《The Author's Will》08 | Newborn


Over the next several months, Rudien's soft spot for Irene had become increasingly conspicuous to those working in the Cherliann Manor. It had even reached the ears of Sarah and Rayvis, who were equally bewildered about the news.

Then again, it was starting to make sense. Why all of a sudden, the duke had Irene called to his office almost every day. Although initially uncomfortable by it, Irene herself had grown used to seeing her father so often. It did amuse her, though — how she went from not seeing him for six months straight, to being around him almost all the time.

Eventually, both Sarah and Rayvis were starting to feel rather agitated by it. It was as if the duke was only acknowledging Irene, and completely leaving his wife and son in the dark. At least, that was what Irene thought.

What if they start to hate me because of this? She would constantly worry, every time her father came to get her. At some point, he would collect her from her nursery personally, even while Sarah and Rayvis were there.

And the baby herself, could tell that the relationship between her parents was still souring. She had hoped that her father revealing a kind side, would make him open to his wife as well.

But boy, was I wrong.

"Rene is almost one year old now, right?" Rayvis giggled, as he sat with his sister in his arms, reading a picture book to her. "There's only three months until she's one!" Even though he himself was only four, he seemed to enjoy playing the mature older brother role who would take care of his little sister.

Sarah chuckled, situated at the emerald chesterfield armchair beside them. She had been embroidering a handkerchief, while watching over her children. "There's still some time left, honey," she smiled. "Your birthday has to come first, remember?"

"Ah - right! I'm going to be five!" Little Rayvis giggled, as Irene attempted to turn around and face her brother. As she babbled playfully, her brother smiled down at her. "Rene! What will you be giving me for my birthday?"


"Way!" She exclaimed, in attempt to say her brother's name. But it seemed her tiny body was still unable to pronounce R's. It was then her brother laughed as she started to kiss - or rather, nibble on his cheek.

"It seems Rene will be giving you the best gift of all," Sarah chuckled, setting her work down on a circular table at her side, before heading over and picking Irene up swiftly. "Although, maybe you shouldn't bite people's cheeks anymore - it might hurt."

Just then, the door of Irene's room opened, and in stepped in a familiar, tall and imposing man. Rudien entered with a small sigh, noticing Sarah and Rayvis were all over his precious daughter.

"Oh, it's Father," Rayvis said, but his tone was rather petulant. "Are you here to take Irene again?"

Rudien nodded, before turning to his wife, who was holding onto Irene rather protectively, and even turning away from her husband. The baby in her arms stared up at her mother in wonderment, but had a feeling she knew what was going to transpire.

"You spend so much time with Irene, have you simply forgotten about us?" Sarah spoke rather coldly, and Irene gulped.

Crap... I hope they don't start fighting...

The duke's been giving me all of his attention without sparing any for them... It's understandable Mother would react this way...

"Forgotten about you? Are we going to have this discussion again, Sarah?" Rudien sighed, lifting a hand up to his head. "Hand her over."

"No," Sarah refused almost immediately, which took Irene by surprise. She straight up said no to the most dangerous man in the whole empire. Wow, she's so fearless...

"You always hog Irene all to yourself, when you didn't even care about her before. As her mother, I'll be wanting to spend time with her even more!"

...Wait, so that was her issue?

She wasn't mad about the duke paying her no attention - but the fact that he kept taking me away?

Irene felt a feeling of warmth inside her chest, clutching onto her mother's soft dress. Her sweet, flowery scent was refreshing, compared to the cologne her father would use. Even she had to admit, it was starting to become a bit much, how often Rudien would bring her over.


"That's right, Father!" Rayvis protested, alongside his mother. "Irene is our family too! It's unfair that you keep her all to yourself."

Ah... This brother and mother of mine...

I think I want to stay with them this time...

Rudien, who seemed slightly irritated, crossed his arms. And behind him, stood Eirwen, watching this whole family drama play out with a strained smile. Irene couldn't help but want to sigh. Same, Eirwen. Same.

"Well then, it appears we have a disagreement. How about we take this to my office and discuss a schedule of how we can all spend time with Irene, in a fair manner?" Rudien proposed, and Irene was completely bewildered.

Eirwen too, in that moment, became increasingly annoyed. This duke! What a ridiculous thing to propose to your own family!

He's going to be the death of me...

"Very well. Let us discuss it until we come to an agreement." Sarah then accepted, which made Irene want to slap her head. These parents of hers were incredibly stubborn, it was no wonder the original Irene would end up just the same later on.

But just as Rudien and Sarah were about to head out of the room, Eirwen paused them. "E-Excuse my interruption, my lord-" he began, and Irene could see the sweat trickling down his face. "But wouldn't there be a better way to solve this?"

"Hm? And what would that be?" Rudien asked, eyeing his secretary clinically.

"W-Well..." Eirwen swallowed, averting his gaze away from the intimidating duke. "Wouldn't it be a better idea to spend time with everyone, together as a family? Rather than splitting it up... It may be a healthier option for the young miss, as well."

Thank the lord, finally someone gets me!

Eirwen, I will forever be greatful to you for stating the obvious in my stead!

Since this family is so stubborn!

The room fell into silence, as though both the duke and duchess were considering the idea. Sarah did want to spend time with her husband before, but now he was just an annoyance. And Rudien never really saw Sarah as someone as precious to him as Irene was.

In this awkward silence, Irene decided to try showing some excitement toward the idea. "Hwaaay!" She exclaimed, her arms in the air and her smile wide. She giggled at the idea, which made it even harder for the parents to refuse.

"That is... the more logical option, I suppose," Rudien sighed, giving in. He then turned to his wife, and stepped toward her. "Very well. Let us all spend time together."

Sarah, who was surprised by the Duke's sudden proposal, awkwardly agreed. Her cheeks had faintly been tinted in pink, and Irene smiled. It seems my mother is still taken by my father. This should be a good way to finally get them to talk.

And I have Eirwen, an absolute genius, to thank for that!

Rayvis didn't seem very opposed by the idea, either. Irene had thought he was someone who would crave the love of his father, but it appeared he didn't actually care too much about Rudien. Perhaps because Sarah's love was always so abundant, Rayvis never really felt he needed his father.

As long as he was able to stay with Irene, the boy was satisfied.

Eventually, the family decided to go and spend time together in the flower house of the manor — a place Irene hadn't been to yet. It was a beautiful, gigantic glass dome with endless seasonal plants, flowers and trees of all kinds. There was even and indoor pond and waterfall - the soft sound of pristine water trickling into a pool of vibrant carps, relaxed the baby's tensions.

This is my first time ever spending time with my family all at once. Irene thought, as she was placed into a high chair around a circular table for tea parties. I wonder how it'll go.

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