. Supergirl punches a Dominator but is kicked and punched as Dominators start to swarm her beating her down. Streaky tries to claw at one but is kicked. Supergirl enraged that these Monsters kick her baby kitten power up knocking them all away. " Don't touch my Kitten Streaky behind me baby kitty. " Supergirl says. Streaky runs behind Kara hiding under her Cape. Supergirl begins to heat Vision at the Dominators. The Dominators throw a tree at Supergirl. Suddenly in a blur of Yellow Supergirl and Streaky are moved. " Dominators seriously. " Flash says. " Barry what are you doing here? " Kara ask. " Looking for you after........ " Barry says " Ollie sent you. " Kara says. " Yes " Barry said. " Kara The Dominators are all over they are attacking much stronger than before. " Barry says. " So where we going? " Kara ask. " A building I have outside Central City. " Barry says speeding off as Kara Follows carrying Streaky. Oliver paces. " Ollie would you calm down. " Thea says. " Speedy the Dominators are back in full force and we got no Superman no Batman And No Supergirl. " Oliver says. Barry and Kara then enter. " Actually Ollie I am here. " Kara says smiling. Thea then gives Kara a very serious look. " Thea if your gonna punch me because What happened between me and Ollie I seriously suggest that you... " Kara says but Thea punches her directly in the Nose with a loaded Boxing glove. " Ouch what is in that Kyprotonite? " Kara says holding her bloody nose while Streaky Hisses at Thea. Thea holds her hand in pain. " Yes and lead ouch you are made of steel. " Thea says. Oliver rolls his eyes. " Children please we got work to do. " Oliver says. Kara starts to walk over to speak to Oliver but a Glare from Thea stops her.

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