《The Author's Will》22 | Summer Flowers


"Oh — by the way," Irene spoke up, after taking another sip of tea. "You mentioned that you were going to start studying medicinal alchemy under the mages of the tower, right?"

"Yes, I am!" Isabella beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as Irene smiled. This topic was one she knew the heroine would enjoy talking about. "Ever since my affinity for magic awakened, I've always wanted to use it to help people... And so I'm going to study hard to become a medicinal alchemist!"

Alchemy... In my previous world it was only a distant fantasy, but to think that it actually exists now... Irene thought to herself, as she recalled Isabella's growth.

Much like how Hanna dreamed to be an author, Isabella also had an ambition. Her life as a commoner, who was exposed to many people falling ill or suffering from injury and misfortune, fuelled her devotion to becoming someone who could save lives. That and - because mindless monsters also came into existence in this world - her desire to protect and save people would grow further stronger.

Isabella's prowess in healing and purifying ultimately earned her the people's trust. She was known for her unrivaled kindness and love of all. And it was her passion for helping others that made both Daniel and Mikael fall in love with her.

Heck, even I might have a small crush on her! Irene thought, since seeing Isabella's smile made her day.

"What about you? Is there anything that you would like to achieve, Irene?" Isabella asked, smiling with curiosity at the white-haired girl in front of her.

"Hmm..." Irene gazed upwards, thinking about it for a moment. It was then she realised something that she hadn't really thought of before.

Since she was so caught up on changing the course of the story, Irene never actually thought about what she would do afterwards. If, everything went as planned and she could protect the people she cared about, what then?

Her life was going very smoothly as of now. Although there were many events yet to come, her leisurely life afterwards was still a blur. For now, she was focused on the present.


"To be honest..." she smiled, sheepishly. "I'm not actually sure. But I would like to write books as a pastime, at least."

"Oh, that's a nice goal!" Isabella said with enthusiasm. Even so, it was rather a known fact that not many nobles seemed to immerse themselves in reading fiction. Irene knew that if she were to take up her dream of becoming an author again, it would be unlikely that people would actually read her work.

Books in this world were more for recording and passing on knowledge, rather than for leisurely enjoyment. Only researchers or students who needed the wisdom of great scholars, would find themselves reading. That, or noble children with their fairy tales and picture books.

Many common people were also illiterate, which made books exclusive to only the elite.

But Irene didn't want to let that be a reason to stop writing. Even if it meant she would be doing something else in the future, she wasn't going to let go of her favourite passion.

Even if no one else reads them, it's alright! I'll just write for myself!

"It would be fun if I could read your work one day," Isabella giggled softly. "Whenever you finish a story, let me be the first to read, okay?"

Irene felt a small smile on her face, happy to know that in unlike her previous life, she had someone to support her. "Alright! I look forward to your reactions!"

Just then, a head of light, silvery hair peeked at the two from amidst a patch of trees, and Irene jolted at the sight. Rayvis, who had just stepped out of his training, came by to visit with a wooden sword laying on his shoulders. His gloved hand at the hilt, he stepped down the stone pathway towards them.

"Rene! How's it going?" He asked, blue eyes shimmering under the sunlight. As his long bangs swayed over his lashes. Rayvis' clothes were loose and slightly disheveled from his training. Nothing too out of the ordinary for him though.

Before she could respond, Rayvis' eyes glanced toward Isabella, who was sat at the table opposite his sister. "Oh, we have a guest?" His eyebrows raised slightly, as he came a little closer to his sister.


"Ah, yes. This is my new friend and the daughter of Duke Einfred, Isabella," Irene took the opportunity to stand up, and introduce them to each other. "Isabella, this is my older brother, Rayvis."

Isabella gazed up at the boy in front of her, who appeared to be a few years older than them. His gentle smile was rather charming and although their features differed slightly, she could see the close resemblance between the siblings.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Rayvis." She smiled, bowing politely.

"You as well, I hope you're having a pleasant time here," He responded kindly, bowing in return, before casting a rather mischievous look toward his little sister. "I never knew my little Rene had it in her, to make friends with such a pretty young lady."

Irene scowled at him petulantly. "What?! Of course I can make friends!"

Rayvis closed an eye, feigning ignorance. "Oh really?~ For someone who's always busy reading or playing with her brother, I didn't know you had that skill."

This kid! He's starting to poke fun at me now that he's closer to puberty, is he?? I'll show him!

Irene kicked her brother viciously under the table, although it didn't hurt him one bit. He only grasped his shin while bursting out into a peal of laughter. "Was that supposed to hurt? Hahaha— I've hurt more from papercuts than that!"

"Rayvis! Please stop being annoying and just go back to training!" Irene wailed.

"Okay okay! Haha, I'll stop-"

Isabella couldn't help but giggle at the open friendship between these siblings. It seems that Sir Rayvis is just as candid as his sister... She thought. As she watched Irene push her brother back in the direction he came from, the young man glanced back at her with mischievous sapphire eyes.

"Till next time, Miss Isabella!" He waved goodbye with a bright smile. The hazel-haired girl held her breath for a second, as she took in his handsome and appealing visage.

Something about the way his silver hair shone like silk threads in the sunlight, and the way those blue orbs reflected the radiance of a shimmering lake, made her heart pause. It was in that moment, his words from earlier suddenly reverberated through her mind.

"A pretty young lady" was what he called me... Right? She swallowed, suddenly realising her cheeks had become warm. Somehow, I feel a little embarrassed... As she lifted a hand slowly to wave back, Rayvis disappeared into the distance, and an exhausted Irene came trudging back with a sigh.

"Please ignore that embarrassing brother of mine... He's usually more mature than that." Irene frowned, as Isabella snapped back into reality, shaking off the trance she found herself in for a moment.

"He seems like a nice person," Isabella chuckled, as she turned her attention back to her friend. "It seems he cares much about you. I admire your closeness."

She couldn't hold in her giggles as she remembered their bickering from earlier, and although Irene felt a bit embarrassed, she was happy to see Isabella smile.

Unlike in the original novel, where Rayvis was initially on guard and sceptical towards Isabella, the two had a better first encounter today. Originally, he doubted Isabella as a woman with ill intent towards Daniel, his closest friend and master at the time. Maybe it was because they would only meet when Isabella was sixteen.

But as time passed and he realised she was a kind person, Rayvis too, had accepted Isabella as the prince's lover - and as the only one fit to be by his side.

Irene was glad that Rayvis wasn't in a position where he would doubt every person he first met anymore. My brother grew up well... But he's growing up too fast. She couldn't help but smile.

It wasn't long till she and Isabella continued on from where they had left off, in their vast number of conversations. As she enjoyed the time she spent together with her new friend, a warm feeling spread in her chest.

I hope that these peaceful days will last forever...

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